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Greg Universo / História | Wiki Steven Universe | Fã-clube

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Artigo principal: Greg UniverseGreg Universe é um homem, o parceiro romântico de Quartzo Rosa e pai de seu filho Steven. Greg já foi um músico viajante que abandonou a faculdade e le ...
Artigo principal: Greg Universe

Greg Universe é um homem, o parceiro romântico de Quartzo Rosa e pai de seu filho Steven.

Greg era um músico viajante que largou a faculdade e deixou sua família para se tornar uma banda de um homem só conhecida como "Mr. Universe", acompanhado por seu empresário, Marty. Quando ele fez um show em Beach City, aos 22 anos, a única pessoa que compareceu foi Quartzo Rosa. Interessando-se por Rose, ele logo conheceu as joias de cristal, antes de voltar para a estrada. No entanto, Greg não conseguia esquecer Rose e, como tal, escolheu ficar com ela em Beach City para iniciar um relacionamento com ela.

Depois de alguns meses juntos, Pearl, que tinha ciúmes do relacionamento deles, disse a Greg que ele era "apenas uma fase" para Rose, devido às diferenças entre suas espécies. Depois que Greg tentou (em vão) se aproximar de Rose fundindo-se com ela, o casal romântico conversou um com o outro sobre seus sentimentos e ficou mais próximo do que nunca.

Rose acabou desistindo de sua forma física para dar à luz Steven. Na juventude de Steven, Greg cuidou de criar Steven até que ele pudesse se mudar com as Jóias de Cristal e aprender a usar seus poderes. Desde então, Greg se estabeleceu em Beach City, onde mora em sua van e é dono de um lava-rápido local, [1] sustentando Steven com sua renda. [2]


Pouco se sabe sobre a vida de Greg antes de conhecer Quartzo Rosa. Ele nasceu em West Keystone com o nome de Gregory DeMayo e cresceu na cidade de Showne. Ele aparentemente foi criado cercado por muitos familiares, incluindo Andy DeMayo. No entanto, ele acabou se afastando da maioria de sua família quando ficou mais velho. Em algum momento de sua idade adulta, Greg largou a faculdade comunitária para se tornar um astro do rock.

Quando Greg tinha vinte e dois anos, ele adquiriu uma van que servia como sua casa. Ele viajou com seu empresário na esperança de se tornar uma estrela do rock. Em algum momento, ele se apresentou em um show em Beach City, mas a única pessoa que apareceu foi o Quartzo Rosa. Greg e Rose se conectaram instantaneamente, e o primeiro decidiu desistir de um show em Empire City para que pudesse manter um relacionamento com ela, para desgosto de Pearl.

Rose e Greg tiveram um relacionamento romântico por vários meses, com as coisas aparentemente indo bem. No entanto, Greg ficou irritado depois que Pearl fez vários comentários sarcásticos sobre como Rose só gostava de Greg porque ele era humano, e ele nunca poderia se conectar de verdade com ela, já que os dois não podiam se fundir. Isso deixou Greg determinado a tentar se fundir com Rose. No entanto, sua tentativa de uma dança de fusão com ela falhou, com Rose se divertindo com a ideia de que ele pensava que a fusão entre um humano e uma Gema era possível. Nesse ponto, Greg exigiu saber se Rose o respeitava, percebendo que, na realidade, ele não a conhecia muito bem. Depois de ter uma conversa genuína pela primeira vez em seu relacionamento, Rose e Greg decidiram continuar como iguais.

Depois de ficarem juntos por cerca de um ano, a amiga de Greg, Vidalia, acusou-o de tomar conta de seu filho pequeno por algumas horas enquanto ela estava no trabalho. Ele levou o bebê para a praia, onde foi recebido por Rose. Enquanto observava o jovem Sour Cream, Rose confessou que tinha inicialmente que ele e Greg eram espécies diferentes, levando-a a explicar que o que ela mais amava nos humanos era sua capacidade de crescer e mudar, ao contrário de como Gems permaneceu o mesmo para sempre depois de emergir. Greg achou a declaração muito poética e correu para escrevê-la, mas quando voltou descobriu que Sour Cream e Rose haviam sumido. Ele os encontrou perto de uma roda gigante, o Sour Cream subindo por ela. Sua tentativa de abater o bebê resultou em ambos terem de ser resgatados por Quartzo Rosa. Pouco depois disso, Greg percebeu que era muito dependente das pessoas ao seu redor se candidatou a um emprego em um lava-rápido, que acabou conquistando.

Greg e Rose continuaram seu relacionamento harmonioso por mais alguns anos depois disso. Eventualmente, Rose decidiu que queria ter um filho humano com Greg, apesar de saber que para isso ela teria que sacrificar sua forma física. Rose ficou grávida de Steven. Durante a gravidez de Rose, ela e Greg escolheram dois nomes para o filho, Steven para menino e Nora para menina. Os dois também prepararam duas fitas de vídeo para seu filho assistir quando fosse mais velho.

Chegou a hora de Steven nascer, e Rose desistiu de sua forma para dar à luz a ele. Quando Steven tinha alguns meses de idade, ele e Greg moraram na casa de Vidalia por um curto período, enquanto ela estava visitando a família. Greg, apesar de amar seu filho, ainda estava de luto profundo por Rose neste momento. Um dia, ele foi visitado por Garnet, Amethyst e Pearl, que tinham vindo trazendo presentes para Steven. No entanto, todos os presentes foram feitos para pessoas mais velhas do que o bebê, e todas as três joias não conseguiram entender que Steven era uma entidade separada de Rose. Depois que a joia de Steven começou a brilhar, eles o roubaram de Greg em sua van, com Greg correndo atrás deles tentando se recuperar. Quando ele finalmente alcançou a van estacionada, ele encontrou as três joias tristes por Rose, ainda sem entender o que Steven era, com o próprio Greg não tendo realmente certeza. Ainda assim, os quatro concordaram que seria melhor para o filho meio-humano meio-Gem se todos eles o criassem juntos.

