Grados y programas - Universidad de Emory
', '&
', 'Programs
', 'Emory
', 'University
', 'website
', 'breadcrumbs
', 'Home
', 'Academics
', 'Degrees
', '&
', 'Programs
', 'Emory’s
', 'pursuit
', 'of
', 'a
', 'better
', 'world
', 'is
', 'at
', 'the
', 'core
', 'of
', 'our
', 'multidisciplinary
', 'programs.
', 'Teaching,
', 'research,
', 'and
', 'service
', 'drive
', 'our
', 'faculty
', 'members
', 'to
', 'help
', 'students
', 'achieve
', 'their
', 'goals
', 'in
', 'a
', 'diverse
', 'intellectual
', 'community.
', 'Search
', 'Degrees
', '&
', 'Programs
', 'Search
', 'Keywords
', 'Academic
', 'Filters
', 'Degree
', 'Select...
', 'AA
', 'ABSN
', 'BA
', 'BA/BS
', '+
', 'BSN
', 'BA/MA
', 'BA/MPH
', 'BBA
', 'BMSc
', 'BS
', 'BS/MA
', 'BS/MPH
', 'BS/MS
', 'BSE
', 'BSN
', 'DMin
', 'DNP
', 'DPT
', 'DPT/MA
', 'DPT/PhD
', 'EMPH
', 'JD
', 'JD/MA
', 'JD/MBA
', 'JD/MDiv
', 'JD/MPH
', 'JD/MTS
', 'JD/MTS,
', 'JD/MDiv
', 'JD/PhD
', 'JM
', 'JM/MBA
', 'JM/MBA,
', 'JD/MBA
', 'LLM
', 'MA
', 'MA/DPT
', 'MA/JD
', 'MA/MD
', 'MA/MPH
', 'MA/MSN
', 'MBA
', 'MBA/JD
', 'MBA/JM
', 'MBA/MD
', 'MBA/MDiv
', 'MCL
', 'MD
', 'MD/MA
', 'MD/MBA
', 'MD/MPH
', 'MD/PhD
', 'MDiv
', 'MDiv/MDP
', 'MDiv/MPH
', 'MDiv/MSW
', 'MDP
', 'MMSc-PA
', 'MN/MSN
', 'MPA
', 'MPH
', 'MPH/BA
', 'MPH/BS
', 'MPH/JD
', 'MPH/JM,
', 'JD/MPH
', 'MPH/MA
', 'MPH/MD
', 'MPH/MDiv
', 'MPH/PhD
', 'MRL
', 'MRPL
', 'MS
', 'MS/PhD
', 'MSBA
', 'MSCR
', 'MSN
', 'MSN/MA
', 'MSPH
', 'MTS
', 'MTS/JD
', 'MTS/MA,
', 'MDiv/MA
', 'MTS/MBA,
', 'MDiv/MBA
', 'MTS/MPH,
', 'MDiv/MPH
', 'PhD
', 'PhD/MS
', 'PhD/DPT
', 'PhD/JD
', 'PhD/MD
', 'PhD/MPH
', 'SJD
', 'ThM
', 'Frequency
', 'Select...
', 'Full-time
', 'Part-time
', 'School
', 'Select...
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'of
', 'Arts
', 'and
', 'Sciences
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'Program
', 'Level
', 'Select...
', "Associate's
", "Bachelor's
", "Master's
", 'Doctorate
', 'Professional
', 'Major
', 'Minor
', '4+1
', 'Program
', 'Certificate
', 'Area
', 'Depth
', 'Concentration
', 'Format
', 'Select...
', 'On
', 'Campus
', 'Online
', 'Controls
', 'Apply
', '4
', 'Search
', 'Results
', 'A–Z
', 'Accelerated
', 'Bachelor
', 'of
', 'Science
', 'in
', 'Nursing
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'The
', 'Accelerated
', 'BSN
', 'program
', 'is
', 'a
', 'full-time,
', 'campus-based
', 'program
', 'that
', 'allows
', 'students
', 'to
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'BSN
', 'in
', '15
', 'months.
', 'Only
', 'students
', 'with
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degrees
', 'in
', 'other
', 'disciplines
', 'are
', 'eligible
', 'for
', 'this
', 'program.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Accounting
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Accounting
', 'is
', 'a
', 'primary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA.
', 'The
', 'accounting
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'gives
', 'students
', 'fluency
', 'in
', 'financial
', 'reporting,
', 'the
', 'legal
', 'environment,
', 'and
', 'taxation,
', 'and
', 'it
', 'gives
', 'students
', 'critical
', 'skills
', 'to
', 'help
', 'them
', 'make
', 'complex
', 'decisions
', 'in
', 'an
', 'ever-changing
', 'environment.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Accounting
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'doctoral
', 'program
', 'in
', 'accounting
', 'examines
', 'the
', 'production
', 'and
', 'use
', 'of
', 'information
', 'through
', 'the
', 'lens
', 'of
', 'theories
', 'adapted
', 'from
', 'the
', 'social
', 'sciences,
', 'especially
', 'economics
', 'and
', 'psychology.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Adult-Gerontology
', 'Acute
', 'Care
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'This
', 'MSN
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'nurses
', 'to
', 'provide
', 'advanced
', 'practice
', 'in
', 'acute
', 'care
', 'settings
', 'through
', 'a
', 'program
', 'of
', 'study
', 'focused
', 'on
', 'the
', 'care
', 'of
', 'acutely
', 'ill
', 'patients
', 'and
', 'complex
', 'chronically
', 'ill
', 'patients
', 'and
', 'their
', 'families
', 'in
', 'high
', 'acuity
', 'specialty
', 'areas
', 'including
', 'critical
', 'care,
', 'trauma
', 'surgery,
', 'general
', 'surgery,
', 'plastic
', 'surgery,
', 'and
', 'hospital
', 'medicine.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Adult-Gerontology
', 'Primary
', 'Care
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Our
', 'MSN
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'nurses
', 'for
', 'advanced
', 'practice
', 'through
', 'a
', 'course
', 'of
', 'study
', 'focused
', 'on
', 'the
', 'primary
', 'care
', 'of
', 'patients
', 'and
', 'their
', 'families
', 'from
', 'adolescence
', 'through
', 'end
', 'of
', 'life.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'African
', 'American
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'African
', 'American
', 'Studies
', 'program
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'combines
', 'academic
', 'rigor
', 'with
', 'social
', 'responsibility
', 'to
', 'examine
', 'how
', 'African
', 'Americans
', 'have
', 'helped
', 'shape
', 'the
', 'nation.
', "Emory's
", 'undergraduate
', 'program
', 'was
', 'the
', 'first
', 'of
', 'its
', 'kind
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Southeast,
', 'embracing
', "Atlanta's
", 'roots
', 'as
', 'the
', 'birthplace
', 'of
', 'the
', 'civil
', 'rights
', 'movement.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'African
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'African
', 'studies
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'the
', 'histories,
', 'societies,
', 'and
', 'cultures
', 'of
', 'the
', 'peoples
', 'of
', 'Africa.
', "You'll
", 'be
', 'encouraged
', 'to
', 'participate
', 'in
', 'study
', 'or
', 'research
', 'abroad
', 'through
', 'an
', 'internship
', 'or
', 'one
', 'of
', "Emory's
", 'summer,
', 'semester,
', 'or
', 'yearlong
', 'programs
', 'in
', 'Africa
', 'or
', 'London.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'American
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'American
', 'studies
', 'considers
', 'the
', 'patterns
', 'of
', 'American
', 'culture
', 'as
', 'they
', 'have
', 'changed
', 'over
', 'time.
', 'Explore
', 'the
', 'particular
', 'experiences
', 'of
', 'Americans
', 'from
', 'different
', 'regions,
', 'social
', 'classes,
', 'races,
', 'ethnicities,
', 'genders,
', 'and
', 'national
', 'backgrounds.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Analytic
', 'Consulting
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Analytic
', 'consulting
', 'is
', 'a
', 'secondary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA.
', 'It
', 'exposes
', 'students
', 'to
', 'a
', 'rigorous
', 'analysis
', 'of
', 'business
', 'from
', 'multiple
', 'functional
', 'perspectives
', 'and
', 'prepares
', 'them
', 'to
', 'holistically
', 'address
', 'business
', 'problems
', 'and
', 'make
', 'meaningful
', 'recommendations.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Ancient
', 'Mediterranean
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Ancient
', 'Mediterranean
', 'studies
', 'emphasizes
', 'the
', 'interconnections
', 'of
', 'the
', 'ancient
', 'cultures
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Near
', 'East,
', 'Egypt,
', 'Greece,
', 'and
', 'Rome.
', 'Courses
', 'highlight
', 'the
', 'exchange
', 'of
', 'artifacts
', 'and
', 'ideas
', 'throughout
', 'Mediterranean
', 'history.
', "You'll
", 'have
', 'the
', 'option
', 'to
', 'spend
', 'time
', 'abroad
', 'participating
', 'in
', 'archaeological
', 'projects
', 'or
', 'in
', 'other
', 'Emory
', 'programs
', 'in
', 'Israel,
', 'Turkey,
', 'Greece,
', 'and
', 'Italy.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Anesthesiologist
', 'Assistant
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Medical
', 'Science
', 'in
', 'Anesthesiology
', 'program
', 'accepts
', 'qualified
', 'individuals
', 'who
', 'desire
', 'to
', 'undertake
', 'rigorous
', 'didactic
', 'and
', 'clinical
', 'education
', 'in
', 'order
', 'to
', 'become
', 'knowledgeable,
', 'skilled
', 'anesthetists.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Anthropology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Anthropologists
', 'study
', 'what
', 'it
', 'means
', 'to
', 'be
', 'human
', 'and
', 'the
', 'forces
', 'that
', 'affect
', 'our
', 'humanity.
', 'It’s
', 'a
', 'broad
', 'field
', 'relevant
', 'to
', 'many
', 'areas.
', 'At
', 'Emory
', 'we
', 'focus
', 'on
', 'the
', 'intersections
', 'of
', 'many
', 'fields
', 'including
', 'biology,
', 'the
', 'environment,
', 'politics,
', 'economics,
', 'and
', 'religion,
', 'addressing
', 'issues
', 'critical
', 'to
', 'understanding
', 'and
', 'improving
', 'the
', 'human
', 'experience.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Anthropology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Ranked
', 'in
', 'the
', 'top
', '10
', 'of
', 'US
', 'anthropology
', 'departments
', 'by
', 'the
', 'National
', 'Research
', 'Council,
', 'the
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'in
', 'anthropology
', 'places
', 'special
', 'emphasis
', 'on
', 'cultivating
', 'dialogues
', 'and
', 'combinations
', 'of
', 'people,
', 'interests,
', 'and
', 'ideas
', 'that
', 'cross,
', 'connect,
', 'and
', 'transcend
', 'the
', 'field’s
', 'received
', 'subdisciplines.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Anthropology
', 'and
', 'Human
', 'Biology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'program
', 'in
', 'anthropology
', 'and
', 'human
', 'biology
', 'promotes
', 'the
', 'interaction
', 'between
', 'biology
', 'and
', 'culture.
', 'If
', "you're
", 'interested
', 'in
', 'a
', 'pre-med
', 'curriculum,
', 'we
', 'believe
', 'future
', 'physicians
', 'will
', 'benefit
', 'from
', 'exposure
', 'to
', 'several
', 'perspectives
', 'in
', 'anthropology.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Applied
', 'Mathematics
', 'and
', 'Statistics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'applied
', 'mathematics
', 'and
', 'statistics
', 'major
', 'is
', 'for
', 'people
', 'who
', 'love
', 'equations
', 'and
', 'proofs
', 'and
', 'want
', 'to
', 'use
', 'them
', 'to
', 'solve
', 'real-world
', 'problems.
', 'It
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'degree
', 'that
', 'combines
', 'the
', 'strengths
', 'of
', 'Emory’s
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Mathematics
', 'and
', 'the
', 'Institute
', 'for
', 'Quantitative
', 'Theory
', 'and
', 'Methods
', '(QTM).
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Arabic
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Our
', 'Arabic
', 'program
', 'produces
', 'fluent
', 'Arabic
', 'speakers
', 'for
', 'business,
', 'nongovernmental
', 'organizations,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'academic
', 'world.
', 'Focusing
', 'on
', 'language
', 'and
', 'culture,
', 'Emory
', 'provides
', 'opportunities
', 'to
', 'enhance
', 'your
', 'Arabic
', 'studies,
', 'such
', 'as
', 'a
', 'North
', 'African
', 'Studies
', 'summer
', 'program,
', 'an
', 'eight-week
', 'intensive
', 'Arabic
', 'summer
', 'course
', 'at
', 'a
', 'Moroccan
', 'university,
', 'and
', 'semester
', 'abroad
', 'programs.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Architectural
', 'Studies
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Architectural
', 'studies
', 'teaches
', 'students
', 'how
', 'to
', 'analyze,
', 'engage,
', 'and
', 'interpret
', 'information
', 'about
', 'current
', 'and
', 'historical
', 'buildings
', 'and
', 'spaces.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Art
', 'History
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Art
', 'history
', 'teaches
', 'visual
', 'analysis
', 'skills
', 'to
', 'interpret
', 'the
', 'imagery
', 'that
', 'surrounds
', 'you
', 'and
', 'explore
', 'the
', 'works,
', 'meanings,
', 'and
', 'abstract
', 'foundations
', 'of
', 'the
', 'visual
', 'arts.
', 'Study
', 'performance,
', 'construction,
', 'and
', 'installation—as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'painting,
', 'sculpture,
', 'photography,
', 'and
', 'architecture
', 'through
', 'the
', 'perspectives
', 'of
', 'history
', 'and
', 'culture.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Art
', 'History
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Art
', 'History
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'explores
', 'cultural,
', 'formal,
', 'and
', 'theoretical
', 'concerns
', 'central
', 'to
', 'the
', 'visual
', 'arts.
', 'Incoming
', 'classes
', 'are
', 'kept
', 'small
', 'to
', 'ensure
', 'a
', 'close
', 'working
', 'relationship
', 'between
', 'students
', 'and
', 'professors.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Arts
', 'Management
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'The
', 'arts
', 'management
', 'concentration
', 'is
', 'a
', 'collaboration
', 'between
', 'the
', 'Departments
', 'of
', 'Art
', 'History,
', 'Music,
', 'and
', 'Theater
', 'and
', 'Dance
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'the
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'BBA
', 'program,
', 'the
', 'concentration
', 'provides
', 'knowledge,
', 'competencies,
', 'and
', 'experiences
', 'for
', 'BA
', 'and
', 'BBA
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'pursuing
', 'administrative
', 'and
', 'management
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'the
', 'performing
', 'arts.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', "Associate's
", 'Degree
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'earn
', 'an
', 'associate’s
', 'degree
', 'and
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Astronomy
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Astronomy
', 'is
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'stars,
', 'planets,
', 'comets,
', 'and
', 'galaxies
', 'and
', 'other
', 'matter
', 'outside
', 'the
', "Earth's
", 'atmosphere.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BA/BS
', '+
', 'Bachelor
', 'of
', 'Science
', 'in
', 'Nursing
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Students
', 'in
', 'the
', 'BA/BS
', '+
', 'BSN
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'program
', 'attend
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'for
', 'three
', 'years
', 'and
', 'the
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'for
', 'two
', 'years.
', 'Upon
', 'completion
', 'of
', 'the
', 'academic
', 'requirements
', 'of
', 'both
', 'schools,
', 'the
', 'student
', 'will
', 'receive
', 'a
', 'BA
', 'or
', 'BS
', 'from
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'a
', 'BSN
', 'from
', 'the
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BA/BS
', '+
', 'BSN
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Through
', 'this
', 'program,
', 'students
', 'can
', 'attend
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'for
', 'three
', 'years
', 'and
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'for
', 'two
', 'years
', 'and
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'BA
', 'or
', 'BS
', 'and
', 'a
', 'BSN.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BA/BS
', 'and
', 'Juris
', 'Master
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'In
', 'this
', '4+1
', 'program,
', 'students
', 'can
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'BA
', 'or
', 'BS
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'a
', 'juris
', 'master
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'the
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BA/BS
', 'and
', 'MA
', 'in
', 'Bioethics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Through
', 'this
', '4+1
', 'program
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School,
', 'students
', 'can
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'bachelor
', 'of
', 'arts
', 'or
', 'a
', 'bachelor
', 'of
', 'science
', 'degree
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'a
', 'master
', 'of
', 'arts
', 'in
', 'bioethics
', 'in
', 'five
', 'years.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BA/MA
', 'in
', 'English
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'In
', 'this
', '4+1
', 'program,
', 'undergraduate
', 'students
', 'can
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'BA
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'an
', 'MA
', 'in
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'in
', 'five
', 'years.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BA/MA
', 'in
', 'Film
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'In
', 'the
', '4+1
', 'film
', 'studies
', 'program,
', 'undergraduate
', 'students
', 'can
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'BA
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'an
', 'MA
', 'in
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'in
', 'five
', 'years.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BA/MA
', 'or
', 'BS/MS
', 'in
', 'Computer
', 'Science
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'computer
', 'science
', '4+1
', 'program
', 'allows
', 'Emory
', 'undergraduates
', 'to
', 'obtain
', 'a
', 'computer
', 'science
', 'BA/BS
', 'from
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'in
', 'four
', 'years
', 'and
', 'a
', 'computer
', 'science
', 'MS
', 'from
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'in
', 'one
', 'extra
', 'year.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BA/Master
', 'of
', 'Science
', 'in
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Biostatistics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Through
', 'this
', '4+1
', 'program
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health,
', 'students
', 'can
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'bachelor
', 'of
', 'arts
', 'degree
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'College
', '(most
', 'likely
', 'with
', 'a
', 'major
', 'concentration
', 'in
', 'mathematics
', 'and
', 'computer
', 'sciences,)
', 'and
', 'a
', 'master
', 'of
', 'science
', 'in
', 'public
', 'health
', '(MSPH)
', 'in
', 'biostatistics
', 'at
', 'Rollins
', 'in
', 'five
', 'years.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Baptist
', 'Studies
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'Through
', 'the
', 'Baptist
', 'Studies
', 'program,
', 'Candler
', 'master
', 'of
', 'divinity
', 'students
', 'can
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'certificate
', 'in
', 'Baptist
', 'studies,
', 'which
', 'prepares
', 'students
', 'for
', 'ordination
', 'in
', 'Baptist
', 'churches.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BBA
', '/
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Professional
', 'Accounting
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'The
', "bachelor's
", 'of
', 'business
', "administration/master's
", 'in
', 'professional
', 'accounting
', '(BBA/MPA)
', '4+1
', 'degree
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'enable
', 'students
', 'enrolled
', 'in
', 'the
', 'BBA
', 'program
', 'at
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'to
', 'complete
', 'a
', "master's
", 'degree
', 'while
', 'simultaneously
', 'fulfilling
', 'the
', 'requirements
', 'to
', 'sit
', 'for
', 'the
', 'Certified
', 'Public
', 'Accounting
', 'examination.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BBA
', '/
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Science
', 'in
', 'Business
', 'Analytics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'The
', 'dual-degree
', 'allows
', 'a
', 'Goizueta
', 'BBA
', 'student
', 'to
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'degree
', 'in
', '4.5
', 'years
', 'instead
', 'of
', 'the
', 'typical
', '4+1
', 'year
', 'timeframe
', 'of
', 'completing
', 'a
', 'BBA
', 'and
', 'then
', 'a
', 'master
', 'of
', 'science
', 'in
', 'business
', 'analytics.
