Elton John - Rocket Man Lyrics | SongMeanings
', 'While
', 'I
', 'agree
', 'with
', 'the
', 'comparison
', 'to
', 'a
', 'blue
', 'collar
', 'job,
', 'I
', 'have
', 'a
', 'different
', 'take
', 'on
', 'a
', 'few
', 'things.I
', "don't
", 'think
', 'he
', 'is
', 'so
', 'much
', 'disillusioned
', 'with
', 'his
', 'job,
', 'after
', 'all
', 'he
', 'does
', 'say
', '"I\'m
', 'a
', 'Rocket
', 'Man"
', 'with
', 'some
', 'pride.Rather
', 'than
', 'burning
', 'out
', 'his
', 'fuse
', 'referring
', 'to
', 'being
', 'burnt
', 'out
', 'with
', 'the
', 'way
', 'he
', 'feels
', 'about
', 'his
', 'job,
', 'I
', 'think
', 'it
', 'is
', 'more
', 'a
', '"spacey"
', 'reference
', 'to
', 'burning
', 'your
', 'candle
', 'at
', 'both
', 'ends.I
', 'think
', 'the
', 'song
', 'is
', 'about
', 'how
', 'he
', 'is
', 'doing
', 'everything
', 'he
', 'can
', 'to
', 'make
', 'life
', 'better
', 'for
', 'his
', 'family,
', 'by
', 'working
', 'at
', 'a
', 'job
', 'that
', 'takes
', 'him
', 'away
', 'from
', 'them
', 'for
', 'extended
', 'periods.This
', 'is
', 'the
', 'case
', 'with
', 'many
', 'blue
', 'collar
', 'workers,
', 'especially
', 'truck
', 'drivers
', 'and
', 'oil
', 'field
', 'personnel.They
', 'could
', 'relocate
', 'their
', 'family
', 'to
', 'be
', 'closer
', 'to
', 'where
', 'they
', 'work,
', 'but
', 'the
', 'place
', 'is
', 'inhospitable
', 'and
', 'not
', 'really
', 'something
', 'they
', 'want
', 'their
', 'kids
', 'around.
', 'There
', 'are
', 'a
', 'lot
', 'of
', 'people
', 'who
', 'commute
', 'long
', 'distances
', 'because
', 'they
', 'would
', 'rather
', 'their
', 'kids
', 'grew
', 'up
', 'in
', 'the
', 'suburbs
', 'or
', 'the
', 'country
', 'rather
', 'than
', 'in
', 'the
', 'city,
', 'which
', 'many
', 'people
', 'feel
', 'is
', 'cold
', 'and
', 'impersonal.Rather
', 'than
', 'sucking
', 'out
', 'his
', 'soul,
', 'I
', 'think
', 'he
', 'takes
', 'pride
', 'in
', 'his
', 'work."I\'m
', 'not
', 'the
', 'man
', 'they
', 'think
', 'I
', 'am
', 'at
', 'home".
', 'I
', 'think
', 'home
', "isn't
", 'his
', 'house,
', 'his
', 'family,
', 'but
', 'rather
', 'his
', 'hometown
', 'and
', 'the
', 'people
', 'he
', 'grew
', 'up
', 'with.Many
', 'people
', 'refer
', 'to
', 'the
', 'place
', 'and
', 'people
', 'they
', 'knew
', 'in
', 'school
', 'as
', '"home".
', 'A
', 'lot
', 'of
', 'people
', 'view
', 'most
', 'blue
', 'collar
', 'workers
', 'as
', 'not
', 'being
', 'smart
', 'or
', 'skilled
', 'enough
', 'to
', 'get
', 'a
', 'better
', 'job.
', 'They
', "don't
", 'see
', 'how
', 'someone
', 'could
', 'possibly
', 'enjoy
', 'that
', 'work.Their
', 'perception
', 'is
', 'that
', 'he
', 'is
', 'stuck
', 'in
', 'a
', 'menial
', 'job,
', 'and
', 'that
', 'he
', 'is
', 'a
', 'bad
', 'father/husband
', 'because
', 'he
', 'is
', 'gone
', 'so
', 'much
', 'from
', 'home.However
', 'he
', 'is
', 'pointing
', 'out
', 'that
', 'he
', "isn't
", 'the
', 'man
', 'they
', 'think
', 'he
', 'is.
', 'He
', 'his
', 'job
', 'and
', 'takes
', 'pride
', 'in
', 'the
', 'fact
', 'that
', 'even
', 'though
', 'he
', 'is
', 'gone
', 'from
', 'his
', 'family
', 'so
', 'much,
', 'that
', 'he
', 'is
', 'building
', 'a
', 'better
', 'life
', 'for
', 'them.