Steven morou com Greg por vários anos depois disso, até que Greg começou a trabalhar na construção de uma casa ao redor do Templo de Cristal. Após a conclusão, Steven mudou-se para o templo com as joias, embora Greg continuasse sendo uma presença constante em sua vida.

Steven procura Greg e pula em sua van, estacionada em frente ao lava-rápido, para acordá-lo. Ele sai com um ferro de waffle, mas Steven garante que ele não é um ladrão. Steven diz a Greg que ele precisa do canhão de luz de Rose para explodir o Red Eye.

Eles começam a procurar o canhão de luz laser de Rose no galpão de armazenamento de Greg. Enquanto Steven está procurando dentro do galpão, ele encontra uma caixa com o CD antigo de Greg. Em seguida, Greg começa a contar a Steven a história de como ele conheceu sua mãe. Enquanto Steven continua procurando, ele acidentalmente quebra a moldura de uma foto de seus pais. Quando Greg o tranquiliza e diz: "Se todas as costeletas de porco fossem perfeitas, não teríamos cachorros-quentes", uma luz fraca aparece na parte de trás da vasculha de Greg. Steven percebe que a luz está emanando do canhão. Eles colocam o canhão em uma carroça amarrada à van antes de dirigir até a praia enquanto ouvem uma das canções de Greg. Eles chegam onde as joias de cristal estavam esperando.

Steven se esforça para ativar o canhão, sem saber a frase de ativação. Greg tenta confortá-lo, repetindo sua fala, o que ativa o canhão. Depois que o Olho Vermelho é derrotado, Greg fica emocionado ao perceber que a frase de ativação foi inspirada por ele. A maré sobe, levando a van de Greg para o mar. Ele e Steven perseguem isso.

Greg e Steven estão borrifando um no outro com mangueiras de água enquanto lavam a van do prefeito Dewey. Greg diz ao prefeito que a lavagem é gratuita depois que Steven o borrifa com a mangueira. De repente, um gato roxo borrifa Greg com uma mangueira. O gato então muda de forma de volta para Ametista, e leva Steven de volta ao templo para aprender como mudar de forma.

Steven retorna para mostrar a Greg que ele havia transformado seu dedo em um gato. Greg, surpreso, deixa cair sua garrafa de água e derrama água no gato, fazendo-o estremecer. Steven então sai para mostrar a Lars e Sadie.

Superado pelos gatos, Steven volta ao lava-rápido em busca de ajuda. Greg borrifa Steven com uma mangueira, assustando os gatos e fazendo Steven pular para o topo do lava-rápido. Steven expressa tristeza pelo fato de nunca mais poder ter uma briga de água com seu pai, já que os gatos odeiam água. Steven então pede a Greg para borrifar mais nele para se livrar dos gatos. Greg faz isso, mas não é água suficiente para parar os gatos, então Steven pede a ele para ligar o lava-carros. Greg se recusa, dizendo que é muito perigoso deixar Steven passar pelo lava-rápido. Steven insiste, e Greg finalmente liga a lavagem, que remove todos os gatos, exceto um em seu dedo. Greg pulveriza rapidamente o último gato, curando Steven.

Greg é visto em um flashback dirigindo sua van em um desfile.

Steven menciona que Greg fez seu terno de aniversário. Ele também afirma que seu pai costumava comprar kazoos e um carro pequeno para ele dirigir em seu aniversário.

Steven se aproxima de Greg, que borrifa Steven com uma mangueira. Steven então diz a Greg que ele perdeu algo importante: seu boneco Ranger Guy que Greg deu para ele em um dia que eles passaram juntos no ano anterior. Greg não se lembra da boneca em si, mas lembra de ter passado um tempo com Steven. Ele dá a Steven um saco de moedas para conseguir um novo Ranger Guy.

Enquanto Greg está andando por Beach City para pegar um sorvete, ele é enterrado sob a enorme pilha de Cebola GUYS criada com o replicador de Pearl. No final do episódio, Greg se aproxima de Steven, perguntando por que ele teria tantos problemas por um brinquedo. Steven diz a Greg que ele só queria o brinquedo pelas memórias que ele tinha associado.

Dentro do quarto de Rose no Crystal Temple, Steven faz uma réplica de Greg e do resto de Beach City. Steven fala com o falso Greg sobre como as coisas parecem estranhas na falsa Beach City, sem saber de seu status como uma cópia. O falso Greg dá sabedoria sem sentido a Steven, terminando todas as suas declarações com um riff de guitarra vocal. Após Steven perceber que ele ainda está na sala, o falso Greg desaparece.

Greg constrói uma academia para Steven, Lars, Sadie e ele mesmo se exercitarem. Ele diz que tem afrouxado um pouco em sua rotina de exercícios e, como tal, precisa se exercitar. Greg então pergunta a Pearl se ela quer ver alguns buffs, fazendo-a ficar irritada e ir para a Beach House. Depois de "Strong in the Real Way", Greg defende o canto de Steven, dizendo que fez um excelente trabalho em estimulá-los. Quando Sugilite ataca a praia, Greg fica ansioso com Steven, que é jogado por Pearl e derrubado por alguns dos ataques de Sugilite.

Steven vai ao It's a Wash para encontrar Greg para o ensaio de Beach-a-Palooza, mas não pode ensaiar com ele, pois o barco de Yellowtail está preso no lava-jato. Steven sai, desapontado, dizendo que gostaria que o barco não estivesse preso lá em primeiro lugar. Ele de repente é teletransportado de volta no tempo, confuso no início, mas logo feliz em perceber que pode evitar que o barco emperre. Ele corre para o pai, chamando: "É gordo! É gordo!" Greg impede que Yellowtail o inverta para o lava-rápido. Steven percebe que The Hourglass o levou de volta no tempo com alegria.