', 'The
', 'MSBA
', 'is
', 'a
', 'STEM-credentialed
', 'program
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'develop
', 'a
', '"business
', 'data
', 'scientist"
', 'who
', 'can
', 'speak
', 'the
', 'language
', 'of
', 'business,
', 'data,
', 'and
', 'technology.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BBA
', '+
', 'Quantitative
', 'Sciences
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'The
', 'BBA
', 'plus
', 'quantitative
', 'sciences
', 'is
', 'an
', 'integrated
', 'major
', 'offered
', 'by
', 'the
', 'Institute
', 'for
', 'Quantitative
', 'Theory
', 'and
', 'Methods
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'the
', 'BBA
', 'program.
', 'The
', 'purpose
', 'of
', 'the
', 'major
', 'is
', 'to
', 'enhance
', 'the
', 'quantitative
', 'and
', 'analytic
', 'preparation
', 'of
', 'students
', 'choosing
', 'to
', 'study
', 'business
', 'at
', 'Emory.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Behavioral,
', 'Social,
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Education
', 'Sciences
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'PhD
', 'Behavioral,
', 'Social,
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Education
', 'Sciences
', 'program
', 'applies
', 'a
', 'collaborative,
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'approach
', 'to
', 'research
', 'and
', 'advocates
', 'an
', 'ecological
', 'perspective
', 'to
', 'understanding
', 'and
', 'influencing
', 'the
', 'factors
', 'that
', 'shape
', 'health
', 'and
', 'illness.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Behavioral,
', 'Social,
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Education
', 'Sciences
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health
', 'in
', 'behavioral,
', 'social,
', 'and
', 'health
', 'education
', 'sciences
', 'explores
', 'the
', 'impacts
', 'of
', 'human
', 'behavior
', 'and
', 'sociocultural
', 'contexts
', 'on
', 'population
', 'health
', 'and
', 'contributing
', 'to
', 'the
', 'health
', 'education
', 'of
', 'global
', 'communities,
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Biochemistry,
', 'Cell,
', 'and
', 'Developmental
', 'Biology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Biochemistry,
', 'Cell,
', 'and
', 'Developmental
', 'Biology
', '(BCDB)
', 'program
', 'is
', 'a
', 'cross-disciplinary
', 'training
', 'program
', 'that
', 'fosters
', 'innovative
', 'thinking
', 'and
', 'experimentation
', 'and
', 'uses
', 'formalized
', 'training
', 'in
', 'scientific
', 'research,
', 'presentation,
', 'writing,
', 'hypothesis
', 'design,
', 'and
', 'teaching
', 'to
', 'enable
', 'students
', 'to
', 'integrate
', 'diverse
', 'biological
', 'disciplines.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Bioethics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Arts
', 'in
', 'Bioethics
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'rigorous,
', 'advanced,
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'study
', 'in
', 'bioethics
', 'for
', 'professionals
', 'and
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'the
', 'social
', 'and
', 'ethical
', 'challenges
', 'facing
', 'medicine
', 'and
', 'the
', 'life
', 'sciences.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Bioethics
', 'and
', 'Theology
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'Candler
', 'offers
', 'dual
', 'degrees
', 'with
', 'either
', 'the
', 'master
', 'of
', 'divinity
', 'or
', 'the
', 'master
', 'of
', 'theological
', 'studies
', 'and
', 'a
', 'master
', 'of
', 'arts
', 'in
', 'bioethics
', '(MA-bioethics)
', 'that
', 'prepare
', 'students
', 'for
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'faith-based
', 'organizations,
', 'patient
', 'advocacy,
', 'or
', 'pastoral
', 'care
', 'in
', 'health
', 'care
', 'settings,
', 'or
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'advanced
', 'studies
', 'in
', 'bioethics
', 'and
', 'moral
', 'theology.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Biology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'If
', 'you’re
', 'science-minded,
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'studying
', 'life
', 'at
', 'the
', 'microscopic
', 'level,
', 'and
', 'like
', 'doing
', 'research
', 'to
', 'improve
', 'the
', 'quality
', 'of
', 'life,
', 'biology
', 'could
', 'be
', 'the
', 'major
', 'for
', 'you.
', 'At
', 'Emory,
', 'you’ll
', 'learn—and
', 'have
', 'opportunities
', 'to
', 'apply—cutting
', 'edge
', 'theory
', 'and
', 'practice
', 'in
', 'classrooms
', 'and
', 'labs,
', 'and
', 'in
', 'the
', 'field.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Biomedical
', 'Engineering
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Wallace
', 'H.
', 'Coulter
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Biomedical
', 'Engineering
', 'at
', 'Georgia
', 'Tech
', 'and
', 'Emory
', 'is
', 'training
', 'the
', 'next
', 'generation
', 'of
', 'research
', 'leaders
', 'at
', 'the
', 'interface
', 'of
', 'engineering,
', 'medicine,
', 'and
', 'biology
', 'in
', 'the
', 'academic,
', 'government,
', 'and
', 'industrial
', 'sectors.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Biophysics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Biophysics
', 'bridges
', 'the
', 'subjects
', 'of
', 'biology
', 'and
', 'physics.
', 'Look
', 'for
', 'patterns
', 'in
', 'how
', 'living
', 'organisms
', 'survive,
', 'adapt,
', 'and
', 'grow
', 'and
', 'learn
', 'to
', 'analyze
', 'them
', 'with
', 'mathematics
', 'and
', 'physics.
', 'Courses
', 'combine
', 'experimental
', 'and
', 'theoretical
', 'methods
', 'of
', 'studying,
', 'ranging
', 'from
', 'molecules
', 'and
', 'cells
', 'to
', 'organisms
', 'and
', 'populations.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Biostatistics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'program
', 'in
', 'biostatistics
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'those
', 'with
', 'strong
', 'quantitative
', 'skills
', 'and
', 'a
', 'background
', 'or
', 'interest
', 'in
', 'the
', 'biological,
', 'medical,
', 'or
', 'health
', 'sciences.
', 'It’s
', 'ideal
', 'for
', 'students
', 'seeking
', 'to
', 'deepen
', 'their
', 'knowledge
', 'of
', 'biostatistics
', 'through
', 'advanced
', 'coursework,
', 'research,
', 'analysis,
', 'and
', 'collaboration.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Biostatistics
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'MPH
', 'and
', 'MSPH
', 'programs
', 'in
', 'biostatistics
', 'are
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'those
', 'with
', 'strong
', 'quantitative
', 'skills
', 'and
', 'a
', 'background
', 'or
', 'interest
', 'in
', 'the
', 'biological,
', 'medical,
', 'or
', 'health
', 'sciences
', 'and
', 'are
', 'ideal
', 'for
', 'students
', 'seeking
', 'to
', 'deepen
', 'their
', 'knowledge
', 'of
', 'biostatistics
', 'through
', 'advanced
', 'coursework,
', 'research,
', 'analysis,
', 'and
', 'collaboration.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Black
', 'Church
', 'Studies
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'Black
', 'Church
', 'Studies
', '(BCS)
', 'certification
', 'process
', 'provides
', 'an
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'develop
', 'theoretical
', 'and
', 'practical
', 'knowledge
', 'about
', 'black
', 'religion
', 'and
', 'black
', 'church
', 'studies
', 'in
', 'conjunction
', 'with
', 'the
', 'MDiv
', 'or
', 'MTS
', 'degree
', 'programs.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BS/MS
', 'in
', 'Cancer
', 'Biology
', 'and
', 'Translational
', 'Oncology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Open
', 'to
', 'Emory
', 'undergraduate
', 'senior
', 'students
', 'with
', 'a
', 'strong
', 'background
', 'in
', 'science,
', 'this
', '4+1
', 'program
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'gives
', 'students
', 'broad
', 'knowledge
', 'of
', 'cancer
', 'biology
', 'and
', 'a
', 'deep
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'major
', 'questions
', 'in
', 'their
', 'chosen
', 'area
', 'of
', 'cancer
', 'research.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BS/MS
', 'in
', 'Environmental
', 'Sciences
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'In
', 'this
', '4+1
', 'program,
', 'undergraduate
', 'students
', 'majoring
', 'in
', 'environmental
', 'sciences
', 'can
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'BS
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'an
', 'MS
', 'in
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'in
', 'five
', 'years.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'BS/MS
', 'in
', 'Environmental
', 'Sciences
', 'and
', 'Environmental
', 'Health
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'In
', 'this
', '4+1
', 'program,
', 'undergraduate
', 'students
', 'can
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'BS
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'an
', 'MPH
', 'in
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'in
', 'five
', 'years.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'highly
', 'selective
', 'PhD
', 'program
', 'in
', 'business
', 'offers
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'a
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'following
', 'areas:
', 'accounting,
', 'finance,
', 'information
', 'systems
', 'and
', 'operations
', 'management,
', 'marketing,
', 'or
', 'organization
', 'and
', 'management.
', 'The
', 'program
', 'has
', 'a
', 'small
', 'and
', 'close-knit
', 'environment
', 'that
', 'promotes
', 'interaction
', 'between
', 'students
', 'and
', 'faculty.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'across
', 'Disciplinary
', 'Boundaries
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'The
', 'business
', 'across
', 'disciplinary
', 'boundaries
', 'concentration
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'concentration
', 'offering
', 'BBA
', 'students
', 'and
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'students
', 'majoring
', 'in
', 'American
', 'studies
', 'or
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'studies,
', 'cross-fertilization
', 'experiences
', 'that
', 'create
', 'connections
', 'and
', 'competencies
', 'critical
', 'to
', 'professional
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'for-profit
', 'and
', 'nonprofit
', 'organizations,
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'in
', 'academia.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'Administration
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'After
', 'spending
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'or
', 'Oxford
', 'College,
', 'students
', 'can
', 'apply
', 'to
', 'continue
', 'at
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'to
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'BBA.
', 'The
', 'BBA
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'six
', 'area
', 'depths
', 'including
', 'accounting,
', 'analytic
', 'consulting,
', 'business
', 'and
', 'society,
', 'entrepreneurship,
', 'finance,
', 'information
', 'systems
', 'and
', 'operations
', 'management,
', 'international
', 'business,
', 'marketing,
', 'real
', 'estate,
', 'and
', 'strategy
', 'and
', 'management
', 'consulting.
', 'The
', 'BBA
', 'also
', 'offers
', 'six
', 'concentrations
', 'in
', 'collaboration
', 'with
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'three
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'programs.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'Analytics
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Goizueta’s
', 'STEM-credentialed
', 'master
', 'of
', 'science
', 'in
', 'business
', 'analytics
', 'combines
', 'business,
', 'data,
', 'and
', 'technology
', 'to
', 'make
', 'you
', 'an
', 'effective
', 'business
', 'data
', 'scientist
', 'for
', 'a
', 'data-driven
', 'world.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'Divinity
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'master
', 'of
', 'divinity/master
', 'in
', 'business
', 'administration
', '(MDiv/MBA)
', 'is
', 'a
', 'four-year
', 'program.
', 'You
', 'can
', 'start
', 'in
', 'either
', 'school
', 'but
', 'spend
', 'one
', 'year
', 'at
', 'Candler
', 'and
', 'one
', 'at
', 'Goizueta
', 'and
', 'then
', 'the
', 'remaining
', 'two
', 'years
', 'taking
', 'electives
', 'in
', 'both
', 'schools.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'Law
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'Emory
', 'Law
', 'and
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'cooperate
', 'in
', 'a
', 'program
', 'that
', 'enables
', 'a
', 'student
', 'to
', 'receive
', 'the
', 'juris
', 'doctor
', 'and
', 'master
', 'of
', 'business
', 'administration
', '(JD/MBA)
', 'degrees
', 'in
', 'four
', 'years
', 'rather
', 'than
', 'the
', 'usual
', 'five.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'Law
', 'Master’s
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'There
', 'are
', 'a
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'careers
', 'our
', 'JM/MBA
', 'students
', 'typically
', 'choose
', 'including
', 'business,
', 'the
', 'environment,
', 'health
', 'care,
', 'intellectual
', 'property,
', 'investment
', 'banking,
', 'labor
', 'and
', 'employment,
', 'media
', 'and
', 'communications,
', 'mergers
', 'and
', 'acquisitions,
', 'and
', 'real
', 'estate.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'Medicine
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Emory’s
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'and
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'cooperate
', 'in
', 'a
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'doctor
', 'of
', 'medicine/master
', 'of
', 'business
', 'administration
', '(MD/MBA)
', 'program
', 'to
', 'prepare
', 'physicians
', 'for
', 'leadership
', 'roles
', 'in
', 'health
', 'care.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'Physical
', 'Therapy
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Students
', 'may
', 'choose
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'degree
', 'program
', 'to
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'doctor
', 'of
', 'physical
', 'therapy
', '(DPT)
', 'and
', 'an
', 'MBA.
', 'The
', 'joint
', 'degree
', 'enables
', 'students
', 'to
', 'receive
', 'the
', 'doctor
', 'of
', 'physical
', 'therapy
', 'and
', 'MBA
', 'degrees
', 'in
', 'four
', 'years
', 'rather
', 'than
', 'the
', 'usual
', 'five.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'program
', 'is
', 'associated
', 'with
', 'the
', 'Health
', 'Policy
', 'Management,
', 'Global
', 'Health,
', 'and
', 'Epidemiology
', 'departments
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'and
', 'Goizueta’s
', 'Two-Year
', 'MBA.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'Society
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'society
', 'is
', 'a
', 'secondary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA.
', 'It
', 'exposes
', 'students
', 'to
', 'a
', 'rigorous
', 'analysis
', 'of
', 'business
', 'from
', 'multiple
', 'functional
', 'perspectives
', 'and
', 'prepares
', 'them
', 'to
', 'holistically
', 'address
', 'business
', 'problems
', 'and
', 'make
', 'meaningful
', 'recommendations.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Business
', 'and
', 'Theology
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'Our
', 'master
', 'of
', 'theological
', 'studies/master
', 'of
', 'business
', 'administration
', '(MTS/MBA)
', 'graduates
', 'typically
', 'enter
', 'the
', 'fields
', 'of
', 'church
', 'administration
', 'including
', 'investment
', 'management
', 'for
', 'church
', 'development,
', 'private
', 'wealth
', 'management,
', 'and/or
', 'estate
', 'planning.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Cancer
', 'Biology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'program
', 'in
', 'cancer
', 'biology
', 'provides
', 'outstanding
', 'training
', 'opportunities
', 'in
', 'every
', 'aspect
', 'of
', 'cancer
', 'research,
', 'from
', 'basic
', 'to
', 'translational
', 'research
', 'including
', 'molecular
', 'and
', 'cellular
', 'biology,
', 'genetics
', 'and
', 'epigenetics,
', 'and
', 'many
', 'other
', 'disciplines
', 'used
', 'to
', 'understand
', 'the
', 'development
', 'and
', 'progression
', 'of
', 'cancer.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Catholic
', 'Studies
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Catholic
', 'studies
', 'minor
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'the
', 'rich
', 'intellectual
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'traditions
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Roman
', 'Catholic
', 'Church
', 'during
', 'the
', 'past
', 'two
', 'millennia,
', 'and
', 'its
', 'impact
', 'on
', 'Western
', 'thought.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Chemistry
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Chemistry
', 'is
', 'an
', 'incredibly
', 'broad
', 'field.
', 'It’s
', 'actually
', 'called
', 'the
', 'central
', 'science,
', 'because
', 'it
', 'overlaps
', 'with
', 'biology,
', 'physics,
', 'geology,
', 'and
', 'environmental
', 'science.
', 'Our
', 'chemistry
', 'curriculum
', 'has
', 'an
', 'intradisciplinary
', 'approach
', 'and
', 'creates
', 'context
', 'for
', 'exploring
', 'real-world
', 'problems
', 'and
', 'solutions.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Chemistry
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Graduate
', 'students
', 'drive
', 'our
', 'research,
', 'energize
', 'our
', 'classrooms
', 'and
', 'laboratories,
', 'and
', 'help
', 'us
', 'to
', 'envision
', 'and
', 'to
', 'create
', 'the
', 'future
', 'of
', 'our
', 'discipline.
