Home > Rocket > Pokémon GO: How To Get And Use A Super Rocket Radar

Pokémon GO: How To Get And Use A Super Rocket Radar

how to get super rocket radar
habboin 07/11/2021 Rocket 3114
Team GO Rocket has returned to Pokémon GO, and this time, they've got hot air balloons.Team GO Rocket has been a part of Pokémon GO since 2019. However, the franchise's villainous organization has reg...

Team GO Rocket has returned to Pokémon GO, and this time, they've got hot air balloons.

Team GO Rocket has been a part of Pokémon GO since 2019. However, the franchise's villainous organization has regrouped and returned via hot air balloons. Although some of Rocket's Grunts remain at PokéStops, players can now interact and battle its members when they see a balloon hovering above them just by clicking on it.

The Grunts looking to do battle also include Team Rocket OGs Jessie and James, which is kinda cool. As for progressing through its members and battling stronger employees of Team Rocket, that will require players to obtain a Rocket Radar, and then a Super Rocket Radar. Grunts will drop Components when defeated, and it takes six to create a full Rocket Radar.

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via Eurogamer

Players can then use that Radar to find Rocket hideouts and battle its three leaders. Getting your hands on a Super Rocket Radar is a little trickier. Trainers will need to complete all three levels of the battle-themed timed research, and that time is running out. At 10 pm local time on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, the timed research will disappear. Players who don't have a Super Rocket Radar by then will need to seek out a different way to get their hands on one.

To complete the research, trainers need to do little more than battle and defeat members of Team Rocket. Other challenges include rescuing and purifying Shadow Pokémon, which should go hand-in-hand with defeating Team Rocket. Once all nine tasks across all three levels of research have been completed, a Super Rocket Radar will be obtained and activated.

Trainers will need that Radar to complete the elite level of timed research which will now have been unlocked. As suggested by the respective Team Leaders, the advanced Radar will highlight Rocket HQ, which means if trainers can find it, they can do battle with Team GO Rocket leader, Giovanni. One of the elite research challenges is to defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss, so the Radar is needed to find him. Since those challenges won't be unlocked until stage three of the timed research is done, there shouldn't be a situation where a trainer is trying to complete that task without a Super Rocket Radar.

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About The AuthorJosh Coulson(2823 Articles Published)

Josh has been gaming for as long as he can remember. That love began with a mild childhood addiction to the Sega Genesis, or Mega Drive since he lives in the UK. Back then, Sonic 2 quickly became his favorite game and as you might have guessed from his picture, the franchise has remained close to his heart ever since. Nowadays, he splits his time between his PS4 and his Switch and spends far too much time playing Fortnite. If you're a fan of gaming, wrestling, and soccer, give him a follow on Twitter @BristolBeadz.

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