No entanto, enquanto Greg tenta explicar a Yellowtail que o barco é "gordo", o caminhão que o puxa se move para trás e atinge um poste, que se quebra e bate no caminhão, incendiando-o. O fogo rapidamente se espalha para o fio do telefone e incendeia a máquina de lavar.

Greg aparece e diz a eles para saírem de onde os Gems vêem que o oceano está faltando. Steven, enquanto dentro da Beach House, se prepara para encontrar Lapis, pois reconhece que toda a situação foi sua culpa. Não querendo que ele fique sozinho, Connie, Greg e Lion querem se juntar a ele em sua busca, com as Gemas acrescentando que eles obviamente têm que ir.

Enquanto dirige, Greg toca algumas músicas de que Rose gostou, e Garnet, não gostando muito, pula para fora da van. Quando eles chegam, eles veem uma grande torre de água que leva para o céu. Lapis, sentindo-os, grita que eles não deveriam estar lá e deveriam deixá-la sozinha, e Steven responde que eles não vão embora a menos que tenham o oceano de volta. Lapis então faz clones de água das Gemas de Cristal, e as Gemas lutam contra elas.

Durante a batalha, Greg teve sua perna quebrada pelo clone de água de Steven quando ele fez a van cair de cara para baixo. Steven, dizendo a Lapis que não quer mais lutar, ativa seu escudo devido a sua raiva por Lapis por atacar Greg e Connie, e seu forte sentimento de amor por protegê-los. A vibração resultante do ataque desviando do escudo de Steven força os clones de água a se dissiparem. Enquanto os Gems, Steven, Connie e Greg retornam, os residentes de Beach City o parabenizam como seu herói quando o oceano retorna.

Enquanto Pearl conserta a van de Greg, Greg diz a ela que a boa e velha fita adesiva pode consertá-la. Ele então oferece uma mão e luta para se levantar, mas falha. Steven diz a ele para pegar leve. Então Steven sugere que ele fique com eles até melhorar, uma ideia que Pearl não gosta muito. Steven tenta curar a perna quebrada de Greg depois que Ametista o lembra de seus poderes de cura. Greg ainda luta para se levantar e garante a Steven que ele apenas precisa de mais prática e se animar. As joias permitem que Greg fique com eles, fazendo com que Steven e Greg passem mais tempo juntos.

Garnet diz aos Gems que o Geode está rachado e que eles devem partir imediatamente, incluindo Steven. De repente, Greg se sente solitário e Pearl dá a ele o Warp Whistle, que alerta as joias quando elas forem necessárias de volta ao templo. Steven corre para seu pai, depois que o Warp Whistle é ouvido, e Greg diz que ele estava apenas se certificando de que funcionou. Depois de mais duas vezes, Steven retorna e Garnet diz a ele que eles precisam de seus poderes de cura para consertar a rachadura. Não funciona, e Steven duvida de si mesmo, quando seu pai usa o apito, querendo mostrar um comercial a Steven e, em seguida, pedindo a Steven que lhe dê alguns donuts do Big Donut.

Quando Steven se volta para perguntar que tipo de rosquinha ele quer, ele o vê de pé e dançando na cozinha. Greg admite que a saliva de cura de Steven curou sua perna no It's A Wash e que ele manteve a fachada de que estava quebrada, pois ele "só queria viver com [seu] filho novamente". Steven afirma que Greg é a razão de seus poderes de cura não estarem funcionando. Greg tenta assumir a responsabilidade pelo problema, afirmando que é tudo culpa dele. Steven concorda que é tudo culpa de Greg e vai embora com raiva.

Steven retorna para se desculpar e vê que seu pai está usando o Warp Whistle para teleportar para o Geode. Ele salta para o feixe com Greg. A rachadura no Geode agora está se alargando ainda mais. Steven lambe as duas mãos e tenta consertar a rachadura, mais uma vez falhando. Greg diz a ele para não se preocupar e que ele tem outra ideia, puxando a fita adesiva para prender a fenda. Agora totalmente selado com fita adesiva, a tempestade para e o céu clareia.

Mais tarde naquele dia, Greg fica surpreso ao ver sua van totalmente consertada por Pearl. Para mostrar sua gratidão, ele dá um grande abraço em Pearl, para seu horror. Antes de ir embora, ele entrega a Steven o rolo de fita adesiva "para o caso" de ele precisar de ajuda novamente. Naquela noite, enquanto Steven está deitado em sua cama, ele grita boa noite para seu pai, que por acaso estacionou a van na praia do lado de fora.

Steven convence seu pai a ajudá-lo a construir uma nave espacial para Pearl. Para ajudá-lo, Greg mostra a Steven o celeiro de sua tia e do tio, já que o casal investiu bastante na fuga e no fato de manterem cada um de seus pertences no galpão. Usando as coisas do galpão, Greg e Steven constroem uma pequena "nave espacial" com aparência de carro. Eles trazem Pearl ao celeiro para mostrar a ela sua nave espacial. Antes de testá-lo, Greg diz a Steven que ele sempre pode desistir e que não há vergonha em fazê-lo. O navio se parte durante o lançamento. Pearl sugere que seus cálculos podem ter sido errados, ao que Greg responde que eles não podem estar errados, uma vez que não fizeram nenhum.

Por meio de várias montagens, o trio usa peças que sobraram do galpão para construir um protótipo de um motor atualizado e uma asa-delta. Depois que Steven o testa e acerta, Greg descobre que Pearl está falando sério sobre levar Steven para o espaço. Recusando-se a deixá-lo ir, Greg afirma que está "aterrando" Steven, "aterrando" como se ele não fosse capaz de deixar a Terra. Pearl constrói a nave sozinha e, durante a noite, parte com Steven.