', 'The
', 'program
', 'in
', 'chemistry
', 'offers
', 'a
', 'research-oriented
', 'education
', 'that
', 'draws
', 'on
', 'outstanding
', 'faculty
', 'and
', 'excellent
', 'research
', 'facilities
', 'in
', 'four
', 'major
', 'areas
', 'of
', 'concentration.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Chinese
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'major
', 'in
', 'Chinese
', 'studies
', 'combines
', 'extensive
', 'language
', 'training
', 'with
', 'in-depth
', 'study
', 'of
', 'Chinese
', 'literature,
', 'culture,
', 'and
', 'society.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Classical
', 'Civilization
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Classical
', 'civilization
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'many
', 'different
', 'aspects
', 'of
', 'classical
', 'culture—including
', 'literature,
', 'art,
', 'archaeology,
', 'history,
', 'philosophy,
', 'and
', 'religion.
', 'With
', 'its
', 'emphasis
', 'on
', 'a
', 'broad
', 'knowledge
', 'of
', 'the
', 'classical
', 'world,
', 'we
', 'equip
', 'you
', 'for
', 'further
', 'studies
', 'in
', 'law,
', 'medicine,
', 'business,
', 'writing,
', 'and
', 'publishing.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Classics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'civilization
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'achievements
', 'of
', 'ancient
', 'Greece
', 'and
', 'Rome
', 'continue
', 'to
', 'influence
', 'our
', 'values,
', 'the
', 'way
', 'we
', 'think,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'questions
', 'we
', 'ask
', 'today.
', 'In
', 'classics
', 'students
', 'study
', 'the
', 'languages,
', 'literature,
', 'culture,
', 'and
', 'influence
', 'of
', 'the
', 'ancient
', 'world.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Classics
', 'and
', 'English
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Classics
', 'offers
', 'joint
', 'majors
', 'if
', 'you
', 'have
', 'strong
', 'interest
', 'in
', 'an
', 'area
', 'such
', 'as
', 'English.
', 'The
', 'civilization
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'achievements
', 'of
', 'ancient
', 'Greece
', 'and
', 'Rome
', 'continue
', 'to
', 'influence
', 'our
', 'values,
', 'the
', 'way
', 'we
', 'think,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'questions
', 'we
', 'ask
', 'today.
', 'Study
', 'the
', 'languages,
', 'literature,
', 'culture,
', 'and
', 'influence
', 'of
', 'the
', 'ancient
', 'world.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Classics
', 'and
', 'History
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Classics
', 'offers
', 'joint
', 'majors
', 'if
', 'you
', 'have
', 'strong
', 'interest
', 'in
', 'an
', 'area
', 'such
', 'as
', 'history.
', 'The
', 'civilization
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'achievements
', 'of
', 'ancient
', 'Greece
', 'and
', 'Rome
', 'continue
', 'to
', 'influence
', 'our
', 'values,
', 'the
', 'way
', 'we
', 'think,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'questions
', 'we
', 'ask
', 'today.
', 'Study
', 'the
', 'languages,
', 'literature,
', 'culture,
', 'and
', 'influence
', 'of
', 'the
', 'ancient
', 'world.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Classics
', 'and
', 'Philosophy
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Classics
', 'offers
', 'joint
', 'majors
', 'if
', 'you
', 'have
', 'strong
', 'interest
', 'in
', 'an
', 'area
', 'such
', 'as
', 'philosophy.
', 'The
', 'civilization
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'achievements
', 'of
', 'ancient
', 'Greece
', 'and
', 'Rome
', 'continue
', 'to
', 'influence
', 'our
', 'values,
', 'the
', 'way
', 'we
', 'think,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'questions
', 'we
', 'ask
', 'today.
', 'Study
', 'the
', 'languages,
', 'literature,
', 'culture,
', 'and
', 'influence
', 'of
', 'the
', 'ancient
', 'world.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Clinical
', 'Psychology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'in
', 'clinical
', 'psychology
', 'provides
', 'a
', 'firm
', 'grounding
', 'in
', 'research,
', 'theory,
', 'and
', 'practice
', 'and
', 'prepares
', 'students
', 'to
', 'make
', 'substantive
', 'contributions
', 'to
', 'the
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'the
', 'assessment,
', 'etiology,
', 'diagnosis,
', 'and
', 'treatment
', 'of
', 'psychopathology.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Clinical
', 'Research
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Science
', 'in
', 'Clinical
', 'Research
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'innovative
', 'didactic
', 'and
', 'mentored
', 'research
', 'training
', 'to
', 'those
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'pursuing
', 'a
', 'career
', 'in
', 'clinical
', 'and/or
', 'translational
', 'research.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Cognition
', 'and
', 'Development
', '(Psychology)
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'in
', 'cognition
', 'and
', 'development
', 'trains
', 'students
', 'for
', 'research
', 'and
', 'teaching
', 'at
', 'the
', 'forefront
', 'of
', 'cognition
', 'and
', 'its
', 'development
', 'and
', 'grounds
', 'them
', 'in
', 'an
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'the
', 'basic
', 'issues
', 'in
', 'cognition.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Community
', 'Building
', 'and
', 'Social
', 'Change
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Community
', 'building
', 'and
', 'social
', 'change
', 'introduces
', 'you
', 'to
', 'the
', 'challenges
', 'and
', 'opportunities
', 'for
', 'revitalizing
', 'and
', 'strengthening
', 'communities
', 'in
', 'contemporary
', 'urban
', 'America.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Comparative
', 'Literature
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Comparative
', 'literature
', 'invites
', 'you
', 'to
', 'engage
', 'with
', 'the
', 'world
', 'of
', 'literature
', 'in
', 'English
', 'and
', 'beyond.
', 'Explore
', 'important
', 'Western
', 'and
', 'non-Western
', 'works
', 'from
', 'many
', 'different
', 'lenses
', 'including
', 'philosophy,
', 'religion,
', 'and
', 'psychology.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Comparative
', 'Literature
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Comparative
', 'Literature
', 'offers
', 'PhD
', 'students
', 'a
', 'wide-ranging
', 'theoretical
', 'and
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'curriculum
', 'that
', 'prepares
', 'them
', 'to
', 'engage
', 'in
', 'research
', 'and
', 'teaching
', 'across
', 'traditional
', 'disciplinary
', 'boundaries
', 'and
', 'to
', 'interrogate
', 'the
', 'definition
', 'of
', 'the
', 'literary
', 'itself.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Computer
', 'Informatics
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Computer
', 'informatics
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'how
', 'people
', 'interact
', 'daily
', 'with
', 'information
', 'technology.
', 'It
', 'goes
', 'beyond
', 'pure
', 'computer
', 'science
', 'and
', 'provides
', 'a
', 'context
', 'for
', 'solving
', 'problems
', 'with
', 'technology.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Computer
', 'Science
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'computer
', 'science
', 'you’ll
', 'study
', 'fundamental
', 'computer
', 'concepts
', 'and
', 'programming
', 'principles.
', 'As
', 'an
', 'undergraduate,
', 'you’ll
', 'also
', 'have
', 'opportunities
', 'to
', 'participate
', 'in
', 'innovative
', 'research
', 'and
', 'gain
', 'valuable
', 'experience
', 'applying
', 'your
', 'knowledge
', 'to
', 'real-world
', 'situations
', 'that
', 'affect
', 'our
', 'society,
', 'health
', 'science,
', 'and
', 'humanity.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Computer
', 'Science
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'master’s
', 'in
', 'computer
', 'science
', 'is
', 'suited
', 'to
', 'individuals
', 'with
', 'an
', 'undergraduate
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'computer
', 'science
', 'or
', 'mathematics
', 'with
', 'computational
', 'experience.
', 'Those
', 'obtaining
', 'the
', 'degree
', 'may
', 'pursue
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'industry
', 'or
', 'enter
', 'a
', 'PhD
', 'program
', 'in
', 'computer
', 'science.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Computer
', 'Science
', 'and
', 'Informatics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'computer
', 'science
', 'and
', 'informatics
', 'doctoral
', 'program
', 'builds
', 'on
', 'strengths
', 'and
', 'recent
', 'growth
', 'in
', 'data-oriented
', 'areas
', 'of
', 'computer
', 'science,
', 'with
', 'main
', 'research
', 'concentrations
', 'in
', 'data
', 'science
', 'and
', 'biomedical
', 'informatics.
', '\u200b
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Dance
', 'and
', 'Movement
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Through
', 'the
', 'Dance
', 'and
', 'Movement
', 'Studies
', 'program,
', 'you
', 'will
', 'grow
', 'your
', 'awareness
', 'and
', 'appreciation
', 'of
', 'movement
', 'in
', 'all
', 'its
', 'diverse
', 'forms
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'your
', 'ability
', 'to
', 'communicate
', 'through
', 'non-verbal
', 'expression.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Development
', 'Practice
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Emory
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Development
', 'Practice
', 'program
', 'embraces
', 'a
', 'dynamic
', 'pedagogical
', 'approach
', 'that
', 'seeks
', 'to
', 'address
', 'students’
', 'specific
', 'interests
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'to
', 'capitalize
', 'on
', 'the
', 'many
', 'learning
', 'opportunities
', 'that
', 'are
', 'available
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'University
', 'and
', 'its
', 'partner
', 'organizations.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Development
', 'Practice
', 'and
', 'Theology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'This
', 'program
', 'allows
', 'students
', 'to
', 'combine
', 'training
', 'and
', 'experience
', 'in
', 'international
', 'development
', 'with
', 'theological
', 'studies
', 'and
', 'formation
', 'for
', 'ministry
', 'and
', 'may
', 'be
', 'completed
', 'in
', 'four
', 'years
', 'instead
', 'of
', 'the
', 'five
', 'required
', 'to
', 'attain
', 'the
', 'degrees
', 'separately.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Doctor
', 'of
', 'Ministry
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'DMin
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'ministry
', 'professionals
', 'with
', 'advanced
', 'training
', 'and
', 'the
', 'skills
', 'necessary
', 'to
', 'analyze
', 'ministry
', 'practices
', 'through
', 'sustained
', 'biblical,
', 'ecclesiological
', 'and
', 'theological
', 'reflection,
', 'and
', 'to
', 'discern,
', 'shape
', 'and
', 'disseminate
', 'new
', 'practices
', 'in
', 'the
', 'service
', 'of
', 'the
', 'gospel.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Doctor
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Practice
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Emory’s
', 'Doctor
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Practice
', '(DNP)
', 'program
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'bachelor’s-
', 'and
', 'master’s-prepared
', 'nurses
', 'seeking
', 'a
', 'terminal
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'nursing
', 'practice
', 'with
', 'a
', 'focus
', 'on
', 'clinical
', 'leadership.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Earth
', 'and
', 'Atmospheric
', 'Studies
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'This
', 'program
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'the
', 'challenges
', 'and
', 'complexities
', 'of
', 'Earth
', 'system
', 'processes
', 'that
', 'sustain
', 'the
', 'growing
', 'human
', 'population.
', 'Topics
', 'include
', 'the
', 'physical
', 'science
', 'of
', 'Earth
', 'systems
', 'and
', 'the
', 'fundamental
', 'physical
', 'processes,
', 'the
', 'sustainable
', 'development
', 'of
', 'energy
', 'and
', 'natural
', 'resources,
', 'and
', 'assessment
', 'of
', 'adaptation
', 'and
', 'mitigation
', 'strategies
', 'for
', 'potential
', 'natural
', 'hazards.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'East
', 'Asian
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'East
', 'Asian
', 'studies,
', 'study
', 'an
', 'East
', 'Asian
', 'language
', '(Chinese,
', 'Korean,
', 'or
', 'Japanese).
', 'A
', 'core
', 'component
', 'is
', 'to
', 'encourage
', 'and
', 'facilitate
', 'direct
', 'exchange
', 'between
', 'East
', 'Asia
', 'and
', 'the
', 'US.
', 'Students
', 'spend
', 'at
', 'least
', 'a
', 'semester
', 'in
', 'China,
', 'Korea,
', 'or
', 'Japan
', '(alternate
', 'destinations
', 'are
', 'also
', 'encouraged),
', 'developing
', 'a
', 'deep
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'the
', 'region
', 'and
', 'creating
', 'lasting
', 'ties
', 'to
', 'it.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Economics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Economics
', 'exists
', 'at
', 'the
', 'intersection
', 'of
', 'science,
', 'math,
', 'and
', 'art.
', 'It’s
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'how—and
', 'why—individuals,
', 'organizations,
', 'and
', 'cultures
', 'use
', 'their
', 'resources.
', 'Economists
', 'analyze
', 'this
', 'behavior
', 'and
', 'can
', 'spot
', 'trends
', 'that
', 'help
', 'their
', 'organizations
', 'prepare
', 'for
', 'the
', 'future.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Economics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'PhD
', 'program
', 'in
', 'economics
', 'prepares
', 'students
', 'to
', 'become
', 'productive
', 'scholars
', 'and
', 'effective
', 'teachers
', 'in
', 'colleges
', 'and
', 'universities.
', 'Our
', 'graduates
', 'are
', 'also
', 'well
', 'prepared
', 'for
', 'positions
', 'in
', 'private
', 'research
', 'organizations,
', 'industry,
', 'and
', 'government.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Economics
', 'and
', 'Mathematics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Economics
', 'and
', 'mathematics
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'that
', 'prepares
', 'you
', 'for
', 'math-intensive
', 'doctoral
', 'economics
', 'programs
', 'or
', 'quantitatively
', 'oriented
', 'MBA
', 'programs.
', 'It
', 'features
', 'substantial
', 'mathematics
', 'and
', 'economics
', 'coursework.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Emergency
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'The
', 'Emergency
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'nurses
', 'to
', 'provide
', 'health
', 'care
', 'to
', 'patients
', 'across
', 'the
', 'lifespan
', 'in
', 'emergency
', 'and
', 'primary
', 'care
', 'settings.
', 'Content
', 'is
', 'built
', 'on
', 'family
', 'nurse
', 'practitioner
', 'preparation
', 'but
', 'also
', 'prepares
', 'graduates
', 'to
', 'manage
', 'the
', 'care
', 'of
', 'patients
', 'presenting
', 'to
', 'emergency
', 'settings
', 'with
', 'acute,
', 'life-threatening
', 'health
', 'care
', 'needs.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Engineering
', 'Dual
', 'Degree
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'This
', 'partnership
', 'between
', 'Emory
', 'University
', 'and
', 'Georgia
', 'Institute
', 'of
', 'Technology
', 'allows
', 'students
', 'to
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'BA,
', 'BBA,
', 'or
', 'BS
', 'in
', 'any
', 'of
', 'Emory
', "College's
", 'or
', "Goizueta's
", 'majors,
', 'and
', 'then
', 'students
', 'transfer
', 'to
', 'Georgia
', 'Tech
', 'to
', 'deepen
', 'their
', 'focus
', 'on
', 'engineering.
', 'Upon
', 'completion,
', 'students
', 'earn
', 'two
', 'bachelors
', 'degrees,
', 'one
', 'from
', 'Emory
', 'and
', 'one
', 'from
', 'Georgia
', 'Tech.
', 'The
', 'program
', 'usually
', 'takes
', 'five
', 'to
', 'six
', 'years
', 'to
', 'complete.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Engineering
', 'Sciences
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Engineering
', 'sciences
', 'covers
', 'broad
', 'range
', 'of
', 'courses
', 'in
', 'math,
', 'chemistry
', 'and
', 'physics.
', 'The
', 'program,
', 'offered
', 'through
', 'the
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Physics,
', 'combines
', 'cutting-edge
', 'science
', 'and
', 'technology
', 'training
', 'with
', 'a
', 'liberal
', 'arts
', 'foundation.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'English
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'English
', 'major
', 'delves
', 'into
', 'classical
', 'and
', 'modern
', 'writing
', 'and
', 'explore
', 'genres
', 'ranging
', 'from
', 'poetry
', 'to
', 'science
', 'fiction
', 'and
', 'Shakespeare
', 'to
', 'Southern
', 'literature.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'English
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'English
', 'offers
', 'its
', 'graduate
', 'students
', 'an
', 'environment
', 'both
', 'intellectually
', 'rigorous
', 'and
', 'collegial,
', 'where
', 'graduate
', 'students
', 'learn
', 'from
', 'faculty
', 'mentors
', 'conducting
', 'wide-ranging
', 'and
', 'adventuresome
', 'research,
', 'as
', 'they
', 'become
', 'researchers
', 'and
', 'teachers
', 'in
', 'their
', 'own
', 'right.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'English
', 'and
', 'Creative
', 'Writing
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'the
', 'English
', 'and
', 'Creative
', 'Writing
', 'program,
', 'you
', 'will
', 'study
', 'both
', 'art
', 'and
', 'craft
', 'of
', 'writing,
', 'alongside
', 'some
', 'of
', 'the
', 'nation’s
', 'most
', 'talented
', 'students
', 'and
', 'acclaimed
', 'faculty
', 'in
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', "nation's
", 'leading
', 'creative
', 'writing
', 'programs.
', 'Build
', 'your
', 'skills
', 'from
', 'idea
', 'to
', 'draft
', 'to
', 'revision—as
', 'you
', 'explore
', 'areas
', 'including
', 'fiction,
', 'nonfiction,
', 'dramatic
', 'writing,
', 'and
', 'poetry.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'English
', 'and
', 'History
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'this
', 'joint
', 'major,
', 'explore
', 'the
', 'relationships
', 'of
', 'literature
', 'and
', 'history.
', 'Build
', 'a
', 'program
', 'unique
', 'to
', 'your
', 'interests
', 'in
', 'these
', 'fields,
', 'and
', 'participate
', 'in
', 'the
', 'vibrant
', 'intellectual
', 'life
', 'of
', 'each
', 'department.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Entrepreneurship
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Entrepreneurship
', 'is
', 'a
', 'secondary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA.
', 'The
', 'depth
', 'allows
', 'students
', 'with
', 'immediate
', 'entrepreneurial
', 'aspirations
', 'to
', 'develop
', 'their
', 'concepts.
