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how fast is a rocket ship
habboin 28/12/2021 Rocket 2427
How long does it take a rocket ship to get tothemoon, and how fast will the rocket be going? Question Date: 2008-01-10Answer 1:A rocket ship, on its way to the moon, can getup to almost 25,000miles pe...
How long does it take a rocket ship to get tothemoon, and how fast will the rocket be going? Question Date: 2008-01-10Answer 1:

A rocket ship, on its way to the moon, can getup to almost 25,000miles per hour in order toescape the Earth's atmosphere.However, itdoesnot go that fast the whole way. Also, the shipcannot flydirectly from the Earth straight tothe moon surface.When it gets tothe moon, therocket needs to fly around and figure out a goodspot toland.The first mission to stop on themoon with astronauts on it,Apollo 11, landedabout four days after leaving the Earth surface.

Note: According to Wikipedia, Apollo 11launched on 16 July 1969, landed on the moon 20July, and returned to Earth on 24 July. The crewspent approximately two hours on the Lunarsurface.

Answer 2:

I believe I remember reading that the Saturn Vrocket took around four days to make the trip to themoon. The moon is about 384,000 km from Earth. Youdo the math.

(The number I amgetting in my head is a little less than onekilometer per second, or about 3,000 km/h, orabout 2,000 mi/h)

I think that the Chineseare planning on repeating this particularexperiment. We will see what they come up with.The Soviets tried it, but never made it.

Answer 3:

The whole area of space travel, and all theresearch and missions carried out by NASA arereally interesting. There is a lot of material youcan read on these topics, I am sure your locallibrary has more than just a few books. You mightwant to ask them.

I'll use the firstsuccessful mission to take men to the moon toanswer your question. It took Apollo 11, that'sthe spaceship that carried Neil Armstrong, MichaelCollins and Buzz Aldrin to the moon in 1969, 4days 6 hours and 45 minutes to get to the moon.They took off from the Kennedy Space Center inFlorida at 1:32 pm on 7/16/1969, and the lunarmodule landed on the moon at 8:17 pm on 7/20/1969.The speed needed for Apollo 11 to break free ofthe Earth's gravitational field was about 7 milesper second.

Apollo 10, a spaceship that onlyorbited the moon in 1969 holds the record for thehighest speed attained by a manned vehicle with11.08 km/s (24,791mph).

Thanks for thisreally interesting question.

Answer 4:

The rockets that took the Apollo astronauts tothe moon in 1969 took a whole day to get to themoon, and another day to get back.

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