Greg acorda devido ao som e ronco do motor de partida. Quando ele sai de sua van, ele é jogado para trás pela explosão da espaçonave enquanto ela decola. Ele entra em contato com Pearl pelo walkie-talkie e pergunta aonde ela está indo. Pearl diz a Greg para não se preocupar, já que ela só vai levar Steven para o sistema estelar mais próximo e irá devolvê-lo em 50 anos, surpreendendo Greg e Steven.

Greg exige que Steven seja derrubado imediatamente, mas é interrompido quando Pearl encerra a transmissão. Steven tenta convencer Pearl a abandonar a nave, mas Pearl, animada com a perspectiva de voltar ao espaço, não escuta. O navio começa a desmoronar à medida que sobe mais alto no ar. Com a destruição do navio iminente, Steven tenta urgentemente convencer Pearl; ele agarra a cabeça dela e diz: "Às vezes, você só precisa saber quando sair".

Finalmente ouvindo, Pearl os ejeta para fora da nave antes que ela explodisse. Greg fica chocado ao ver a nave explodir, pensando que eles morreram na explosão. Ele examina o céu com seus binóculos e fica aliviado ao vê-los. Ele se deita e se enrola em posição fetal.

Para impressionar os pais de Connie, Steven convence os Gems a se fundirem em Alexandrite para fingir ser sua mãe. Steven aparece 20 minutos atrasado com Greg e Alexandrite, uma enorme fusão de seis armas de Garnet, Amethyst e Pearl. Greg se apresenta e depois Alexandrite como sua esposa. Steven vem com mentiras sobre como eles se conheceram e o que fazem, para a desaprovação de Connie.

Depois do comportamento muito menos do que impecável de Alexandrite no jantar. A alexandrita começa a se desestabilizar ao comer camarão depois de um tempo. A discórdia faz com que ela se divida novamente em Garnet, Amethyst e Pearl. Garnet, chateado com Amethyst e Pearl por colocar suas necessidades antes de Steven, repreende-os e dá um tapa na cabeça deles.

Connie e Steven decidem fugir para que possam ser amigos sem se preocupar com a desaprovação dos pais de Connie. Os Gems castigam Steven com raiva na frente dos Maheswarans. Garnet pune duramente Steven sem jantar por 1.000 anos, mas Pearl insiste que eles nunca o matariam de fome e, em vez disso, tira seus privilégios de TV por 1.000 anos. Greg então diz que eles fizeram isso porque o amam.

Greg e Steven estão comendo melancias perto do lava-rápido à tarde. Eles então têm uma competição para ver quem cospe as sementes da maneira 'mais legal', terminando com Steven vencendo com seu "Furacão Spin Spit". Este movimento final resulta em Steven sendo premiado com a coroa, tornando-se "Watermelogisty".

Quando Steven acorda no dia seguinte, ainda do lado de fora do lava-rápido, vê que está rodeado de melancias. Chocado ao ver que as melancias têm o formato dele, ele imediatamente chama as Gemas de Cristal, para as quais Pearl explica que a mãe de Steven tinha a habilidade de cultivar plantas sencientes que a protegiam e que ele pode ter herdado isso. Greg então pergunta o que fazer com as melancias depois de pisar em uma. Isso dá a Steven a ideia de começar um negócio com eles.

Dentro da Dimensão Rosa, Steven encontra uma cópia de Rose da foto dela e de Greg. Na fita de vídeo do Quartzo Rosa, ela filmou Greg brincando na praia. Ela mostra Greg fazendo uma dança estranha, ele dormindo com uma gaivota em sua barriga e ela pedindo que ele fale sobre si mesmo. Em outro clipe, Greg é visto dizendo a um Steven ainda não nascido que ele teria o pai mais legal da galáxia. Ele dedilha sua guitarra à distância enquanto Rose deixa sua mensagem para Steven.

Steven e Connie estão brincando na neve por It's a Wash quando Greg chega para dizer que eles precisam ir e levar Connie para casa devido à tempestade de neve iminente. Steven não quer e, em um esforço para protelar, informa Greg que sua camisa não o faz parecer um pai responsável. Querendo manter sua imagem de pai responsável pelos Maheswarans, Greg tenta outro, mas Steven diz que aquele também não parece bom. Como Steven está ganhando tempo para que ele e Connie possam brincar mais, Greg experimenta mais roupas. Eles eventualmente decidiram por uma camisa listrada branca e azul com sapatilhas altas e anéis de estrela nas costas.

Greg começa a dirigir as crianças, mas elas perdem o controle no gelo. Eles decidem caminhar a partir de então. Quando eles chegam à Residência Maheswaran, os pais de Connie ficam indignados com o quão tarde é e ficam ainda mais furiosos quando Connie espirra. Greg então menciona que eles bateram com a van, irritando o pai de Connie enquanto ele arrumava o sofá-cama para que eles pudessem passar a noite. Steven deita no sofá angustiado quando o padrão de estrelas na camisa de Greg começa a brilhar e mudar de cor.

Steven acorda para descobrir que eles acabaram de bater a van e fica confuso por que ele está aqui neste momento. Greg então sugere que eles caminhem até a casa de Connie para levá-la para casa, mas Steven sugere que eles apenas fiquem na van durante a noite, tentando evitar o incidente que aconteceu anteriormente. Eles concordam e começam a comer alguns sanduíches de ovo com waffle quando o Sr. Maheswaran liga para avisar que está vindo buscar Connie e para ficar onde estão. Steven então vê os faróis e observa enquanto o Sr. Maheswaran gira fora de controle na neve e então acidentalmente joga seu carro na van.