', 'For
', 'those
', 'whose
', 'entrepreneurial
', 'intentions
', 'are
', 'more
', 'long-term,
', 'the
', 'depth
', 'offers
', 'the
', 'foundational
', 'knowledge
', 'and
', 'skills
', 'needed
', 'to
', 'understand
', 'and
', 'evaluate
', 'start-ups.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Environmental
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'Environmental
', 'Health
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'a
', 'uniquely
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'approach
', 'to
', 'examining
', 'the
', 'chemical,
', 'physical,
', 'and
', 'microbial
', 'hazards
', 'that
', 'occur
', 'in
', 'the
', 'home,
', 'workplace,
', 'and
', 'general
', 'environment.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Environmental
', 'Health
', 'Sciences
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Graduate
', 'students
', 'receive
', 'comprehensive
', 'training
', 'to
', 'become
', 'fluent
', 'in
', 'population
', 'and
', 'laboratory-based
', 'research
', 'in
', 'environmental
', 'health
', 'science
', 'by
', 'bridging
', 'the
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'areas
', 'of
', 'human
', 'populations
', 'and
', 'laboratory-based
', 'toxicological
', 'and
', 'analytical
', 'chemistry
', 'research.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Environmental
', 'Management
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'The
', 'environmental
', 'management
', 'concentration
', 'is
', 'a
', 'collaboration
', 'between
', 'the
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Environmental
', 'Sciences
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'the
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'BBA
', 'program.
', 'The
', 'concentration
', 'provides
', 'knowledge,
', 'competencies,
', 'and
', 'experiences
', 'for
', 'environmental
', 'studies
', 'BA
', 'or
', 'BS
', 'and
', 'BBA
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'pursuing
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'environmental
', 'management.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Environmental
', 'Sciences
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'environmental
', 'sciences,
', 'you’ll
', 'study
', 'the
', 'ecological
', 'and
', 'social
', 'foundations
', 'of
', 'environmental
', 'issues.
', 'Our
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'curriculum
', 'lets
', 'you
', 'build
', 'both
', 'knowledge
', 'and
', 'practical,
', 'real-world
', 'skills,
', 'through
', 'field
', 'study,
', 'internships,
', 'research,
', 'and
', 'study
', 'abroad
', 'programs.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Environmental
', 'Sciences
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'master
', 'of
', 'science
', 'program
', 'in
', 'environmental
', 'sciences
', 'emphasizes
', 'proficiency
', 'in
', 'quantitative
', 'skills
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'significant
', 'research
', 'experience
', 'through
', 'thesis
', 'coursework,
', 'faculty
', 'mentoring,
', 'and
', 'a
', 'required
', 'intensive
', 'summer
', 'research
', 'opportunity.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Epidemiology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'goal
', 'of
', 'the
', 'program
', 'is
', 'to
', 'graduate
', 'doctoral-level
', 'epidemiologists
', 'with
', 'the
', 'knowledge,
', 'skills,
', 'and
', 'philosophy
', 'to
', 'be
', 'influential
', 'lead
', 'researchers,
', 'teachers
', 'of
', 'epidemiology,
', 'and
', 'public
', 'health
', 'officials.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Epidemiology
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'MPH
', 'in
', 'Epidemiology
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'students
', 'with
', 'the
', 'necessary
', 'tools
', 'to
', 'conceptualize
', 'a
', 'public
', 'health
', 'problem,
', 'design
', 'studies,
', 'collect
', 'data,
', 'analyze
', 'data,
', 'and
', 'interpret
', 'and
', 'report
', 'the
', 'results
', 'of
', 'studies.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Episcopal
', 'and
', 'Anglican
', 'Studies
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'Certificate
', 'in
', 'Episcopal
', 'and
', 'Anglican
', 'Studies
', 'enables
', 'MDiv
', 'students
', 'seeking
', 'ordination
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Episcopal
', 'Church
', 'or
', 'another
', 'church
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Anglican
', 'Communion
', 'to
', 'certify
', 'their
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'ordination.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Ethics
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Explore
', 'important
', 'ethical
', 'questions,
', 'from
', 'cheating
', 'on
', 'campus
', 'to
', 'war,
', 'from
', 'stem
', 'cell
', 'research
', 'to
', 'the
', 'nature
', 'of
', 'professionalism.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Executive
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'full-
', 'or
', 'part-time
', 'MPH
', 'degree
', 'for
', 'working
', 'professionals
', 'can
', 'be
', 'completed
', 'in
', 'two
', 'or
', 'three
', 'years
', 'with
', 'online
', 'coursework
', 'and
', 'two
', 'on-campus
', 'sessions.
', 'Students
', 'can
', 'focus
', 'their
', 'studies
', 'in
', 'one
', 'of
', 'three
', 'tracks:
', 'applied
', 'epidemiology,
', 'applied
', 'public
', 'health
', 'informatics,
', 'or
', 'prevention
', 'science.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Family
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Our
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'graduates
', 'to
', 'assess
', 'and
', 'manage
', 'a
', 'broad
', 'range
', 'of
', 'health
', 'needs
', 'of
', 'individuals
', 'and
', 'families
', 'across
', 'the
', 'life
', 'span.
', 'The
', 'program
', 'has
', 'a
', 'strong
', 'community-based,
', 'primary
', 'care
', 'focus.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Film
', 'and
', 'Media
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'film
', 'and
', 'media
', 'major
', 'and
', 'minor
', 'offer
', 'a
', 'robust
', 'core
', 'curriculum
', 'in
', 'the
', 'history,
', 'theory,
', 'and
', 'practice
', 'of
', 'the
', 'most
', 'essential
', 'still
', 'and
', 'moving
', 'image
', 'forms
', 'of
', 'the
', '20th
', 'and
', '21st
', 'century,
', 'while
', 'also
', 'offering
', 'students
', 'the
', 'flexibility
', 'to
', 'choose
', 'classes
', 'suited
', 'to
', 'their
', 'specific
', 'areas
', 'of
', 'interest.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Film
', 'and
', 'Media
', 'Management
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'The
', 'film
', 'and
', 'media
', 'management
', 'concentration
', 'is
', 'a
', 'collaboration
', 'between
', 'the
', 'BBA
', 'program
', 'and
', 'the
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Film
', 'and
', 'Media
', 'Studies
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College.
', 'Students
', 'explore
', 'the
', 'infrastructure
', 'and
', 'market
', 'mechanisms
', 'that
', 'support
', 'the
', 'creation
', 'and
', 'distribution
', 'of
', 'media
', 'content,
', 'and
', 'examine
', 'film
', 'and
', 'media
', 'in
', 'its
', 'historical
', 'and
', 'contemporary
', 'context
', 'as
', 'an
', 'evolving
', 'narrative
', 'form.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Finance
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Finance,
', 'a
', 'primary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA,
', 'is
', 'the
', 'science
', 'of
', 'business.
', 'The
', 'finance
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'gives
', 'students
', 'a
', 'strong
', 'framework
', 'for
', 'financial
', 'decision
', 'making,
', 'from
', 'the
', 'Nobel
', 'Prize-winning
', 'models
', 'of
', 'the
', 'early
', 'theorists
', 'to
', 'the
', 'state-of-the-art
', 'methodologies
', 'of
', 'today.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Finance
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'doctoral
', 'program
', 'in
', 'finance
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'provide
', 'students
', 'with
', 'a
', 'strong
', 'course
', 'background
', 'in
', 'economics,
', 'statistics,
', 'and
', 'mathematics,
', 'influencing
', 'practice
', 'through
', 'theory.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'French
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'in
', 'French
', 'provides
', 'a
', 'multifaceted,
', 'interdisciplinary,
', 'theoretically
', 'sophisticated,
', 'and
', 'cosmopolitan
', 'approach
', 'to
', 'understanding
', 'how
', 'French
', 'and
', 'Francophone
', 'texts
', 'continue
', 'to
', 'make
', 'highly
', 'relevant
', 'and
', 'enduring
', 'contributions
', 'to
', 'intellectual
', 'life
', 'and
', 'culture.
', 'A
', 'certificate
', 'program
', 'is
', 'available
', 'to
', 'students
', 'in
', 'other
', 'PhD
', 'and
', 'professional
', 'degree
', 'programs
', 'as
', 'well.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'French
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'French
', 'program
', 'combines
', 'a
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'courses
', 'in
', 'language
', 'and
', 'unique
', 'options
', 'for
', 'study
', 'abroad.
', 'The
', 'Summer
', 'in
', 'Paris
', 'six-week
', 'program
', 'immerses
', 'you
', 'in
', 'language
', 'study
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'activities
', 'while
', 'you
', 'live
', 'with
', 'a
', 'French
', 'family.
', 'The
', 'semester
', 'or
', 'year-long
', 'program
', 'called
', 'EDUCO—one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'few
', 'programs
', 'of
', 'its
', 'kind—allows
', 'you
', 'to
', 'take
', 'classes
', 'in
', 'a
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'subjects
', 'at
', 'the
', 'University
', 'of
', 'Paris.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Genetic
', 'and
', 'Molecular
', 'Epidemiology
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Through
', 'coursework,
', 'applied
', 'practice,
', 'and
', 'integrative
', 'learning,
', 'students
', 'will
', 'gain
', 'mastery
', 'of
', 'study
', 'design,
', 'data
', 'analysis,
', 'and
', 'interpretation
', 'of
', 'results
', 'pertaining
', 'to
', 'the
', 'use
', 'of
', 'genetic
', 'and
', 'molecular
', 'data
', 'in
', 'research
', 'and
', 'public
', 'health
', 'programming.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Genetic
', 'Counseling
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'master
', 'of
', 'medical
', 'science
', 'Genetic
', 'Counseling
', 'Training
', 'program
', 'will
', 'transform
', 'students
', 'through
', 'a
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'scholarly
', 'activities
', 'into
', 'practitioners,
', 'leaders,
', 'and
', 'advocates
', 'for
', 'the
', 'advanced
', 'role
', 'of
', 'genetic
', 'counseling
', 'within
', 'an
', 'integrated
', 'care
', 'team
', 'model.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Genetics
', 'and
', 'Molecular
', 'Biology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'in
', 'Genetics
', 'and
', 'Molecular
', 'Biology
', 'offers
', 'exciting
', 'broad-based
', 'training
', 'in
', 'the
', 'fields
', 'of
', 'genetics
', 'and
', 'molecular
', 'biology
', 'and
', 'their
', 'related
', 'disciplines
', 'of
', 'biochemistry,
', 'bioinformatics,
', 'cell
', 'biology,
', 'and
', 'developmental
', 'biology
', 'and
', 'epigenetics.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'German
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'German
', 'Studies
', 'program
', 'covers
', 'cultural,
', 'literacy,
', 'language
', 'and
', 'historical
', 'topics
', 'relevant
', 'to
', 'the
', 'German-speaking
', 'world.
', 'Study
', 'abroad
', 'opportunities
', 'exist
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'internships
', 'and
', 'research
', 'opportunities
', 'as
', 'you
', 'prepare
', 'for
', 'an
', 'international
', 'career
', 'or
', 'graduate
', 'studies.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Global
', 'Development
', 'Studies
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'This
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'program
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'social
', 'justice,
', 'sustainable
', 'economic
', 'development,
', 'public
', 'health,
', 'global
', 'interconnection
', 'and
', 'public
', 'service,
', 'emphasizing
', 'a
', 'rights-based
', 'approach
', 'to
', 'development
', 'studies.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Global
', 'Environmental
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Students
', 'pursuing
', 'an
', 'MPH
', 'in
', 'global
', 'environmental
', 'health
', 'study
', 'environmental
', 'issues
', 'and
', 'disparities
', 'that
', 'impact
', 'health
', 'across
', 'the
', 'world,
', 'particularly
', 'in
', 'low-income
', 'settings,
', 'and
', 'have
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'collaborate
', 'with
', 'global
', 'health
', 'partners
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'do
', 'lab
', 'and
', 'field
', 'research.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Global
', 'Epidemiology
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'masters’
', 'degrees
', 'in
', 'global
', 'epidemiology
', 'are
', 'administered
', 'through
', 'the
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Epidemiology
', 'and
', 'the
', 'Hubert
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Global
', 'Health
', 'and
', 'give
', 'students
', 'skills
', 'in
', 'Identifying,
', 'collecting,
', 'managing,
', 'analyzing,
', 'interpreting,
', 'and
', 'reporting
', 'population-based
', 'data
', 'to
', 'drive
', 'control
', 'and
', 'prevention
', 'in
', 'global
', 'settings.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Global
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'MPH
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'global
', 'health
', 'provides
', 'students
', 'with
', 'applied
', 'public
', 'health
', 'training
', 'in
', 'a
', 'global
', 'context.
', 'This
', 'program
', 'is
', 'offered
', 'in
', 'both
', 'a
', 'traditional
', '24-month
', 'format
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'an
', 'accelerated
', '12-month
', 'format
', 'for
', 'students
', 'currently
', 'enrolled
', 'in
', 'graduate/professional
', 'programs
', 'outside
', 'of
', 'Emory.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Global
', 'Health,
', 'Culture,
', 'and
', 'Society
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Gain
', 'perspective
', 'to
', 'meet
', 'challenges
', 'and
', 'opportunities
', 'arising
', 'from
', 'a
', 'complex
', 'interplay
', 'of
', 'political,
', 'environmental,
', 'social,
', 'historical,
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'systems.
', 'From
', 'global
', 'needs
', 'in
', 'the
', 'field
', 'to
', 'clinical
', 'care,
', 'learn
', 'about
', 'confronting
', 'global
', 'health
', 'challenges
', 'as
', 'they
', 'happen.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Greek
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Approximately
', '12
', 'percent
', 'of
', 'English
', 'words
', 'originate
', 'from
', 'Greek.
', 'The
', 'Greek
', 'program
', 'introduces
', 'the
', 'core
', 'principles
', 'of
', 'classical
', 'Greek,
', 'a
', 'foundation
', 'the
', 'empowers
', 'you
', 'to
', 'read
', 'and
', 'understand
', 'literary
', 'works
', 'rapidly.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Health
', 'Care
', 'Management
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'MPH
', 'in
', 'health
', 'care
', 'management
', 'is
', 'aimed
', 'toward
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'building
', 'a
', 'leadership
', 'career
', 'for
', 'the
', 'delivery
', 'of
', 'health
', 'care
', 'services.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Health
', 'Innovation
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'The
', 'concentration
', 'in
', 'health
', 'innovation
', 'is
', 'a
', 'collaboration
', 'between
', 'the
', 'Center
', 'for
', 'the
', 'Study
', 'of
', 'Human
', 'Health
', 'BA
', 'program
', 'in
', 'human
', 'health
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'BBA
', 'program.
', 'This
', 'concentration
', 'provides
', 'knowledge,
', 'competencies,
', 'and
', 'experiences
', 'for
', 'BA
', 'and
', 'BBA
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'pursuing
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'array
', 'of
', 'fields
', 'related
', 'to
', 'the
', 'business
', 'of
', 'health
', 'with
', 'a
', 'focus
', 'on
', 'innovation.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Health
', 'Policy
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'health
', 'policy
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'provide
', 'students
', 'with
', 'a
', 'broad
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'how
', 'federal,
', 'state,
', 'and
', 'local
', 'policies
', 'shape
', 'the
', 'US
', 'health-care
', 'system.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Health
', 'Policy
', 'Health
', 'Service
', 'Research
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'is
', 'an
', 'intensive
', 'program
', 'for
', 'students
', 'considering
', 'future
', 'doctoral
', 'work
', 'or
', 'a
', 'career
', 'in
', 'applied
', 'health
', 'sciences
', 'research
', 'that
', 'not
', 'only
', 'teaches
', 'core
', 'public
', 'health
', 'concepts,
', 'research
', 'theory,
', 'and
', 'methodology
', 'but
', 'also
', 'in-depth
', 'statistical
', 'analysis
', 'and
', 'programming
', 'with
', 'SAS
', 'and
', 'STATA.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Health
', 'Services
', 'Research
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Policy
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'unique
', 'program
', 'combines
', 'a
', 'strong
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'and
', 'policy-oriented
', 'public
', 'health
', 'approach
', 'with
', 'rigorous
', 'social
', 'science
', 'training
', 'in
', 'either
', 'economics
', 'or
', 'political
', 'science
', 'and
', 'extensive
', 'applied
', 'research.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Hebrew
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'minor
', 'in
', 'Hebrew
', 'introduces
', 'students
', 'to
', 'the
', 'language,
', 'people,
', 'culture,
', 'and
', 'history
', 'of
', 'the
', 'modern
', 'Hebrew-speaking
', 'world.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Hindi
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Hindi-Urdu
', 'is
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'most
', 'widely
', 'spoken
', 'languages
', 'in
', 'the
', 'world.
', 'The
', 'Hindi
', 'minor
', 'offers
', 'instruction
', 'from
', 'elementary
', 'to
', 'advanced
', 'levels,
', 'and
', 'regular
', 'and
', 'special
', 'topics
', 'in
', 'Hindi-Urdu
', 'language,
', 'literature,
', 'and
', 'culture.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Hispanic
', 'Studies
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'PhD
', 'program
', 'in
', 'Hispanic
', 'studies
', 'aims
', 'to
', 'provide
', 'focused,
', 'intensive
', 'preparation
', 'to
', 'well-qualified
', 'doctoral
', 'students
', 'for
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'the
', 'language,
', 'discourse,
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'production/practices
', 'of
', 'Spanish-speaking
', 'societies
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Americas
', 'and
', 'Spain,
', 'with
', 'the
', 'option
', 'of
', 'comparative
', 'study
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Lusophone
', 'world.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'History
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'History
', 'provides
', 'the
', 'context
', 'for
', 'how
', 'ideas
', 'lead
', 'to
', 'actions
', 'and
', 'events
', 'in
', 'our
', 'world.