', 'He
', 'is
', 'sacrificing
', 'the
', 'time
', 'he
', 'could
', 'be
', 'spending
', 'with
', 'them
', 'so
', 'that
', 'they
', 'can
', 'grow
', 'up
', 'in
', 'a
', 'better
', "place.There's
", 'no
', 'one
', 'there
', 'to
', 'raise
', 'them,
', 'I
', 'think,
', 'refers
', 'to
', 'the
', 'fact
', 'that
', 'during
', 'this
', 'period
', 'many
', 'families
', 'stayed
', 'in
', 'the
', 'same
', 'area,
', 'with
', 'the
', 'grandparents
', 'and
', 'relatives
', 'taking
', 'an
', 'active
', 'role
', 'in
', 'helping
', 'to
', '"raise"
', 'the
', 'kids.
', 'If
', 'they
', 'were
', 'to
', 'move
', 'closer
', 'to
', 'where
', 'he
', 'worked,
', 'where
', 'they
', 'could
', 'be
', 'together
', 'all
', 'the
', 'time,
', 'then
', 'they
', 'would
', 'be
', 'away
', 'from
', 'that
', 'influence.He
', 'would
', 'rather
', 'they
', 'were
', 'around
', 'those
', 'who
', 'could
', 'help
', 'raise
', 'them
', 'into
', 'good
', 'people,
', 'rather
', 'than
', 'be
', 'isolated
', 'in
', 'a
', 'place
', 'that
', 'was
', 'cold
', 'and
', 'unwelcoming.I
', 'also
', 'think
', 'that
', 'he
', 'realizes
', 'that
', 'it
', 'will
', 'be
', 'a
', 'long,
', 'long
', 'time,
', 'if
', 'ever,
', 'before
', 'he
', 'is
', 'able
', 'to
', 'convince
', 'the
', 'people
', '"at
', 'home"
', '(from
', 'his
', 'hometown)
', 'that
', 'he
', "isn't
", 'just
', 'someone
', 'stuck
', 'in
', 'a
', 'menial
', 'job
', 'that
', 'leaves
', 'his
', 'family,
', 'but
', 'that
', 'he
', 'is
', 'much
', 'better
', 'than
', 'that.But
', 'he
', 'hopes
', 'with
', 'each
', '"touchdown",
', 'or
', 'return
', 'back,
', 'that
', 'they
', 'will
', 'finally
', '"get
', 'it".Also
', 'I
', 'think
', 'the
', 'fact
', 'that
', 'his
', 'wife
', 'packed
', 'his
', 'backs
', 'before
', 'he
', 'left
', 'shows
', 'how
', 'close
', 'they
', 'are.Remember
', 'that
', 'during
', 'the
', 'time
', 'this
', 'was
', 'written,
', 'it
', 'was
', 'pretty
', 'common
', 'for
', 'the
', 'wife
', 'to
', 'pack
', 'her
', 'husband
', 'a
', 'lunch
', 'for
', 'work,
', 'or
', 'to
', 'pack
', 'his
', 'suitcase
', 'before
', 'he
', 'left
', 'for
', 'an
', 'extended
', 'period
', 'of
', 'time.She
', 'is
', 'being
', 'supportive
', 'and
', 'understanding,
', 'knowing
', 'that
', 'he
', 'is
', 'doing
', 'what
', 'he
', 'feels
', 'he
', 'needs
', 'to
', 'in
', 'order
', 'to
', 'support
', 'the
', 'family.I
', 'think
', 'this
', 'song
', 'is
', 'really
', 'less
', 'about
', 'him
', 'being
', 'burnt
', 'out
', 'and
', 'more
', 'about
', 'his
', 'frustration
', 'that
', 'he
', "can't
", 'get
', 'others
', 'to
', 'see
', 'that
', 'he
', 'really
', 'is
', 'a
', 'good
', 'person,
', 'husband
', 'and
', 'provider.
', 'And
', 'that
', 'he
', 'really
', 'enjoys
', 'what
', 'he
', 'is
', 'doing.
', 'Just
', 'like
', 'some
', 'truck
', 'drivers/oil
', 'workers/garbage
', 'men
', 'really
', 'do
', 'enjoy
', 'their
', 'jobs.It
', 'is
', 'more
', 'upbeat
', 'than
', 'a
', 'lot
', 'of
', 'people
', 'give
', 'it
', 'credit
', 'for.
', 'Chervil
', 'on
', 'March
', '27,
', '2015
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