What level is a corner of the universe? – AnswersToAll
', 'of
', 'Contents
', '1
', 'What
', 'level
', 'is
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', '2
', 'Where
', 'does
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe
', 'take
', 'place?
', '3
', 'What
', 'genre
', 'is
', 'the
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', '4
', 'What
', 'happened
', 'to
', 'Adam
', 'in
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', '5
', 'What
', 'is
', 'the
', 'theme
', 'of
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', '6
', 'Does
', 'Adam
', 'die
', 'in
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', '7
', 'Who
', 'is
', 'Adam
', 'in
', 'the
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', '8
', 'Who
', 'dies
', 'in
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', '9
', 'What
', 'is
', 'the
', 'plot
', 'of
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'What
', 'level
', 'is
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'A
', 'Corner
', 'Of
', 'The
', 'Universe
', '(Newbery
', 'Honor
', 'Book)
', 'Interest
', 'Level
', 'Reading
', 'Level
', 'Word
', 'Count
', 'Grades
', '9
', '–
', '12
', 'Grades
', '3
', '–
', '8
', '42500
', 'Where
', 'does
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe
', 'take
', 'place?
', 'Plot.
', 'The
', 'summer
', 'of
', '1960
', 'is
', 'a
', 'season
', 'that
', 'the
', 'novel’s
', 'narrator
', 'and
', 'protagonist,
', '11-almost-12-year-old
', 'Hattie
', 'Owen,
', 'expects
', 'to
', 'be
', 'as
', 'comfortably
', 'uneventful
', 'as
', 'all
', 'the
', 'others
', 'had
', 'been
', 'in
', 'her
', 'small,
', 'tranquil
', 'town
', 'of
', 'Millerton,
', 'Pennsylvania.
', 'What
', 'genre
', 'is
', 'the
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'Children’s
', 'literatureNovelFictionA
', 'Corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Universe/Genres
', 'What
', 'happened
', 'to
', 'Adam
', 'in
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'Towards
', 'the
', 'end
', 'of
', 'the
', 'story,
', 'Adam
', 'kills
', 'himself.
', 'Adam
', 'had
', 'fallen
', 'in
', 'love
', 'with
', 'Angel
', 'Valentine,
', 'a
', 'young
', 'women
', 'who
', 'was
', 'living
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Owen’s
', 'boardinghouse.
', 'Adam’s
', 'family
', 'searches
', 'for
', 'him
', 'for
', 'hours,
', 'but
', 'the
', 'police
', 'finally
', 'find
', 'him
', 'dead.
', 'Adam
', 'had
', 'hanged
', 'himself
', 'behind
', 'Nana
', 'and
', 'Papa’s
', 'shed.
', 'What
', 'is
', 'the
', 'theme
', 'of
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'The
', 'theme
', 'centers
', 'around
', 'love,
', 'compassion
', 'and
', 'a
', 'willingness
', 'to
', 'take
', 'a
', 'stand
', 'against
', 'society
', 'stereotyping.
', 'Hattie’s
', 'grandparents
', 'are
', 'embarrassed
', 'by
', 'Uncle
', 'Adam’s
', 'unconventional
', 'behavior,
', 'and
', 'community
', 'members
', 'treat
', 'him
', 'like
', 'an
', 'outcast.
', 'Does
', 'Adam
', 'die
', 'in
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'The
', 'climax
', 'of
', 'the
', 'story
', 'is
', 'Adam’s
', 'death
', 'and
', 'his
', 'funeral.
', 'Towards
', 'the
', 'end
', 'of
', 'the
', 'story,
', 'Adam
', 'kills
', 'himself.
', 'Adam
', 'had
', 'fallen
', 'in
', 'love
', 'with
', 'Angel
', 'Valentine,
', 'a
', 'young
', 'women
', 'who
', 'was
', 'living
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Owen’s
', 'boardinghouse.
', 'Adam’s
', 'family
', 'searches
', 'for
', 'him
', 'for
', 'hours,
', 'but
', 'the
', 'police
', 'finally
', 'find
', 'him
', 'dead.
', 'Who
', 'is
', 'Adam
', 'in
', 'the
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'Adam
', 'Mercer
', 'is
', 'Hattie’s
', 'uncle.
', 'He
', 'is
', '21
', 'years
', 'old
', 'and
', 'is
', 'mentally
', 'disabled.
', 'Adam’s
', 'parents
', '(Hattie’s
', 'grandparents)
', 'sent
', 'him
', 'away
', 'to
', 'a
', 'special
', 'school
', 'when
', 'he
', 'was
', 'a
', 'young
', 'child.
', 'Adam
', 'comes
', 'home
', 'for
', 'the
', 'summer
', 'because
', 'his
', 'school
', 'closed,
', 'and
', 'he
', 'needs
', 'a
', 'place
', 'to
', 'live.
', 'Who
', 'dies
', 'in
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'The
', 'climax
', 'of
', 'the
', 'story
', 'is
', 'Adam’s
', 'death
', 'and
', 'his
', 'funeral.
', 'Towards
', 'the
', 'end
', 'of
', 'the
', 'story,
', 'Adam
', 'kills
', 'himself.
', 'Adam
', 'had
', 'fallen
', 'in
', 'love
', 'with
', 'Angel
', 'Valentine,
', 'a
', 'young
', 'women
', 'who
', 'was
', 'living
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Owen’s
', 'boardinghouse.
', 'One
', 'day,
', 'Adam
', 'arrives
', 'at
', 'the
', 'boardinghouse
', 'with
', 'flowers
', 'for
', 'Angel.
', 'What
', 'is
', 'the
', 'plot
', 'of
', 'a
', 'corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe?
', 'A
', 'Corner
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Universe,
', 'set
', 'in
', '1960,
', 'brings
', 'us
', 'Hattie
', 'Owen,
', 'an
', 'almost-12-year-old
', 'who
', 'lives
', 'in
', 'the
', 'fictional
', 'town
', 'of
', 'Millerton.
', 'Hattie
', 'narrates
', 'this
', 'poignant
', 'story
', 'of
', 'truth,
', 'lies
', 'and
', 'one
', 'family’s
', 'struggle
', 'to
', 'cope
', 'with
', 'a
', 'mentally
', 'ill
', 'relative.
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