Steven então aparece de volta quando Garnet o beijou e perguntou o que aconteceu. Garnet disse que ela passou sua visão de futuro para Steven por apenas um momento, deixando-o ver o que aconteceria se eles não partissem neste instante. Steven então faz a "escolha certa" e eles se dirigem para a casa de Connie imediatamente, e chegam lá com segurança e a tempo. Os pais de Connie estão felizes por ela estar em casa e sugerem que Steven e Greg passem a noite, em vez de terem que dirigir para casa no mau tempo.

Steven e Greg estão indo guardar uma placa no U-Stor de Greg. Quando eles abrem, muitos dos pertences de Greg caem. Greg é solicitado a fazer uma resolução de Ano Novo para organizar a unidade de armazenamento. Steven então traz Ametista para ajudá-los a limpar. Ela sugere que seja feito um sistema para separar o lixo do lixo, para que Steven crie caixas para guardar, vender e queimar. Greg nota que a moldura e o vidro de uma foto com ele e quartzo rosa estão rachados.

Ametista parece perturbada e caminha mais para dentro do U-Stor, encontrando Lil 'Butler, um velho sitcom favorito deles. Steven pergunta o que é, então Greg avidamente começa a configurar a TV para mostrar a ele. Ametista insiste em assistir "apenas um, pelos velhos tempos". Greg concorda, coloca a fita e a introdução para Lil 'Butler rola. Steven quer voltar a limpar, mas Greg não. Steven vai embora, enquanto Greg e Ametista continuam assistindo.

No dia seguinte é ano novo, e os residentes de Beach City estão ansiosos para os fogos de artifício que estão acontecendo naquela noite. Steven passa por Beach Citywalk Fries para preparar o café da manhã para ele e seu pai e diz a Peedee sobre "começar bem o Ano Novo", limpando o U-Stor. Quando Pearl pergunta se Greg e Ametista estão saindo novamente, ela revela que eles costumavam desaparecer por dias assistindo Lil 'Butler, até que de repente pararam. À meia-noite, quando os fogos de artifício começam, Steven percebe que Greg está perdendo o show e vai procurá-lo.

Steven encontra Ametista e Greg, ainda observando Lil 'Butler. Greg percebe que está perdendo os fogos de artifício e tenta ir embora, mas Ametista se transforma em Steven enquanto tenta convencê-lo a ficar. Greg fica irritado com a mudança de forma dela. Ametista tenta animá-lo transformando-se em Greg. Eles começam a discutir. Greg fica com raiva dela e grita com ela, dizendo que não pode ficar e agradá-la e que quer ver os fogos de artifício com Steven. Ametista fica louca, muda de volta e traz à tona como ela tinha alguém que costumava estar lá para ela até que ela começou a sair com Greg. Ametista aposta com Greg que ele ficaria por ela e se transforma em Rose, o que o faz se virar em desespero. Steven intervém, dizendo-lhes para parar e deixar o passado para trás. De repente, a tela da TV fica estática e Steven começa a questionar Greg e Ametista. Sentindo-se culpado, Ametista foge.

No dia seguinte, Greg e Steven voltam para a unidade de armazenamento, jurando terminar o trabalho. Para sua surpresa, eles encontram os Gems, que limparam a unidade e embalaram tudo. Quando questionada, Garnet diz que foi ideia de Ametista limpar tudo, e então Ametista afirma apressadamente que eles podem levar tudo para o templo e mantê-lo em seu quarto. Ela cora e dá a Greg uma caixa que diz "MANTENHA", que contém a foto dele e de Rose. Greg agradece a ela, e as joias voltam com as caixas para o templo, enquanto ele e Steven fecham a unidade de armazenamento vazia.

Steven explica ao Gems que ele nunca sabe de nada, mas ele os tem, Greg e Connie para lhe contar coisas. Na sala de controle do primeiro jardim de infância, Steven cita Greg como um exemplo de ser humano.

Steven desenha folhetos para as aulas de guitarra de Greg. Depois de vender camisetas com Buck Dewey com o mesmo design, Steven vai ver Greg e percebe que ninguém se sentou para uma aula com ele ainda. Zangado, Steven retorna ao Armazém Abandonado para encontrar Buck fazendo mais camisetas, onde ele diz a Steven que seu design é realmente terrível e que ele acha o quanto ama seu pai ser "hilário". Eles discutem, com Buck mencionando como ele continuará a fazer as camisas enquanto a tendência persistir antes de partir para se juntar ao pai em uma comemoração de banco.

Após interromper a comemoração, Steven dá a Greg a última camisa do Guitar Dad dizendo sua edição super limitada. Buck aparece para se desculpar e Steven aceita. Greg pergunta se Buck vai tirar uma foto, mas Buck responde que quer dar uma aula enquanto abre sua jaqueta para mostrar sua camisa do Guitar Dad.

Steven está saindo com Greg em sua van, tocando música. Greg pega uma lata de refrigerante e bebe dela, pois uma imagem está grudada no fundo da lata. Em seguida, ele cai, Steven o pega. A foto mostra a foto de um Greg mais jovem com seu empresário, Marty. Greg explica que Marty era seu empresário e, em seguida, afirma alegremente que Marty está morto para ele. Steven então pergunta qual é o problema. Greg explica que Marty foi na verdade uma parte de como ele ficou com Rose, e Steven pede a história completa, e Greg concorda com a história de como ele conheceu Rose "agora incluindo Marty". Greg começa a tocar a melodia de uma música que cantou quando conheceu Rose.