', 'Students
', 'studying
', 'history
', 'become
', 'rigorously
', 'independent
', 'thinkers
', 'who
', 'analyze
', 'information
', 'to
', 'reveal
', 'the
', 'micro
', 'and
', 'macro
', 'impact
', 'of
', 'past,
', 'present,
', 'and
', 'potential
', 'forces.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'History
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'history
', 'department
', 'offers
', 'a
', 'selective,
', 'midsized
', 'PhD
', 'program
', 'that
', 'combines
', 'training
', 'in
', 'a
', 'number
', 'of
', 'geographic
', 'and
', 'chronological
', 'areas
', 'and
', 'stresses
', 'cross-cutting
', 'comparative,
', 'thematic,
', 'and
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'study.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'History
', 'and
', 'Art
', 'History
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'program
', 'in
', 'history
', 'and
', 'art
', 'history
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'that
', 'combines
', 'a
', 'broad
', 'study
', 'of
', 'history
', 'with
', 'an
', 'emphasis
', 'on
', 'the
', 'ways
', 'that
', 'art
', 'objects—from
', 'Egyptian
', 'funerary
', 'items
', 'to
', 'modern
', 'sculpture
', '—reflect
', 'the
', 'politics
', 'and
', 'customs
', 'of
', 'the
', 'times.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Human
', 'Health
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Human
', 'health
', 'is
', 'a
', 'major
', 'global
', 'issue
', 'and
', 'a
', 'leading
', 'sector
', 'for
', 'job
', 'growth.
', 'The
', 'human
', 'health
', 'major
', 'takes
', 'an
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'approach
', 'to
', 'examine
', 'the
', 'complex
', 'scientific
', 'and
', 'social
', 'issues
', 'involved
', 'in
', 'health
', 'and
', 'well-being.
', 'This
', 'degree
', 'develops
', 'practical
', 'skills
', 'for
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'health-related
', 'careers
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'a
', 'holistic
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'physical,
', 'mental,
', 'and
', 'spiritual
', 'well-being.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Humanitarian
', 'Emergencies
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'In
', 'partnership
', 'with
', 'CDC’s
', 'Emergency
', 'Response
', 'and
', 'Recovery
', 'Branch,
', 'this
', 'graduate
', 'certificate
', 'is
', 'open
', 'to
', 'Rollins
', 'students
', 'and
', 'to
', 'other
', 'Emory
', 'graduate
', 'health
', 'schools
', 'on
', 'a
', 'case-by-case
', 'basis.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Human
', 'Rights
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'Graduate
', 'Certificate
', 'in
', 'Human
', 'Rights
', 'combines
', 'the
', 'teaching
', 'and
', 'research
', 'strength
', 'of
', 'Emory
', 'with
', 'the
', 'applied
', 'programs
', 'of
', 'our
', 'professional
', 'partners,
', 'including
', 'CARE,
', 'The
', 'Carter
', 'Center,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'US
', 'Centers
', 'for
', 'Disease
', 'Control
', 'and
', 'Prevention,
', 'among
', 'others.
', 'The
', 'certificate
', 'is
', 'open
', 'to
', 'students
', 'in
', 'all
', 'of
', 'Emory’s
', 'professional
', 'schools.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Immunology
', 'and
', 'Molecular
', 'Pathogenesis
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Immunology
', 'and
', 'Molecular
', 'Pathogenesis
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'training
', 'in
', 'molecular
', 'and
', 'cellular
', 'immunology
', 'and
', 'in
', 'the
', 'role
', 'of
', 'the
', 'immune
', 'system
', 'in
', 'the
', 'pathogenesis
', 'of
', 'infectious
', 'disease.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Information
', 'Systems
', '&
', 'Operations
', 'Management
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Students
', 'can
', 'pursue
', 'studies
', 'in
', 'either
', 'the
', 'Information
', 'Systems
', '(IS)
', 'or
', 'Operations
', 'Management
', '(OM)
', 'track.
', 'The
', 'IS
', 'track
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'management
', 'practice,
', 'enterprise
', 'opportunity,
', 'and
', 'market
', 'possibilities.
', 'The
', 'OM
', 'track
', 'builds
', 'upon
', 'a
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'disciplines
', 'including
', 'economics,
', 'statistics,
', 'psychology,
', 'and
', 'operations
', 'research.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Information
', 'Systems
', 'and
', 'Operations
', 'Management
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Information
', 'systems
', 'and
', 'operations
', 'management
', 'is
', 'a
', 'primary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA.
', 'It
', 'deals
', 'with
', 'the
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'approaches
', 'to
', 'structured
', 'and
', 'unstructured
', 'problem
', 'solving
', 'that
', 'have
', 'become
', 'critical
', 'to
', "today's
", 'businesses
', 'and
', 'the
', 'hallmarks
', 'of
', 'modern
', 'consulting
', 'best
', 'practices.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Injury
', 'and
', 'Violence
', 'Prevention
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'certificate
', 'program
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'give
', 'MPH
', 'and
', 'doctoral
', 'students
', 'a
', 'foundation
', 'in
', 'theoretical
', 'and
', 'epidemiologic
', 'concepts
', 'of
', 'injury
', 'prevention
', 'and
', 'control
', 'and
', 'a
', 'platform
', 'from
', 'which
', 'to
', 'examine
', 'the
', 'causes,
', 'consequences,
', 'and
', 'prevention
', 'strategies
', 'used
', 'in
', 'our
', 'society.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Integrated
', 'Visual
', 'Arts
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Integrated
', 'visual
', 'arts
', 'combines
', 'studio
', 'art
', 'practice
', 'with
', 'the
', 'history
', 'and
', 'theory
', 'of
', 'art.
', 'Foundational
', 'courses
', 'include
', 'art,
', 'art
', 'history,
', 'and
', 'structured
', 'studio
', 'courses.
', 'Study
', 'abroad
', 'and
', 'summer
', 'internships
', 'are
', 'also
', 'encouraged.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Interdisciplinary
', 'Studies
', 'in
', 'Society
', 'and
', 'Culture
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'studies
', 'major
', 'allows
', 'you
', 'to
', 'create
', 'your
', 'own
', 'program
', 'around
', 'a
', 'field
', 'that
', 'you
', 'define.
', 'Work
', 'with
', 'faculty
', 'advisers
', 'to
', 'help
', 'you
', 'structure
', 'your
', 'program
', 'and
', 'select
', 'courses
', 'from
', 'across
', 'departments.
', 'Build
', 'a
', 'solid
', 'foundation
', 'in
', 'writing
', 'and
', 'research,
', 'and
', 'your
', 'senior
', 'project
', 'will
', 'contribute
', 'to
', 'the
', 'broader
', 'public
', 'knowledge.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'International
', 'Business
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'International
', 'business
', 'is
', 'a
', 'secondary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA.
', 'Students
', 'can
', 'focus
', 'on
', 'one
', 'or
', 'more
', 'aspects
', 'of
', 'international
', 'relationships,
', 'such
', 'as
', 'formulating
', 'global
', 'strategies,
', 'understanding
', 'and
', 'reporting
', 'global
', 'transactions,
', 'dealing
', 'with
', 'the
', 'complexities
', 'of
', 'global
', 'trade
', 'and
', 'finance,
', 'and
', 'marketing
', 'across
', 'geographic
', 'boundaries.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'International
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'International
', 'studies
', 'is
', 'offered
', 'through
', 'the
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Political
', 'Science.
', 'The
', 'major
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'a
', 'greater
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'global
', 'differences
', 'in
', 'culture,
', 'political
', 'systems,
', 'social
', 'systems,
', 'and
', 'human
', 'relationships.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Islamic
', 'Civilizations
', 'Studies
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'By
', 'concentrating
', 'on
', 'the
', 'cultural,
', 'social,
', 'economic,
', 'and
', 'linguistic
', 'connections
', 'that
', 'characterize
', 'the
', 'Islamic
', 'world,
', 'the
', 'Islamic
', 'civilizations
', 'studies
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'its
', 'graduates
', 'to
', 'engage
', 'intellectually
', 'across
', 'the
', 'humanities
', 'and
', 'the
', 'social
', 'sciences
', 'in
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'range
', 'of
', 'professional
', 'capacities.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Italian
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Italian
', 'studies
', 'major
', 'focuses
', 'of
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'Italy
', 'from
', 'a
', 'multifaceted
', 'perspective:
', 'literary,
', 'cultural,
', 'historical,
', 'artistic,
', 'philosophical,
', 'and
', 'political.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Japanese
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Our
', 'Japanese
', 'curriculum
', 'offers
', 'elementary
', 'through
', 'advanced
', 'language
', 'training,
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'a
', 'broad
', 'range
', 'of
', 'elective
', 'courses.
', 'Classes
', 'in
', 'the
', 'areas
', 'of
', 'Japanese
', 'literature,
', 'gender
', 'and
', 'sexuality,
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'studies
', 'supplement
', 'the
', 'language
', 'classes
', 'and
', 'prepare
', 'you
', 'for
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'range
', 'of
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'the
', 'global
', 'economy
', 'of
', 'the
', '21st
', 'century.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Jewish
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Jewish
', 'studies
', 'explores
', 'topics
', 'such
', 'as
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'Jews
', 'and
', 'Judaism
', 'from
', 'different
', 'disciplines—history,
', 'religious
', 'studies,
', 'language
', 'and
', 'linguistics,
', 'literature,
', 'theology,
', 'political
', 'science,
', 'anthropology.
', 'This
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'a
', 'foundation
', 'for
', 'students
', 'who
', 'would
', 'like
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'Jewish
', 'studies
', 'in
', 'graduate
', 'school,
', 'enroll
', 'in
', 'a
', 'rabbinical
', 'program,
', 'or
', 'work
', 'in
', 'Jewish
', 'organizations
', 'and
', 'communities.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Juridical
', 'Science
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'The
', 'highly
', 'selective
', 'Doctor
', 'of
', 'Juridical
', 'Science
', '(SJD)
', 'program
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'those
', 'seeking
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'careers
', 'as
', 'teachers
', 'and
', 'scholars
', 'of
', 'law.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Juris
', 'Master
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'The
', 'Juris
', 'Master
', 'degree
', 'provides
', 'professionals
', 'with
', 'foundational
', 'legal
', 'training
', 'specific
', 'to
', 'their
', 'fields
', 'of
', 'interest,
', 'helping
', 'them
', 'advance
', 'their
', 'careers.
', 'Our
', 'health
', 'care
', 'law,
', 'policy,
', 'and
', 'regulation
', 'and
', 'business
', 'law
', 'and
', 'regulation
', 'concentrations
', 'can
', 'be
', 'completed
', 'online.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Korean
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'minor
', 'in
', 'Korean
', 'increases
', 'expertise
', 'in
', 'the
', 'language
', 'and
', 'examines
', 'Korean
', 'history,
', 'culture,
', 'society,
', 'and
', 'politics.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Latin
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Latin
', 'program
', 'will
', 'reveal
', 'to
', 'you
', 'the
', 'essential
', 'elements
', 'of
', 'classical
', 'Latin,
', 'enabling
', 'you
', 'to
', 'read
', 'and
', 'understand
', 'literary
', 'works
', 'better
', 'and
', 'more
', 'rapidly.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Latin
', 'American
', 'and
', 'Caribbean
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Latin
', 'American
', 'and
', 'Caribbean
', 'Studies
', '(LACS)
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'courses
', 'on
', 'the
', 'past
', 'and
', 'present
', 'of
', 'this
', 'unique
', 'part
', 'of
', 'the
', 'world.
', 'Taught
', 'in
', 'English
', 'and
', 'Spanish,
', 'LACS
', 'courses
', 'combine
', 'approaches
', 'from
', 'history,
', 'the
', 'social
', 'sciences,
', 'politics,
', 'arts,
', 'and
', 'literature.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Law
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'The
', 'Emory
', 'Law
', 'JD
', 'curriculum
', 'is
', 'attuned
', 'to
', 'the
', 'needs
', 'of
', 'the
', 'legal
', 'profession
', 'and
', 'the
', 'world
', 'of
', 'professions
', 'engaged
', 'with
', 'the
', 'law,
', 'offering
', 'an
', 'unmatched
', 'breadth
', 'and
', 'depth
', 'of
', 'courses
', 'directed
', 'to
', 'every
', 'area
', 'of
', 'practice.
', 'This
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'students
', 'with
', 'an
', 'education
', 'in
', 'the
', 'discipline-specific
', 'methodologies
', 'of
', 'critical
', 'analysis,
', 'law,
', 'health,
', 'science,
', 'and
', 'ethics.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Law
', 'and
', 'Divinity
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'juris
', 'doctor/master
', 'of
', 'divinity
', '(JD/MDiv)
', 'program
', 'allows
', 'students
', 'to
', 'combine
', 'training
', 'in
', 'law
', 'with
', 'training
', 'in
', 'ministry.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Law
', 'and
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'By
', 'combining
', 'programs,
', 'the
', 'juris
', 'doctor/master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health
', '(JD/MPH)
', 'offers
', 'students
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'develop
', 'special
', 'expertise
', 'in
', 'public
', 'health–related
', 'legal
', 'issues.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Law
', 'and
', 'Theology
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'joint
', 'juris
', 'doctor/master
', 'of
', 'theological
', 'studies
', '(JD/MTS)
', 'program
', 'allows
', 'students
', 'to
', 'combine
', 'training
', 'in
', 'law
', 'with
', 'training
', 'in
', 'religious
', 'studies.
', 'This
', 'program
', 'emphasizes
', 'scholarly
', '(rather
', 'than
', 'ministerial)
', 'aspects
', 'of
', 'law
', 'and
', 'religion.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Law
', 'JD/PhD
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'The
', 'juris
', 'doctor/doctor
', 'of
', 'philosophy
', '(JD/PhD)
', 'is
', 'administered
', 'by
', 'Emory
', 'Law
', 'and
', 'the
', 'Graduate
', 'Division
', 'of
', 'Religion
', 'of
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School.
', 'Students
', 'have
', 'pursued
', 'the
', 'JD/PhD
', 'with
', 'a
', 'number
', 'of
', 'graduate
', 'departments
', 'including
', 'philosophy,
', 'political
', 'science,
', 'economics,
', 'and
', 'women’s
', 'studies.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Law
', 'with
', 'Bioethics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'The
', 'Law
', 'with
', 'Bioethics
', 'program
', 'trains
', 'students
', 'to
', 'speak
', 'intelligently
', 'at
', 'the
', 'intersection
', 'of
', 'law
', 'and
', 'bioethics
', 'and
', 'to
', 'participate
', 'in
', 'the
', 'development
', 'of
', 'health-related
', 'public
', 'policy
', 'and
', 'legislation.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Linguistics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Linguistics
', 'is
', 'the
', 'scientific
', 'study
', 'of
', 'language.
', 'In
', 'the
', 'Linguistics
', 'program,
', 'our
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'approach
', 'allows
', 'you
', 'to
', 'explore
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'range
', 'of
', 'languages—even
', 'computer
', 'languages—to
', 'understand
', 'how
', 'language
', 'is
', 'acquired;
', 'how
', 'it
', 'evolves;
', 'and
', 'the
', 'impact
', 'of
', 'physiological,
', 'cognitive,
', 'societal,
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'differences
', 'on
', 'communication.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Lusophone
', 'Studies
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Explore
', 'the
', 'Lusophone
', '(Portuguese-speaking)
', 'world
', 'with
', 'language
', 'and
', 'culture
', 'study
', 'in
', 'this
', 'minor.
', 'Students
', 'are
', 'strongly
', 'encouraged
', 'to
', 'study
', 'abroad
', 'in
', 'a
', 'Portuguese-speaking
', 'country.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Marketing
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Marketing
', 'is
', 'a
', 'primary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA,
', 'and
', 'it
', 'offers
', 'proficiency
', 'in
', 'the
', 'latest
', 'methods
', 'and
', 'concepts
', 'for
', 'understanding
', 'customer
', 'behavior,
', 'devising
', 'effective
', 'marketing
', 'strategies,
', 'and
', 'implementing
', 'and
', 'assessing
', 'marketing
', 'programs.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Marketing
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'marketing
', 'doctoral
', 'program
', 'balances
', 'solid
', 'grounding
', 'in
', 'the
', 'fundamentals
', 'of
', 'marketing
', 'with
', 'the
', 'flexibility
', 'to
', 'customize
', 'according
', 'to
', 'individual
', 'student
', 'interests.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Comparative
', 'Law
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'The
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Comparative
', 'Law
', '(MCL)
', 'program
', 'is
', 'offered
', 'in
', 'partnership
', 'with
', 'Shanghai
', 'Jiao
', 'Tong
', 'University’s
', 'KoGuan
', 'Law
', 'School.
', 'The
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'students
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'engage
', 'in
', 'a
', 'one-year
', 'legal
', 'education
', 'experience
', 'comparing
', 'legal
', 'systems
', 'and
', 'practices
', 'between
', 'the
', 'People’s
', 'Republic
', 'of
', 'China
', 'and
', 'the
', 'US.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Divinity
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'Designed
', 'for
', 'individuals
', 'who
', 'are
', 'preparing
', 'for
', 'ordained
', 'ministry,
', 'the
', 'master
', 'of
', 'divinity
', 'integrates
', 'real
', 'life
', 'and
', 'real
', 'study
', 'that
', 'encompass
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'practical
', 'experience
', 'in
', 'both
', 'ecclesial
', 'and
', 'social
', 'ministry
', 'settings.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Laws
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Law
', 'Emory
', 'Law’s
', 'LLM
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'graduates
', 'of
', 'US
', 'and
', 'foreign
', 'law
', 'schools
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'the
', 'master
', 'of
', 'laws
', 'degree
', 'from
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'top
', 'nationally
', 'ranked
', 'law
', 'schools
', 'in
', 'the
', 'United
', 'States.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Religion
', 'and
', 'Public
', 'Life
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'MRPL
', 'explores
', 'the
', 'dynamics
', 'of
', 'faith
', 'in
', 'the
', 'public
', 'sphere
', 'and
', 'is
', 'ideal
', 'for
', 'professionals
', 'who
', 'desire
', 'improved
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'the
', 'specific
', 'demands
', 'and
', 'concerns
', 'of
', 'religious
', 'traditions
', 'they
', 'encounter
', 'at
', 'work
', 'and
', 'a
', 'more
', 'general
', 'appreciation
', 'for
', 'the
', 'ways
', 'in
', 'which
', 'religion
', 'shapes
', 'the
', 'public
', 'landscape.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Religious
', 'Leadership
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'MRL
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'enhance
', 'the
', 'leadership
', 'potential
', 'of
', 'those
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'Christian
', 'service.