Um flashback ocorre onde Greg está cantando "Comet" em seu show. Quando Greg para de tocar, ele olha para uma plateia vazia - exceto para Rose. Ela bate palmas e vem até a mesa dele cheia de seus álbuns, onde ele vai e oferece a ela uma camiseta grátis junto com um álbum. Ele abre as portas traseiras da van apenas para que Marty e Vidalia saltem. Marty proíbe Greg de dar qualquer coisa, mencionando dinheiro e como ele consegue 75% dos lucros, e como 75% de 0 ainda é 0. Greg então se vira e vê que Rose foi embora. Mais tarde, em busca da "Strange Pink Lady", ele se afasta em uma direção aleatória e se encontra na cerca de arame do Templo de Cristal. Ele vê uma coruja roxa empoleirada na cerca e pergunta em voz alta se ela sabia sobre Rose. Para sua surpresa, a coruja responde que se ela contasse a ele sobre ela, ela teria que matá-lo antes de voar de volta para o templo (neste momento, a casa de praia ainda não foi construída). Greg, ansioso para saber mais, sobe na cerca de arame e vai direto para o templo.

No Warp Pad do templo, Ametista relata a Pearl sobre Greg, dizendo como um humano acabou de falar com ela. Ametista então o avista e o aponta para Pearl. Pearl não tem certeza do que fazer até que Garnet se intrometa e ameace jogar Greg por cima da cerca. No entanto, Rose aparece e diz a Garnet para parar. Garnet, envergonhado, rapidamente o deixa cair. Rose então perguntou se ele estava bem antes de Greg dar a camisa a Rose. Enquanto Rose mostra para as Jóias de Cristal, Ametista pede a Greg para cantar; Garnet convoca um desafio ameaçadoramente quando ela o avisa que é melhor que sua canção seja boa. Greg então percebe que é tarde e corre de volta para sua van.

Mais tarde, Greg está deitado na parte de trás de sua van enquanto Marty o leva a Empire City para um grande show que vai ganhar muito dinheiro. No entanto, Greg não consegue parar de pensar em Rose. Levantando-se, Greg joga Marty para fora de sua van, deixando-o na beira da estrada. Greg volta para Beach City e vai para o Templo. Depois de chegar ao templo, ele pisa no Warp Pad, cantando sua música para Rose. Após a música, Rose aparece de seu quarto para dizer a Greg que embora ela o ache "terrivelmente fofo", ele deve ir embora para que possa perseguir seus sonhos. No entanto, Greg se recusa e diz que a única coisa que ele queria perseguir era Rose. Atordoada, Rose fica com os olhos brilhantes e começa a rir, enquanto uma lágrima cai. Quando Greg termina a história, Steven responde que Greg amava Rose, o que Greg começa a fazer cócegas e noogie Steven. Steven então comenta como Marty era mau e Greg concorda, mas admite que se não fosse por Marty, ele não teria sido capaz de perseguir Rose. O episódio termina com Greg colocando sua foto com Marty ao lado de sua foto com Rose e uma foto de Steven com dedos de gato.

Steven ouve a nova música de Greg para seu novo álbum, "Water Witch", que é baseado nos eventos de "Ocean Gem". Na música, Greg retrata Lapis Lazuli como um vilão, e Steven o corrige, dizendo que Lapis só queria ir para casa. Eles então ouvem a Pedra das Lamentações. Depois de várias tentativas de desligar a pedra e, eventualmente, abafá-la, os Gems acreditam que alguém está enviando uma mensagem. Com todas as outras pedras previamente reunidas, eles concluem que outra de sua autoria está lhes enviando uma mensagem do espaço. No entanto, o áudio está distorcido, tornando a mensagem avançada pouco clara. Ouvindo isso, Steven diz a eles que seu pai pode ser capaz de ajudar com isso.

Greg tenta receber a mensagem com seu equipamento de áudio, mas a tecnologia é muito avançada para o equipamento e sobrecarrega a van. As joias decidem frustradamente voltar para casa. Isso deixa Greg perturbado, pois ele só quer que as joias tenham um pouco de fé nele, então ele canta uma música sobre seus sentimentos. Ele e Steven teorizam que a mensagem da pedra não é de áudio, mas de vídeo, e convencem as joias a dar outra chance a Greg.

Com a ajuda dos Gems, que reiniciam a van, Steven conecta a pedra das lamentações a uma TV. A mensagem é finalmente clara, com o remetente revelando ser ninguém menos que Lapis. Ametista e Pérola entram em pânico, acreditando que Peridot vai atacar a Terra, mas Garnet permanece aparentemente calmo, apenas afirmando que eles conseguiram receber a mensagem. Garnet aperta a mão de Greg e, para seu deleite, agradece por sua ajuda na decodificação da mensagem.

Greg está no meio da multidão de residentes de Beach City que perguntam se a energia seria ligada em breve e não sabe que Steven ajudou o prefeito Dewey.

Steven fala com Greg sobre as joias de cristal contra os robonóides de Peridot. De repente, eles, assim como o resto de Beach City, veem um objeto estranho no céu: uma mão verde gigante apontando diretamente para eles. As Gemas de Cristal acreditam que o Peridot finalmente chegou e, com Steven, use o Trio Quartizino junto with another light cannon forming the Quartizine Quartet against the ship but it has no effect on it. Anticipating an all-out battle, Steven calls Bill Dewey to help evacuate the town. To his surprise, he is told by the Gems to join his dad and the rest of the people, being the voice for them and protect them, just as his mother did.

Leaving the town, Steven hopes that Peridot will leave them alone once she sees what the Earthlings are like, but Greg has doubts. He then accidentally blurts out that he knew other Gems had invaded Earth before. Unable to hold in the truth any longer, he tells Steven that his mother, Rose Quartz, rebelled because of "something awful" her kind was doing to the planet. He goes on to say that many lives were lost in the battle, Gems and people alike, and, because of her shield, she was only able to save a handful of her closest friends and drive the rest of the invaders from Earth. Steven begs his dad to turn around so he can help the others and accidentally triggers the air bag system in the van, launching himself out with his bubble shield. Steven explains that the Gems need him because he has his mom's shield. Greg allows him to go, but tells him to be careful.

After making it back to the beach, Steven tells Lion to leave, as he'll have to be a son to Greg if something happens to him.