', 'This
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'specialized
', 'ministries
', 'a
', 'graduate
', 'theological
', 'program
', 'that
', 'provides
', 'a
', 'biblical,
', 'historical,
', 'and
', 'practical
', 'foundation
', 'for
', 'their
', 'work.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Theological
', 'Studies
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'MTS
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'individuals
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'pursuing
', 'some
', 'aspect
', 'of
', 'teaching
', 'and
', 'research,
', 'whether
', 'in
', 'an
', 'academic
', 'context,
', 'the
', 'nonprofit
', 'world,
', 'or
', 'in
', 'public
', 'policy
', 'and
', 'social
', 'engagement
', 'and
', 'provides
', 'superb
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'doctoral-level
', 'studies
', 'in
', 'religion
', 'and
', 'theology.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Master
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'ThM
', 'is
', 'a
', 'one-year
', 'program
', 'of
', 'study
', 'beyond
', 'the
', 'master
', 'of
', 'divinity
', 'or
', 'another
', 'first-level
', 'theological
', 'degree
', 'and
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'students
', 'who
', 'wish
', 'to
', 'deepen
', 'their
', 'knowledge
', 'in
', 'a
', 'particular
', 'area
', 'of
', 'study
', 'in
', 'order
', 'to
', 'enhance
', 'their
', 'vocation
', 'or
', 'ministry.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Maternal
', 'and
', 'Child
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'certificate
', 'in
', 'maternal
', 'and
', 'child
', 'health
', 'aims
', 'to
', 'equip
', 'students
', 'to
', 'become
', 'professionals
', 'for
', 'positions
', 'in
', 'governmental
', 'and
', 'non-governmental
', 'public
', 'health
', 'organizations
', 'serving
', 'women,
', 'infants,
', 'and
', 'children
', 'at
', 'local,
', 'regional,
', 'national,
', 'and
', 'international
', 'levels.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Mathematics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Studying
', 'math
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'teaches
', 'students
', 'to
', 'hone
', 'general
', 'analytical
', 'and
', 'problem
', 'solving
', 'skills.
', 'Mathematicians
', 'work
', 'in
', 'all
', 'kinds
', 'of
', 'fields
', 'where
', 'they
', 'get
', 'to
', 'do
', 'everything
', 'from
', 'breaking
', 'codes,
', 'outsmarting
', 'hackers,
', 'analyzing
', 'data,
', 'predicting
', 'market
', 'trends,
', 'and
', 'managing
', 'risks.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Mathematics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'master’s
', 'program
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'students
', 'wishing
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'a
', 'career
', 'in
', 'industry
', 'or
', 'enter
', 'a
', 'mathematics
', 'PhD
', 'program.
', 'The
', 'department
', 'also
', 'offers
', 'a
', 'PhD
', 'in
', 'mathematics
', 'intended
', 'for
', 'students
', 'with
', 'an
', 'undergraduate
', 'mathematics
', 'degree
', 'or
', 'equivalent
', 'experience.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Mathematics
', 'and
', 'Computer
', 'Science
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Mathematics
', 'and
', 'computer
', 'science
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'for
', 'students
', 'who
', 'have
', 'a
', 'strong
', 'interest
', 'in
', 'both
', 'fields.
', 'The
', 'study
', 'of
', 'mathematics
', 'helps
', 'in
', 'the
', 'development
', 'of
', 'general
', 'analytical
', 'thinking
', 'skills
', 'and
', 'problem-solving
', 'abilities.
', 'These
', 'skills
', 'coordinate
', 'well
', 'with
', 'using
', 'algorithm
', 'analysis
', 'to
', 'solve
', 'problems
', 'with
', 'computers.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Mathematics
', 'and
', 'Political
', 'Science
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Mathematics
', 'and
', 'political
', 'science
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'for
', 'students
', 'who
', 'have
', 'a
', 'strong
', 'interest
', 'in
', 'both
', 'fields.
', 'The
', 'study
', 'of
', 'mathematics
', 'helps
', 'in
', 'the
', 'development
', 'of
', 'general
', 'analytical
', 'thinking
', 'skills
', 'and
', 'problem-solving
', 'abilities,
', 'and
', 'political
', 'science
', 'describes
', 'and
', 'analyzes
', 'political
', 'life.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'MBA
', '/
', 'Evening
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Goizueta’s
', 'Evening
', 'MBA
', 'is
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'best
', 'in
', 'the
', 'nation
', 'and
', 'the
', 'top-ranked
', 'in
', 'Georgia
', 'for
', 'a
', 'reason.
', 'Designed
', 'for
', 'working
', 'professionals,
', 'we’ll
', 'test,
', 'challenge,
', 'and
', 'equip
', 'you
', 'with
', 'the
', 'knowledge
', 'to
', 'turn
', 'idea
', 'into
', 'action.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'MBA
', '/
', 'Executive
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Expand
', 'your
', 'breadth
', 'of
', 'knowledge
', 'and
', 'depth
', 'of
', 'expertise
', 'with
', 'the
', 'Emory
', 'Executive
', 'MBA.
', 'Designed
', 'for
', 'emerging
', 'executives
', 'and
', 'accomplished
', 'professionals,
', 'you’ll
', 'tailor
', 'the
', 'EMBA
', 'to
', 'your
', 'professional
', 'interests,
', 'enhance
', 'your
', 'leadership
', 'abilities,
', 'and
', 'maximize
', 'your
', 'ability
', 'to
', 'create
', 'organizational
', 'value.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'MBA
', '/
', 'One-Year
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'In
', 'Goizueta’s
', 'One-Year
', 'MBA
', 'program,
', 'you’ll
', 'learn
', 'theory
', 'and
', 'then
', 'immediately
', 'act
', 'on
', 'it.
', 'You’ll
', 'work
', 'with
', 'real-world
', 'clients
', 'to
', 'solve
', 'real
', 'business
', 'problems,
', 'study
', 'international
', 'business
', 'abroad,
', 'become
', 'a
', 'leadership
', 'coach,
', 'and
', 'learn
', 'from
', 'some
', 'of
', 'the
', 'world’s
', 'best
', 'business
', 'minds.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'MBA
', '/
', 'Two-Year
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Goizueta’s
', 'Two-Year
', 'MBA
', 'program
', 'is
', 'all
', 'about
', 'impact.
', 'You’ll
', 'work
', 'in
', 'small
', 'teams
', 'to
', 'solve
', 'real
', 'business
', 'problems.
', 'You’ll
', 'have
', 'one-on-one
', 'sessions
', 'with
', 'career
', 'advisers,
', 'coach
', 'and
', 'be
', 'coached
', 'in
', 'leadership,
', 'study
', 'international
', 'business
', 'abroad,
', 'and
', 'present
', 'work
', 'to
', 'real-world
', 'clients.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Medical
', 'Imaging
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Graduates
', 'of
', 'this
', 'specialized
', 'undergraduate
', 'bachelor
', 'of
', 'medical
', 'science
', '(BMSc)
', 'program
', 'should
', 'advance
', 'more
', 'rapidly
', 'into
', 'management,
', 'educational
', 'positions,
', 'careers
', 'as
', 'application
', 'specialists
', 'for
', 'imaging
', 'equipment,
', 'or
', 'advanced
', 'clinical
', 'practice
', 'in
', 'CT
', 'and
', 'MRI.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Medicine
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Emory’s
', 'doctor
', 'of
', 'medicine
', '(MD)
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'maximize
', 'patient
', 'interaction
', 'time,
', 'deliver
', 'broad
', 'exposure
', 'to
', 'different
', 'practice
', 'environments,
', 'and
', 'apply
', 'research
', 'innovations
', 'in
', 'a
', 'clinical
', 'setting.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Medicine
', 'and
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'doctor
', 'of
', 'medicine/master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health
', '(MD/MPH)
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'students
', 'to
', 'work
', 'as
', 'physicians
', 'in
', 'the
', 'public
', 'health
', 'field,
', 'enabling
', 'them
', 'to
', 'diagnose
', 'health
', 'problems
', 'and
', 'risk
', 'factors
', 'of
', 'individuals
', 'and
', 'communities.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Medicine
', 'with
', 'Bioethics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'dual
', 'MD/MA
', 'in
', 'bioethics
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'you
', 'from
', 'the
', 'onset
', 'of
', 'your
', 'medical
', 'career
', 'to
', 'identify,
', 'address,
', 'and
', 'assess
', 'ethical
', 'issues
', 'as
', 'they
', 'appear
', 'in
', 'clinical
', 'practice.
', 'No
', 'matter
', 'what
', 'medical
', 'specialty
', 'you
', 'pursue,
', 'you
', 'will
', 'encounter
', 'complex
', 'ethical
', 'issues
', 'and
', 'this
', 'dual-degree
', 'program
', 'will
', 'help
', 'you
', 'best
', 'respond
', 'to
', 'them.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Medicine
', 'with
', 'Clinical
', 'Research
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'master
', 'of
', 'science
', 'in
', 'clinical
', 'research
', '(MSCR)
', 'provides
', 'didactic
', 'and
', 'mentored
', 'clinical
', 'and
', 'translational
', 'research
', 'training
', 'for
', 'medical
', 'students
', 'between
', 'their
', 'third
', 'and
', 'fourth
', 'years
', 'of
', 'medical
', 'school.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Medicine
', 'with
', 'PhD
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'Emory
', 'MD/PhD
', 'program
', 'combines
', 'the
', 'advantages
', 'of
', 'rigorous
', 'preparation
', 'in
', 'clinical
', 'medicine
', 'with
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'training
', 'in
', 'the
', 'basic
', 'and
', 'social
', 'sciences
', 'of
', 'Emory’s
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Mediterranean
', 'Archeology
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Mediterranean
', 'archeology
', 'minor
', 'brings
', 'together
', 'courses
', 'that
', 'deal
', 'with
', 'the
', 'material
', 'culture
', 'of
', 'peoples
', 'from
', 'the
', 'Mediterranean
', 'basin,
', 'ranging
', 'from
', 'the
', 'Ancient
', 'Near
', 'East
', 'to
', 'the
', 'classical
', 'world
', 'and
', 'from
', 'the
', 'earliest
', 'times
', 'to
', 'late
', 'antiquity.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Mental
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'interdepartmental
', 'certificate
', 'in
', 'mental
', 'health
', 'is
', 'intended
', 'to
', 'enhance
', 'the
', 'competencies
', 'of
', 'students
', 'regarding
', 'mental
', 'illness
', 'and
', 'health
', 'in
', 'society.
', 'It
', 'is
', 'open
', 'to
', 'any
', 'student
', 'working
', 'toward
', 'a
', 'master[aspostrophe]s
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'any
', 'of
', 'Rollins[aspostrophe]
', 'departmental
', 'programs.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Microbiology
', 'and
', 'Molecular
', 'Genetics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'program
', 'in
', 'Microbiology
', 'and
', 'Molecular
', 'Genetics
', 'provides
', 'training
', 'in
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'microorganisms
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'in
', 'the
', 'use
', 'of
', 'microbial
', 'models
', 'to
', 'investigate
', 'basic
', 'problems
', 'in
', 'molecular
', 'genetics
', 'and
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'academic
', 'careers
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'for
', 'those
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'related
', 'aspects
', 'of
', 'medicine
', 'and
', 'industry.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Middle
', 'Eastern
', 'and
', 'South
', 'Asian
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Coursework
', 'for
', 'Middle
', 'Eastern
', 'and
', 'South
', 'Asian
', 'studies
', 'includes
', 'language
', '(Arabic,
', 'Hebrew,
', 'Hindi,
', 'Persian,
', 'Tibetan)
', 'along
', 'with
', 'courses
', 'in
', 'history,
', 'the
', 'arts,
', 'and
', 'comparative
', 'culture.
', 'Study
', 'abroad
', 'opportunities
', 'also
', 'exist.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'MN
', 'Pathway
', 'to
', 'MSN
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Interested
', 'in
', 'becoming
', 'an
', 'advanced
', 'practice
', 'nurse
', 'or
', 'midwife?
', 'This
', 'program
', 'lets
', 'students
', 'with
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degrees
', 'in
', 'other
', 'disciplines
', 'earn
', 'an
', 'RN
', 'license
', 'in
', '15
', 'months,
', 'and
', 'then
', 'immediately
', 'begin
', 'MSN
', 'coursework.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Molecular
', 'and
', 'Systems
', 'Pharmacology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Molecular
', 'and
', 'Systems
', 'Pharmacology
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'broad
', 'training
', 'in
', 'the
', 'biomedical
', 'sciences
', 'for
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'learning
', 'how
', 'the
', 'drugs
', 'of
', 'today
', 'work
', 'and
', 'how
', 'the
', 'novel
', 'therapeutics
', 'of
', 'tomorrow
', 'can
', 'be
', 'developed.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Molecules
', 'to
', 'Mankind
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'M2M
', 'pathway
', 'educates
', 'doctoral
', 'students
', 'in
', 'both
', 'lab
', 'and
', 'population
', 'science
', 'along
', 'four
', 'research
', 'tracks.
', 'Students
', 'work
', 'with
', 'faculty
', 'mentors
', 'in
', 'Emory
', 'College,
', 'the
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'faculty
', 'at
', 'Georgia
', 'Tech
', 'and
', 'researchers
', 'at
', 'the
', 'US
', 'Centers
', 'for
', 'Disease
', 'Control
', 'and
', 'Prevention.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Music
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'More
', 'than
', '60
', 'artists
', 'and
', 'scholars
', 'make
', 'up
', 'the
', 'music
', 'faculty,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'curriculum
', 'includes
', 'vocal,
', 'instrumental,
', 'solo,
', 'and
', 'ensemble
', 'instruction.
', 'Foundations
', 'are
', 'built
', 'in
', 'composition,
', 'ethnomusicology,
', 'music
', 'history,
', 'and
', 'theory.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Music
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'More
', 'than
', '60
', 'artists
', 'and
', 'scholars
', 'make
', 'up
', 'the
', 'music
', 'faculty,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'curriculum
', 'includes
', 'vocal,
', 'instrumental,
', 'solo,
', 'and
', 'ensemble
', 'instruction.
', 'Foundations
', 'are
', 'built
', 'in
', 'composition,
', 'ethnomusicology,
', 'music
', 'history,
', 'and
', 'theory.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Neonatal
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'This
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'nurses
', 'as
', 'advanced
', 'practice
', 'providers
', 'who
', 'are
', 'skilled
', 'in
', 'performing
', 'comprehensive
', 'assessments,
', 'diagnostic
', 'evaluations,
', 'and
', 'symptom
', 'and
', 'disease
', 'management
', 'for
', 'neonates
', 'and
', 'infants
', 'through
', 'age
', 'two.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Neuroscience
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Neuroscience
', 'research
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'has
', 'grown
', 'dramatically
', 'in
', 'the
', 'past
', 'decade
', 'with
', 'the
', 'recruitment
', 'of
', 'many
', 'renowned
', 'scientists.
', 'The
', 'Neuroscience
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'access
', 'to
', 'excellent
', 'labs
', 'focused
', 'on
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'specialties
', 'within
', 'neuroscience.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Neuroscience
', 'and
', 'Animal
', 'Behavior
', '(Psychology)
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'program
', 'in
', 'Neuroscience
', 'and
', 'Animal
', 'Behavior
', '(NAB)
', 'approaches
', 'topics
', 'within
', 'the
', 'areas
', 'of
', 'neuroscience,
', 'physiological
', 'psychology,
', 'acquired
', 'behavior,
', 'and
', 'ethology
', 'as
', 'a
', 'unified
', 'entity.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Neuroscience
', 'and
', 'Behavioral
', 'Biology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Neuroscience
', 'and
', 'behavioral
', 'biology
', 'majors
', 'study
', 'at
', 'the
', 'frontier
', 'of
', 'biological
', 'and
', 'brain
', 'science
', 'to
', 'examine—on
', 'a
', 'cognitive
', 'and
', 'physiological
', 'level—why
', 'people
', 'and
', 'animals
', 'do
', 'the
', 'things
', 'they
', 'do.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nurse
', 'Anesthesia
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'The
', 'DNP,
', 'Nurse
', 'Anesthesia
', 'program
', 'is
', 'a
', '36-month
', '(9
', 'semester),
', '88-credit
', 'hour,
', 'full-time
', 'program.
', 'Graduates
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'doctorate
', 'of
', 'nursing
', 'practice
', 'with
', 'a
', 'specialty
', 'in
', 'nurse
', 'anesthesia.
', 'Nurse
', 'anesthesia
', 'students
', 'are
', 'educated
', 'for
', 'the
', 'full
', 'scope
', 'of
', 'practice.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nurse-Midwifery
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'The
', 'focus
', 'of
', 'our
', 'program
', 'is
', 'to
', 'prepare
', 'the
', 'next
', 'generation
', 'of
', 'nurse-midwives
', 'capable
', 'of
', 'leading
', 'positive
', 'change
', 'and
', 'providing
', 'the
', 'primary
', 'care
', 'needs
', 'of
', 'essentially
', 'healthy
', 'women
', 'across
', 'their
', 'lifespan,
', 'along
', 'with
', 'the
', 'care
', 'of
', 'normal
', 'newborns.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nursing
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'A
', 'PhD
', 'in
', 'nursing
', 'allows
', 'you
', 'to
', 'be
', 'at
', 'the
', 'forefront
', 'of
', 'advancing
', 'nursing
', 'science.
', 'With
', 'a
', 'PhD,
', 'nurses
', 'can
', 'contribute
', 'to
', 'the
', 'profession
', 'through
', 'research,
', 'creating
', 'new
', 'nursing
', 'frameworks
', 'or
', 'theories,
', 'leading
', 'systems
', 'changes,
', 'and
', 'impacting
', 'policy.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nursing
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'After
', 'spending
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'or
', 'Oxford
', 'College,
', 'undergraduates
', 'can
', 'continue
', 'at
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'to
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'BSN.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nursing
', 'and
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'program
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'students
', 'who
', 'wish
', 'to
', 'use
', 'their
', 'knowledge
', 'and
', 'skills
', 'in
', 'a
', 'community/public
', 'health
', 'setting
', 'as
', 'clinical
', 'nurses.