Greg drives over to the wreckage and hugs Steven in relief that he's okay. Steven tells Greg everything, also including the fact that Jasper thought Steven was his own mother, Rose Quartz. Greg begins to panic rushing back to his van, he tries to find some music to calm his nerves, but while trying to find his calming music CD accidentally ends up playing heavy metal music and panicking further. At the end of the episode, Greg, calmed down, arrives as Connie tells Steven that she still wants to be with him (being a part of his "universe"). They drive through Beach City, where the people are coming back, before taking Connie home.

As she approaches the Beach House to deliver mail, Barbara Miller recognizes Steven as Greg's son.

Steven takes a "Crying Breakfast Friends!" personality quiz and looks for Pearl and Greg, who are working on Greg's Van, so he can ask them to take the quiz too. Steven tries to convince them by describing the quiz, and giving examples; which just so happen to match up with Greg and Pearl's personalities. However, they both decline and continue working on the van.

Steven and Connie had been helping Greg organize his old albums in the back of his van. Glad at the chance to play some music, Greg puts Nietzche's Breakdown on. While listening to the song, Steven and Connie start dancing, resulting in them fusing into Stevonnie. Greg is surprised to learn they can fuse, so Steven and Connie become suspicious. Greg then launches into a story about his experience with fusion.

After the two sit down in the van, he puts in an old VCR which shows him singing a duet with Rose Quartz. Greg and Rose continue singing until Pearl suddenly walks up and whispers something in Rose's ear. They start dancing and Pearl fuses with Rose, in an effort to one-up Greg, into Rainbow Quartz who dances for the remainder of the song and unfuses. Rose tells an amazed Greg that Pearl told her to fuse so his video featured "a little something extra".After Rose warps off, Pearl spitefully tells Greg that he is just a phase and that Rose only likes him for his novelty as a human being. When Greg objects to this, she explains the concept of fusion; because he is not a Gem, he is not able to fuse. Pearl boasts that fusion is the ultimate connection between Gems, and emphasizes that Greg is nothing but a human. Greg asks how she knows humans cannot fuse, and when she cannot reply, he vows to fuse with Rose.

Greg practices dancing like Pearl did, using the video he took, but Garnet and Amethyst interrupt. He asks them for help. Garnet explains to him that in order to really fuse, he would have to have a gem at the center of his being, a body made of light, and a partner he's willing to trust with that light. Garnet tells him that she thinks he can do it, but he has to dance his way, not like Pearl.Greg waits for Rose by his van,nervous. When she arrives, they start dancing. They continue dancing until Greg steps up to her height using various boxes and kisses her. He then exclaims dejectedly that they did not fuse and Rose starts laughing, telling him that he cannot fuse because he is human. He replies that that is the problem, and he has enjoyed the past few months, but he is worried about the future. He then asks if she respects him, which she laughs off. Greg gets angry and asks her to talk to him like a real person. Rose is at a loss for words, and explains how she is not a real person, thinking that he already understood that. Greg realizes that Rose is an alien, proceeding to laugh and cry.

Rose then asks why he is laughing, and then why he is crying. Greg replies that he has concerns about how their relationship will work due to their vast number of differences. Rose asks what they should do, and Greg says he just wants to talk; they begin a conversation about humans and their feelings. Greg asks Rose if she's ever loved other humans, which she confirms. He then asks if she has ever been in love, and she asks Greg how she would know. He tells her that love feels like torture. Rose asks if their relationship is torture to him. He tells her that it is, and she apologizes. Greg says she should not apologize, which confuses Rose. She laughs and says that at least they have one thing in common: they're both confused. They continue dancing.

Back in the van, Connie asks Greg if they were ever able to fuse, and he says no, but that it was more important that they talk to each other. He then says interaction between humans and Gems is still new, and that Steven and Connie will have to work with it. He also tells Connie that if she needs another human to talk to, he's there.

In Pearl's dream, she tells Rose to forget about Greg and travel the galaxy with her. Rose turns into Greg, and he thanks her for fixing his van.

Greg asks the Crystal Gems if they want to go on a road trip. He informs them he had met a guy on the internet who's selling cheap car wash brushes and that he needs to travel to the Keystone state to pick them up. Steven gets excited at the prospect of staying in a hotel and getting room service. Greg corrects him, stating that the motel they're going to will instead have free ice, a pool, and be right next to the best diner in the world. Garnet decides to come along.

After a few hours of driving, they reach the Keystone Motel. They check into their room before Greg leaves to pick up the car wash brushes. He asks if Garnet could hold down the fort and to call the police if he's not back in an hour. Later, Greg returns to the motel with his brushes and pizza. He discovers that Garnet has unfused. As Greg and Steven prepare to eat dinner, Steven asks why Ruby and Sapphire cannot make up. Greg reassures Steven that everything will be better in the morning when they go to the best diner in the world.

The next morning, Greg, Steven, Ruby, and Sapphire are sitting inside The Best Diner in the World. A waitress brings them their breakfast. While Greg and Steven are eating, Ruby and Sapphire begin to argue. Eventually Ruby flips over the table ruining their breakfast. Greg starts to reassure Steven who then angrily walks out the diner. Ruby and Sapphire quickly follow him. As they reconcile outside, Greg pays for breakfast and the damage to the booth. They head back to the Beach House after picking up some free ice. Once home, Steven asks if they could go back. Greg replies that they might one day, but not to the same diner.

Amethyst explains to Steven that she and Vidalia used to hang out with Greg, but they eventually started hanging out together without him. Vidalia also states that Steven looks just like Greg, which is good because he used to be hot.

Steven tells Peridot that he learned about rain and clouds from Greg. He also described his status as a half-Gem as "The Ballad of Rose and Greg".