', 'The
', 'curriculum
', 'includes
', 'both
', 'master
', 'of
', 'science
', 'in
', 'nursing
', 'and
', 'master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health
', 'core
', 'and
', 'specialty
', 'content.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nursing
', 'with
', 'Bioethics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Our
', 'MSN/MA
', 'in
', 'bioethics
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'advanced
', 'practice
', 'nurses
', 'to
', 'identify,
', 'address,
', 'and
', 'assess
', 'ethical
', 'issues
', 'as
', 'they
', 'appear
', 'in
', 'clinical
', 'practice
', 'and
', 'health
', 'care
', 'administration.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nutrition
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Sciences
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'Nutrition
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Sciences
', 'doctoral
', 'program
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'trains
', 'students
', 'in
', 'nutrition
', 'from
', 'both
', 'a
', 'biochemical
', 'and
', 'public
', 'health
', 'perspective.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nutrition
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Sciences
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'Nutrition
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Sciences
', '(NHS)
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'the
', 'expertise
', 'and
', 'skills
', 'necessary
', 'to
', 'investigate
', 'relationships
', 'between
', 'human
', 'nutrition
', 'and
', 'health,
', 'and
', 'contributes
', 'to
', 'improving
', 'nutrition
', 'worldwide.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Nutrition
', 'Science
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'This
', 'minor
', 'highlights
', 'the
', 'science
', 'of
', 'human
', 'nutritional
', 'biology
', 'from
', 'the
', 'cellular
', 'basis
', 'to
', 'the
', 'whole
', 'body.
', 'Explore
', 'the
', 'psychological,
', 'cultural,
', 'and
', 'ecological
', 'influences
', 'on
', 'dietary
', 'choices.
', 'Investigate
', 'the
', 'biological
', 'processes
', 'underlying
', 'health,
', 'optimal
', 'wellness,
', 'and
', 'disease
', 'from
', 'prenatal
', 'life
', 'to
', 'old
', 'age.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Organization
', '&
', 'Management
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Organization
', '&
', 'Management
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'students
', 'for
', 'research
', 'and
', 'teaching
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'one
', 'of
', 'three
', 'areas:
', 'organization
', 'theory,
', 'economic
', 'sociology,
', 'and
', 'organizational
', 'behavior.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Pediatric
', 'Acute
', 'Care
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'The
', 'focus
', 'of
', 'our
', 'program
', 'is
', 'to
', 'prepare
', 'the
', 'next
', 'generation
', 'of
', 'nurse-midwives
', 'capable
', 'of
', 'leading
', 'positive
', 'change
', 'and
', 'providing
', 'the
', 'primary
', 'care
', 'needs
', 'of
', 'essentially
', 'healthy
', 'women
', 'across
', 'their
', 'lifespan,
', 'along
', 'with
', 'the
', 'care
', 'of
', 'normal
', 'newborns.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Pediatric
', 'Primary
', 'Care
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'The
', 'program
', 'is
', 'individually
', 'tailored
', 'to
', 'meet
', 'each
', 'student’s
', 'unique
', 'needs,
', 'whether
', 'through
', 'clinical
', 'placements
', 'or
', 'clinical
', 'preceptors.
', 'Students
', 'are
', 'provided
', 'with
', 'a
', 'broad
', 'range
', 'of
', 'clinical
', 'experiences
', 'by
', 'rotating
', 'through
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'specialty
', 'primary
', 'care
', 'clinical
', 'sites.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Persian
', 'Language
', 'and
', 'Literature
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'addition
', 'to
', 'sequenced
', 'language
', 'instruction,
', 'students
', 'minoring
', 'in
', 'Persian
', 'language
', 'and
', 'literature
', 'may
', 'take
', 'related
', 'courses
', 'in
', 'literature,
', 'culture,
', 'and
', 'history.
', 'In
', 'addition,
', 'there
', 'are
', 'opportunities
', 'for
', 'extended
', 'learning
', 'through
', 'various
', 'study
', 'abroad
', 'programs.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Philosophy
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Philosophy
', 'offers
', 'a
', 'broad
', 'foundation
', 'in
', 'areas
', 'like
', 'ethics,
', 'metaphysics,
', 'aesthetics,
', 'and
', 'epistemology
', 'that
', 'will
', 'prepare
', 'students
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'career
', 'directions
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'advanced
', 'study.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Philosophy
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'philosophy
', 'PhD
', 'program
', 'produces
', 'teachers
', 'and
', 'scholars
', 'who
', 'address
', 'living
', 'questions
', 'through
', 'perspectives
', 'grounded
', 'in
', 'a
', 'systematic
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'the
', 'history
', 'of
', 'philosophy,
', 'including
', 'analytic,
', 'continental,
', 'feminist,
', 'literary,
', 'multicultural,
', 'and
', 'pragmatic
', 'approaches
', 'to
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'philosophy.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Philosophy,
', 'Politics,
', 'Law
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'philosophy,
', 'politics,
', 'law
', 'major
', 'is
', 'excellent
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'law
', 'school
', 'and
', 'careers
', 'in
', 'law
', 'and
', 'public
', 'policy.
', 'Students
', 'examine
', 'questions
', 'integral
', 'to
', 'politics
', 'and
', 'the
', 'rule
', 'of
', 'law,
', 'such
', 'as
', 'the
', 'nature
', 'of
', 'justice
', 'and
', 'political
', 'legitimacy
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'debates,
', 'current
', 'and
', 'historical,
', 'concerning
', 'the
', 'nature
', 'of
', 'democracy,
', 'freedom,
', 'rights,
', 'and
', 'representative
', 'government.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Philosophy
', 'and
', 'Religion
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Philosophy
', 'and
', 'religion
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'that
', 'challenges
', 'students
', 'to
', 'consider
', 'themselves
', 'and
', 'the
', 'world
', 'they
', 'live
', 'in
', 'with
', 'a
', 'critical
', 'eye,
', 'with
', 'a
', 'consideration
', 'of
', 'fundamental
', 'questions
', 'about
', 'issues
', 'of
', 'human
', 'existence.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physical
', 'Therapy
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'doctor
', 'of
', 'physical
', 'therapy
', '(DPT)
', 'degree
', 'is
', 'a
', 'professional
', 'doctorate
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'prepare
', 'physical
', 'therapists
', 'for
', 'practice
', 'in
', 'an
', 'evolving
', 'health
', 'care
', 'environment.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physical
', 'Therapy
', 'and
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Students
', 'in
', 'the
', 'program
', 'will
', 'learn
', 'to
', 'be
', 'strong
', 'leaders
', 'in
', 'preventive
', 'health
', 'care
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'effective
', 'therapists
', 'following
', 'a
', 'public
', 'health
', 'crisis.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physical
', 'Therapy
', 'with
', 'Bioethics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'This
', 'dual-degree
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'physical
', 'therapists
', 'to
', 'work
', 'on
', 'issues
', 'of
', 'public
', 'and
', 'institutional
', 'policy
', 'as
', 'they
', 'relate
', 'to
', 'the
', 'provision
', 'of
', 'clinical
', 'care
', 'and
', 'ethical
', 'health
', 'care
', 'practice,
', 'to
', 'serve
', 'on
', 'ethics
', 'committees,
', 'or
', 'to
', 'conduct
', 'education
', 'on
', 'the
', 'ethical
', 'foundations
', 'of
', 'clinical
', 'practice.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physical
', 'Therapy
', 'with
', 'PhD
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'Division
', 'of
', 'Physical
', 'Therapy
', 'at
', 'the
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'in
', 'coordination
', 'with
', 'the
', 'Applied
', 'Physiology
', 'program
', 'and
', 'other
', 'departments
', 'at
', 'Georgia
', 'Tech
', 'offers
', 'a
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'program
', 'that
', 'awards
', 'a
', 'doctorate
', 'in
', 'physical
', 'therapy
', '(DPT)
', 'from
', 'Emory
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'a
', 'PhD
', 'in
', 'applied
', 'physiology
', 'from
', 'the
', 'Georgia
', 'Tech
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Biological
', 'Sciences.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physician
', 'Assistant
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'Physician
', 'Assistant
', 'program
', 'emphasizes
', 'active
', 'learning
', 'centered
', 'on
', 'the
', 'six
', 'competencies
', 'defined
', 'by
', 'the
', 'profession
', 'and
', 'uses
', 'a
', 'fully
', 'integrated
', 'curriculum
', 'stressing
', 'evidence-based
', 'medical
', 'decision
', 'making,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'provision
', 'of
', 'health
', 'care
', 'to
', 'all
', 'individuals
', 'while
', 'being
', 'sensitive
', 'to
', 'the
', 'social
', 'determinants
', 'of
', 'health
', 'and
', 'wellness.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physician
', 'Assistant
', 'with
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'students
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'earn
', 'an
', 'MPH
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'conjunction
', 'with
', 'training
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health.
', 'Students
', 'may
', 'apply
', 'their
', 'combined
', 'PA/PH
', 'skills
', 'in
', 'such
', 'areas
', 'as
', 'population
', 'health,
', 'clinical
', 'research,
', 'health
', 'administration
', 'leadership,
', 'global
', 'health
', 'care,
', 'and
', 'community
', 'health
', 'promotion.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Physics
', 'is
', 'defined
', 'as
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'matter,
', 'energy,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'interaction
', 'between
', 'them,
', 'and
', 'it
', 'helps
', 'us
', 'understand
', 'how
', 'the
', 'world
', 'works
', 'from
', 'the
', 'tiniest
', 'sub-atomic
', 'particles
', 'to
', 'the
', 'largest
', 'galaxies.
', 'Physicists
', 'study
', 'how
', 'the
', 'world
', 'around
', 'us
', 'works
', 'to
', 'discover
', 'the
', 'basic
', 'building
', 'blocks
', 'of
', 'matter,
', 'how
', 'the
', 'universe
', 'began,
', 'and
', 'how
', 'it
', 'will
', 'likely
', 'change.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'physics
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'students
', 'a
', 'comprehensive
', 'graduate
', 'education
', 'in
', 'physics
', 'and
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'engage
', 'in
', 'research
', 'with
', 'internationally
', 'recognized
', 'groups
', 'using
', 'state-of-the-art
', 'techniques
', 'and
', 'instrumentation
', 'in
', 'a
', 'friendly,
', 'collegial
', 'environment.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physics
', 'and
', 'Astronomy
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Physics
', 'and
', 'astronomy
', 'is
', 'for
', 'students
', 'who
', 'are
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'studying
', 'astronomy
', 'but
', 'may
', 'pursue
', 'another
', 'career
', 'such
', 'as
', 'medicine,
', 'law,
', 'or
', 'teaching.
', 'This
', 'program
', 'will
', 'also
', 'benefit
', 'you
', 'if
', "you're
", 'planning
', 'to
', 'pursue
', 'graduate
', 'education
', 'and
', 'a
', 'career
', 'in
', 'astronomy.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Physics
', 'for
', 'Life
', 'Sciences
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Physics
', 'for
', 'life
', 'sciences
', 'provides
', 'a
', 'solid
', 'scientific
', 'foundation
', 'for
', 'pre-health
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'physics
', 'or
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'both
', 'physics
', 'and
', 'the
', 'life
', 'sciences.
', 'The
', 'major
', 'is
', 'excellent
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'admission
', 'to
', 'medical
', 'and
', 'other
', 'health
', 'care–related
', 'schools.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Playwriting
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Playwriting
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'that
', 'brings
', 'together
', 'the
', 'disciplines
', 'of
', 'theater
', 'studies
', 'and
', 'creative
', 'writing
', 'in
', 'an
', 'innovative
', 'synthesis
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'educate
', 'playwrights
', 'as
', 'writers
', 'and
', 'as
', 'theater
', 'professionals.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Political
', 'Science
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'the
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Political
', 'Science,
', 'study
', 'examines
', 'four
', 'major
', 'fields:
', 'political
', 'theory,
', 'American
', 'government
', 'and
', 'politics,
', 'comparative
', 'government
', 'politics,
', 'and
', 'international
', 'politics.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Political
', 'Science
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'goal
', 'of
', 'our
', 'PhD
', 'program
', 'is
', 'to
', 'prepare
', 'students
', 'to
', 'research
', 'and
', 'teach
', 'at
', 'top
', 'academic
', 'institutions.
', 'To
', 'achieve
', 'this
', 'end,
', 'we
', 'have
', 'designed
', 'a
', 'program
', 'that
', 'covers
', 'a
', 'variety
', 'of
', 'substantive
', 'areas
', 'but
', 'is
', 'united
', 'in
', 'its
', 'emphasis
', 'on
', 'both
', 'theory
', 'building
', 'and
', 'empirical
', 'analysis.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Population
', 'Biology,
', 'Ecology,
', 'and
', 'Evolution
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'in
', 'Population
', 'Biology,
', 'Ecology,
', 'and
', 'Evolution
', 'is
', 'an
', 'intimate
', 'and
', 'diverse
', 'group
', 'emphasizing
', 'six
', 'main
', 'areas
', 'of
', 'inquiry:
', 'bioinformatics
', 'and
', 'biostatistics,
', 'biology
', 'of
', 'species
', 'interactions,
', 'disease
', 'ecology,
', 'ecological
', 'and
', 'evolutionary
', 'modeling,
', 'genetics
', 'of
', 'complex
', 'traits,
', 'and
', 'population
', 'and
', 'comparative
', 'genomics.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Predictive
', 'Health
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Predictive
', 'health
', 'brings
', 'together
', 'perspectives
', 'from
', 'medicine,
', 'public
', 'health,
', 'business,
', 'economics,
', 'the
', 'social
', 'sciences—areas
', 'that
', 'deal
', 'with
', 'human
', 'society
', 'and
', 'social
', 'relationship—and
', 'humanities.
', 'Explore
', 'a
', 'model
', 'of
', 'health
', 'care
', 'based
', 'on
', 'a
', 'personalized
', 'approach
', 'to
', 'health
', 'and
', 'well-being
', 'rather
', 'than
', 'the
', 'traditional
', 'disease-oriented
', 'model.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Psychology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Psychology
', 'majors
', 'have
', 'a
', 'strong
', 'desire
', 'to
', 'discover
', 'the
', 'reasons
', 'underlying
', 'why
', 'we
', 'do
', 'the
', 'things
', 'we
', 'do.
', 'The
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Psychology
', 'embraces
', 'a
', 'mix
', 'of
', 'approaches
', 'that
', 'encourage
', 'rich
', 'collaboration
', 'and
', 'the
', 'exchange
', 'of
', 'ideas,
', 'including
', 'participating
', 'in
', 'research
', 'and
', 'gaining
', 'hands-on
', 'experience
', 'working
', 'with
', 'a
', 'diverse
', 'set
', 'of
', 'clinical
', 'partners.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Psychology
', 'and
', 'Linguistics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'This
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'is
', 'for
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'how
', 'people
', 'use
', 'language.
', 'It
', 'introduces
', 'students
', 'to
', 'fundamental
', 'aspects
', 'of
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'psychology
', 'and
', 'linguistics,
', 'particularly
', 'how
', 'these
', 'two
', 'perspectives
', 'complement
', 'and
', 'inform
', 'one
', 'another
', 'in
', 'human
', 'language
', 'usage.
', 'This
', 'major
', 'is
', 'for
', 'students
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'pursuing
', 'a
', 'graduate
', 'career
', 'in
', 'cognitive
', 'psychology,
', 'linguistics,
', 'communication,
', 'cognitive
', 'science,
', 'or
', 'speech
', 'and
', 'hearing
', 'sciences.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Students
', 'at
', 'the
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'learn
', 'to
', 'identify,
', 'analyze,
', 'and
', 'intervene
', 'in
', 'today’s
', 'most
', 'pressing
', 'public
', 'health
', 'issues
', 'while
', 'pursuing
', 'a
', 'master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health
', '(MPH),
', 'master
', 'of
', 'science
', 'in
', 'public
', 'health
', '(MSPH),
', 'dual
', 'degree,
', 'doctoral
', 'degree,
', 'or
', 'certificate.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'and
', 'Divinity
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'collaborates
', 'with
', 'Rollins
', 'in
', 'offering
', 'a
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'program
', 'awarding
', 'both
', 'the
', 'master
', 'of
', 'divinity
', 'and
', 'master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health
', 'degrees
', '(MDiv/MPH).
', 'The
', 'combination
', 'master’s
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'students
', 'to
', 'use
', 'a
', 'theological
', 'foundation
', 'when
', 'working
', 'in
', 'the
', 'field
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'and
', 'Theological
', 'Studies
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'collaborates
', 'with
', 'the
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'in
', 'offering
', 'a
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'program
', 'awarding
', 'both
', 'the
', 'master
', 'of
', 'theological
', 'studies
', 'and
', 'master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health
', '(MTS/MPH).
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'with
', 'Bioethics
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'students
', 'to
', 'speak
', 'to
', 'both
', 'the
', 'individual
', 'and
', 'community
', 'interests
', 'in
', 'health
', 'care
', 'in
', 'order
', 'for
', 'them
', 'to
', 'be
', 'better
', 'prepared
', 'to
', 'enter
', 'the
', 'contemporary
', 'health
', 'care
', 'field.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'with
', 'Environmental
', 'Sciences
', 'and
', 'Environmental
', 'Health
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'accelerated
', 'track
', 'to
', 'earning
', 'an
', 'MPH
', 'adopts
', 'a
', 'uniquely
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'approach
', 'and
', 'allows
', 'students
', 'to
', 'tailor
', 'their
', 'degree
', 'to
', 'a
', 'specific
', 'interest
', 'area
', 'such
', 'as
', 'climate
', 'change,
', 'air
', 'pollution,
', 'or
', 'policy.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'with
', 'Math/Computer
', 'Science
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Through
', 'this
', 'joint
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'Rollins
', 'program,
', 'students
', 'can
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'bachelor
', 'of
', 'arts
', 'at
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'and
', 'a
', 'master
', 'of
', 'science
', 'in
', 'public
', 'health
', '(MSPH)
', 'in
', 'biostatistics
', 'at
', 'Rollins
', 'in
', 'five
', 'years.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'with
', 'PhD
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'A
', 'joint
', 'master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health/doctor
', 'of
', 'philosophy
', '(MPH/PhD)
', 'degree
', 'is
', 'offered
', 'through
', 'the
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'with
', 'Physician
', 'Assistant
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'dual
', 'degree
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'students
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'earn
', 'a
', 'master
', 'of
', 'public
', 'health
', 'in
', 'conjunction
', 'with
', 'training
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Emory
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'Physician
', 'Assistant
', '(PA)
', 'program.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Public
', 'Policy
', 'and
', 'Analysis
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'program
', 'combines
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'public
', 'policy
', 'with
', 'the
', 'power
', 'of
', 'data
', 'analysis,
', 'empowering
', 'students
', 'to
', 'make
', 'decisions
', 'and
', 'leverage
', 'opportunities.
', 'The
', 'program
', 'prepares
', 'students
', 'for
', 'employment
', 'in
', 'many
', 'public
', 'policy,
', 'data-oriented
', 'fields,
', 'or
', 'for
', 'graduate
', 'study
', 'in
', 'political
', 'science,
', 'law,
', 'or
', 'public
', 'policy.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Quantitative
', 'Sciences
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Quantitative
', 'sciences
', 'is
', 'a
', 'rigorous
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'program
', 'integrating
', 'the
', 'liberal
', 'arts
', 'with
', 'data
', 'science,
', 'where
', 'students
', 'build
', 'quantitative
', 'research
', 'and
', 'analytical
', 'skills
', 'and
', 'learn
', 'to
', 'apply
', 'those
', 'skills
', 'solving
', 'real-world
', 'challenges
', 'in
', 'a
', 'specific
', 'area
', 'of
', 'interest.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Real
', 'Estate
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'International
', 'business
', 'is
', 'a
', 'secondary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA.
', 'Students
', 'are
', 'trained
', 'in
', 'the
', 'nuances
', 'of
', 'the
', 'real
', 'estate
', 'industry,
', 'with
', 'emphasis
', 'on
', 'factors
', 'that
', 'make
', 'up
', 'the
', 'market
', 'and
', 'the
', 'intricacies
', 'of
', 'properties
', 'as
', 'an
', 'asset
', 'in
', 'money
', 'management.
', 'Additionally,
', 'students
', 'receive
', 'high-level
', 'training
', 'in
', 'development,
', 'REITS,
', 'and
', 'capital
', 'markets.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Religion
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'religion
', 'major
', 'develops
', 'in
', 'students
', 'a
', 'deeper
', 'understanding
', 'of
', 'religious
', 'traditions
', 'and
', 'their
', 'impact
', 'on
', 'history,
', 'policy,
', 'culture,
', 'society,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'way
', 'we
', 'interpret
', 'our
', 'stories.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Religion
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Graduate
', 'Division
', 'of
', 'Religion
', '(GDR)
', 'is
', 'the
', 'second-largest
', 'doctoral
', 'program
', 'at
', 'Emory,
', 'and
', 'it
', 'benefits
', 'from
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'most
', 'diverse
', 'faculties
', 'and
', 'student
', 'bodies
', 'in
', 'American
', 'doctoral
', 'education.
', 'Named
', 'by
', 'the
', 'National
', 'Research
', 'Council
', 'as
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'premier
', 'PhD
', 'programs
', 'in
', 'the
', 'United
', 'States,
', 'the
', 'GDR
', 'is
', 'committed
', 'to
', 'developing
', 'scholars
', 'who
', 'will
', 'reshape
', 'academic
', 'disciplines
', 'and
', 'institutions
', 'for
', 'a
', 'new
', 'generation.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Religion
', 'and
', 'Anthropology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Religion
', 'and
', 'anthropology
', 'is
', 'a
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'for
', 'students
', 'who
', 'are
', 'interested
', 'in
', 'the
', 'intersection
', 'of
', 'these
', 'fields.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Religion
', 'and
', 'Classical
', 'Civilization
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'this
', 'joint
', 'major,
', 'explore
', 'how
', 'religion
', 'has
', 'shaped
', 'the
', 'fundamental
', 'issues
', 'of
', 'human
', 'existence.
', 'Take
', 'into
', 'account
', 'the
', 'foundation
', 'of
', 'classical
', 'civilization
', 'and
', 'explore
', 'the
', 'many
', 'aspects
', 'of
', 'classical
', 'culture—including
', 'religion,
', 'literature,
', 'art,
', 'archaeology,
', 'history,
', 'and
', 'philosophy.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Religion
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'certificate
', 'in
', 'Religion
', 'and
', 'Health
', 'provides
', 'an
', 'opportunity
', 'for
', 'the
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'study
', 'of
', 'health
', 'and
', 'health
', 'promotion
', 'practices
', 'as
', 'they
', 'intersect
', 'with
', 'various
', 'religious
', 'or
', 'spiritual
', 'traditions
', 'and
', 'practices.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Religion
', 'and
', 'History
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'this
', 'joint
', 'major,
', 'explore
', 'how
', 'religion
', 'has
', 'shaped
', 'the
', 'human
', 'experience
', 'from
', 'a
', 'historical
', 'perspective.
', 'The
', 'program
', 'follows
', 'a
', 'logical
', 'and
', 'focused
', 'path
', 'for
', 'exploring
', 'the
', 'role
', 'of
', 'religion
', 'in
', 'history.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Religion
', 'and
', 'Sociology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'This
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'pairs
', 'religion,
', 'which
', 'considers
', 'questions
', 'about
', 'the
', 'fundamental
', 'issues
', 'of
', 'human
', 'existence,
', 'and
', 'sociology,
', 'which
', 'is
', 'the
', 'study
', 'of
', 'human
', 'social
', 'behavior,
', 'the
', 'groups
', 'to
', 'which
', 'humans
', 'belong,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'interactions
', 'that
', 'occur
', 'within
', 'those
', 'groups.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Religious
', 'Education
', 'Ministries
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'certificate
', 'in
', 'Religious
', 'Education
', 'Ministries
', 'prepares
', 'persons
', 'for
', 'ministries
', 'related
', 'to
', 'teaching
', 'and
', 'learning
', 'in
', 'faith
', 'communities,
', 'schools,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'wider
', 'society
', 'and
', 'is
', 'designed
', 'for
', 'MDiv
', 'and
', 'MTS
', 'students
', 'who
', 'see
', 'some
', 'aspect
', 'of
', 'Christian
', 'religious
', 'education
', 'as
', 'central
', 'to
', 'their
', 'vocational
', 'identity.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'RT
', 'to
', 'BMSc
', 'in
', 'Medical
', 'Imaging
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Medicine
', 'The
', 'RT
', 'to
', 'BMSc
', 'in
', 'Medical
', 'Imaging
', 'program
', 'offers
', 'currently
', 'credentialed
', 'radiographers
', '(RTs)
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'complete
', 'a
', 'baccalaureate
', 'degree
', 'in
', 'CT,
', 'MRI,
', 'radiography
', 'education,
', 'or
', 'radiology
', 'administration.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Russian
', 'and
', 'East
', 'European
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Russian
', 'and
', 'East
', 'European
', 'Studies
', 'program
', 'combines
', 'intensive
', 'language
', 'acquisition
', 'coursework
', '(in
', 'Russian
', 'or
', 'another
', 'related
', 'language)
', 'with
', 'geographical,
', 'political,
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'areas
', 'studies.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Russian
', 'Language
', 'and
', 'Culture
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Russian
', 'language
', 'and
', 'culture
', 'major
', 'offers
', 'a
', 'full
', 'range
', 'of
', 'language
', 'courses,
', 'from
', 'elementary
', 'Russian
', 'through
', 'advanced
', 'written
', 'and
', 'oral
', 'communication,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'program
', 'also
', 'includes
', 'courses
', 'in
', '19th-
', 'and
', '20th-century
', 'Russian
', 'literature,
', 'thought,
', 'and
', 'culture,
', 'including
', 'modernist
', 'and
', 'postmodernist
', 'trends.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Science,
', 'Culture,
', 'and
', 'Society
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Science,
', 'culture,
', 'and
', 'society
', 'expands
', 'your
', 'science
', 'literacy
', 'by
', 'introducing
', 'basic
', 'ideas
', 'in
', 'the
', 'physical
', 'and
', 'biological
', 'sciences
', 'through
', 'an
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'lens.
', 'Discussion
', 'and
', 'research
', 'involve
', 'issues
', 'such
', 'as
', 'race,
', 'bioterrorism,
', 'and
', 'technology,
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'human
', 'health
', 'and
', 'well-being.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Social
', 'Determinants
', 'of
', 'Health
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'This
', 'certificate
', 'provides
', 'a
', 'range
', 'of
', 'academic,
', 'research,
', 'and
', 'professional
', 'development
', 'opportunities
', 'to
', 'strengthen
', 'students’
', 'abilities
', 'to
', 'advance
', 'the
', 'public’s
', 'health
', 'by
', 'developing
', 'and
', 'implementing
', 'studies
', 'of
', 'and
', 'interventions
', 'into
', 'the
', 'social
', 'determinants
', 'of
', 'population
', 'health
', 'and
', 'well-being.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Social
', 'Work
', 'and
', 'Theology
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'A
', 'dual
', 'master
', 'of
', 'divinity/master
', 'of
', 'social
', 'work
', '(MDiv/MSW)
', 'allows
', 'students
', 'to
', 'combine
', 'training
', 'and
', 'experience
', 'in
', 'social
', 'work
', 'with
', 'theological
', 'studies
', 'and
', 'formation
', 'for
', 'ministry.
', 'The
', 'MSW
', 'is
', 'offered
', 'through
', 'the
', 'University
', 'of
', 'Georgia,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'program
', 'is
', 'one
', 'year
', 'shorter
', 'than
', 'if
', 'the
', 'theology
', 'and
', 'social
', 'work
', 'degrees
', 'were
', 'pursued
', 'separately.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Sociology
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Sociology
', 'program
', 'teaches
', 'students
', 'to
', 'think
', 'critically
', 'about
', 'social
', 'problems
', 'with
', 'an
', 'emphasis
', 'on
', 'the
', 'intersections
', 'between
', 'disciplines,
', 'particularly
', 'between
', 'culture,
', 'social
', 'psychology,
', 'health,
', 'and
', 'inequality.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Sociology
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'The
', 'Department
', 'of
', 'Sociology
', 'is
', 'a
', 'vigorous
', 'intellectual
', 'community
', 'that
', 'offers
', 'a
', 'doctoral
', 'program
', 'designed
', 'to
', 'prepare
', 'students
', 'for
', 'academic
', 'and
', 'research
', 'careers.
', 'Our
', 'graduate
', 'program
', 'provides
', 'rigorous
', 'training
', 'in
', 'theory,
', 'research
', 'design,
', 'and
', 'statistics.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Spanish
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Spanish
', 'major
', 'teaches
', 'students
', 'the
', 'languages,
', 'texts,
', 'and
', 'cultures
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Spanish-
', 'and
', 'Portuguese-speaking
', 'worlds,
', 'including
', 'Spain,
', 'Latin
', 'America,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'US.
', 'The
', 'courses
', 'help
', 'develop
', "students'
", 'understanding
', 'of
', 'past
', 'and
', 'present
', 'texts,
', 'and
', 'they
', 'explore
', 'the
', 'social
', 'and
', 'cultural
', 'contexts
', 'that
', 'shape
', 'them.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Spanish
', 'and
', 'Linguistics
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Spanish
', 'and
', 'Linguistics
', 'joint
', 'major
', 'combines
', 'Spanish
', 'language
', 'acquisition
', 'with
', 'linguistics,
', 'which
', 'is
', 'the
', 'theoretical
', 'investigation
', 'of
', 'how
', 'languages
', 'develop
', 'and
', 'signify
', 'meaning.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Spanish
', 'and
', 'Portuguese
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'Spanish
', 'and
', 'Portuguese
', 'program
', 'combines
', 'study
', 'of
', 'these
', 'two
', 'related
', 'foreign
', 'languages,
', 'covering
', 'literature,
', 'linguistics,
', 'theater,
', 'music,
', 'and
', 'translation.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Strategy
', 'and
', 'Management
', 'Consulting
', 'Goizueta
', 'Business
', 'School
', 'Strategy
', 'and
', 'management
', 'consulting
', 'is
', 'a
', 'primary
', 'area
', 'depth
', 'that
', 'can
', 'be
', 'part
', 'of
', 'an
', 'Emory
', 'BBA.
', 'it
', 'draws
', 'from
', 'various
', 'social
', 'science
', 'disciplines
', 'including
', 'economics,
', 'political
', 'science,
', 'psychology
', 'and
', 'sociology,
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'quantitative
', 'and
', 'qualitative
', 'research
', 'methods.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Sustainability
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'Coursework
', 'in
', 'the
', 'sustainability
', 'minor
', 'includes
', 'environmental
', 'science,
', 'economics,
', 'history,
', 'anthropology,
', 'philosophy,
', 'health,
', 'and
', 'political
', 'sciences
', 'classes.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Sustainability
', 'Sciences
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'The
', 'sustainability
', 'sciences
', 'curriculum
', 'explores
', 'the
', 'challenges
', 'of
', 'sustainability,
', 'bridging
', 'theory
', 'and
', 'practice
', 'in
', 'understanding
', 'what
', 'determines
', 'sustainability
', 'in
', 'world
', 'of
', 'humans
', 'and
', 'their
', 'environment.
', 'Investigate
', 'how
', 'human
', 'institutions,
', 'organizations,
', 'cultures,
', 'and
', 'technologies
', 'link
', 'and
', 'interact
', 'with
', 'their
', 'biophysical
', 'environments.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Theater
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'In
', 'the
', 'theater
', 'studies
', 'major,
', 'students
', 'are
', 'involved
', 'to
', 'a
', 'wide
', 'range
', 'of
', 'areas
', 'including
', 'performance,
', 'stage
', 'design,
', 'history,
', 'artistic
', 'critique,
', 'theater
', 'management,
', 'and
', 'theater
', 'administration.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Water,
', 'Sanitation,
', 'and
', 'Hygiene
', 'Rollins
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Public
', 'Health
', 'The
', 'program
', 'is
', 'a
', 'combination
', 'of
', 'water,
', 'sanitation,
', 'and
', 'hygiene[ndash]related
', 'coursework;
', 'completion
', 'of
', 'a
', 'thesis,
', 'capstone,
', 'and/or
', 'practicum,
', 'and
', 'attendance
', 'at
', 'Center
', 'for
', 'Global
', 'Safe
', 'Water,
', 'Sanitation,
', 'and
', 'Hygiene–sponsored
', 'seminars.
', 'This
', 'rigorous
', 'self-guided
', 'certificate
', 'program
', 'is
', 'open
', 'to
', 'all
', 'Rollins
', 'students.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', "Women's,
", 'Gender,
', 'and
', 'Sexuality
', 'Studies
', 'M
', 'Major
', 'm
', 'Minor
', 'Emory
', 'College
', 'Oxford
', 'College*
', 'This
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'program
', 'addresses
', 'the
', 'roles
', 'of
', 'women,
', 'gender,
', 'and
', 'sexuality
', 'thorough
', 'the
', 'lens
', 'of
', 'history,
', 'sociology
', 'and
', 'psychology.
', '*Students
', 'at
', 'Oxford
', 'College
', 'complete
', 'their
', 'first
', 'two
', 'years
', 'of
', 'coursework
', 'in
', 'preparation
', 'for
', 'a
', 'bachelor’s
', 'degree.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Women’s,
', 'Gender,
', 'and
', 'Sexuality
', 'Studies
', 'Laney
', 'Graduate
', 'School
', 'Women’s,
', 'gender,
', 'and
', 'sexuality
', 'analyzes
', 'the
', 'ways
', 'in
', 'which
', 'social
', 'and
', 'institutional
', 'power
', 'is
', 'structured
', 'in
', 'part
', 'around
', 'social
', 'identities,
', 'and
', 'it
', 'examines
', 'the
', 'meanings
', 'attached
', 'to
', 'these
', 'identities
', 'through
', 'interdisciplinary
', 'lenses,
', 'covering
', 'a
', 'range
', 'of
', 'disciplinary
', 'and
', 'methodological
', 'approaches.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Women’s
', 'Health
', 'Nurse
', 'Practitioner
', 'Nell
', 'Hodgson
', 'Woodruff
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Nursing
', 'Students
', 'have
', 'the
', 'opportunity
', 'to
', 'provide
', 'care
', 'for
', 'women
', 'across
', 'the
', 'lifespan,
', 'from
', 'adolescence
', 'to
', 'old
', 'age.
', 'The
', 'program
', 'seeks
', 'to
', 'prepare
', 'health
', 'professionals
', 'who
', 'will
', 'provide
', 'care
', 'to
', 'women
', 'with
', 'a
', 'particular
', 'focus
', 'on
', 'those
', 'disadvantaged
', 'by
', 'gender
', 'or
', 'sexual
', 'discrimination.
', 'Learn
', 'More
', 'Women’s
', 'Studies
', 'in
', 'Theology
', 'and
', 'Ministry
', 'Candler
', 'School
', 'of
', 'Theology
', 'The
', 'Women’s
', 'Studies
', 'in
', 'Theology
', 'and
', 'Ministry
', 'program
', 'is
', 'available
', 'to
', 'MTS
', 'and
', 'MDiv
', 'candidates
', 'and
', 'seeks
', 'to
', 'create
', 'an
', 'intellectual
', 'and
', 'supportive
', 'community
', 'focused
', 'explicitly
', 'on
', 'women
', 'in
', 'theology
', 'and
', 'ministry
', 'and
', 'explore
', 'issues
', 'and
', 'perspectives
', 'on
', 'women
', 'and
', 'religion.
', 'Learn
', 'More
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