Greg and the Crystal Gems are holding a birthday party for Steven. Greg shows Steven and Connie an album of photos taken on Steven's previous birthdays. He notes that Steven has not physically changed since his eighth birthday. Connie becomes concerned with this and asks Greg to let her show him how to use a defibrillator as an excuse to talk to him in private. Greg tells Connie that he and the Gems really are not sure about whether or not Steven will age normally, as there has never been anything like Steven, and that they'll have to wait and see. Greg gives Steven his birthday suit and closes Steven in the barn to prepare a surprise for him.

That evening, Greg and Amethyst witness Steven unshifting from his older form and becomes concerned with what Steven is doing. Steven rebuts Greg and Amethyst's concern over the amount of time Steven has spent shapeshifted by saying that they do not know for sure because he is half human, revealing to Greg that he overheard the conversation with Connie earlier. This upsets Greg, as he did not mean to hurt Steven. After Steven turns into an infant due to the strain on his body, Greg takes Steven from the Gems, stating that this is his job as a father. He then takes Steven on a ride in his van with Connie in order to help Steven calm down. When Steven recovers, Greg is surprised to see that Steven has now grown a facial hair.

Greg appears in a flashback, working on repairing a hole in the roof of the barn. Peridot pushes him off of the roof of the barn in order to see if all earth creatures are able to fly, and he is caught by Garnet. He forgives Peridot for pushing him off of the roof after Garnet tells him that Peridot is still learning about the earth and did not know any better.

Greg helps pack up the van with various items for the Gems, before leaving with them to return to Beach City.

Greg chats with Steven about business at the carwash being slow, despite offering free waxing. Steven assures him that business will pick up eventually, when a large bus drives up, driven by Marty. Marty tells Greg that the music business has been a lot nicer to him than it had been to Greg, noticing that Greg now works at a carwash. He takes out an envelope to give Greg, but is interrupted by Sour Cream.

After Marty has ruined Sour Cream's show with Guacola, Greg tells Yellowtail that he should stick around, as Sour Cream needs him. Marty then walks over to Greg and hands him the envelope, before leaving. Greg then tells Steven that Sour Cream does not need Marty in order to do well in the music business, and that the money is not what is important about music. He then opens the envelope, which contains a check for 10 million dollars.

Greg shows Steven and Pearl the Pepe's Burgers commercial in which Marty sings to the tune of "Comet". He explains that Marty had sold his song as a burger jingle and that he's now rich. Greg and Steven sing "Don't Cost Nothing", wondering what to do with the money. They begin to sing another "Empire City", where Greg gets the idea to take a trip to Empire City. While they sing, they run into the Beach House to pack Steven's belongings for the trip. Steven ends the song by suggesting they bring Pearl too. Greg and Pearl express their concerns but Steven assures them that it'll be great.

In Empire City, Greg, Steven, and Pearl enter a hotel called Le Hotel. With the employees of the hotel, they sing "Mr. Greg", which is about Greg's wealth and the great time they're having. When Greg asks Pearl to dance with him, she abruptly pulls away, ending the song. Later on, Greg and Steven are sleeping in their hotel room. Pearl enters their room and begins to sing "It's Over Isn't It" in which she expresses her struggle over the absence of Rose and the fact that Greg had been chosen over her. During the song Greg and Steven wake up, which Pearl discovers as she finishes. Greg dejectedly leaves the room, believing that nothing will improve his relationship with Pearl. Steven brings Pearl and Greg together and through "Both of You", gets them to talk about their feelings, Rose, and to eventually reconcile. They dance together as Steven continues singing. When they finish, a hotel employee gives Greg the bill. Pearl, Greg, and Steven sing a reprise of the first song, as they leave the hotel and Empire City.

Steven pretends to start a car at It's a Wash, pretending to drive it when Connie knocks on the car window to get his attention. Steven rolls down the window, and greets Connie, and thanks his dad for letting him practice his driving in the car, but thinks that it might be too small to live in. Greg says that the idea of the car was not to live in, but get a new car now that he is rich. Greg tells the kids details about the old car before, and before they were born. The kids then pick up sponges and help Greg clean his car.

Suddenly, a large, yellow car races toward It's A Wash, and brakes near them. The driver rolls down the window, revealing himself to be Kevin, who tells Greg to “give him a wash” before calling him an old man. Greg, however, listens to his request, running over to his tires and cleaning them. Kevin, who is on the phone, telling someone that he wants his socks pressed, tells Greg to go easy on the tires because his car has to look as beautiful as him.

Steven runs over and tells Kevin to back off, defending his dad from the name “grandpa.” Kevin eventually drives off, and Greg notices that he has “forgotten” to pay, but excuses this, considering that he is rich. Steven says that he hates Kevin, and Greg tells him to watch the word “hate,” it being a strong word. Steven says that it is a strong feeling too, Greg asks if the two know Kevin, and Connie explains the events of what happened when they formed Stevonnie the first time, and how he tried to get them to dance, and Steven calls him a creep. Greg gets mad at the word, but Steven points out that it has five letter, instead of four like the word “hate”. Greg says that if he is causing this much trouble, then there's no point to even think about him.

Steven takes Lapis, who is trying to cover her eyes with her water wings so she cannot see, to a boat as a surprise. Lapis is unsure of what she sees at first. Steven exclaims that they have a boat, but Greg corrects him by saying they rented a boat, so as to not go "overboard". Lapis asks who Greg is, and Greg introduces himself, though awkwardly mentioning that he is the guy whose leg she broke when trying to go back to Homeworld by using the Earth's oceans. Since Lapis is not familiar with handshaking, Greg just goes on to start the boat. Steven asks her what she thinks, but she does not know what to say. Steven persists with her coming on the boat with him. Lapis does not think she deserves it, to which Steven points out the small banner taped to the boat which reads "Lil' Lappy". The banner peels off to reveal the name "SS Misery". Lapis laughs and says she'll give it a try, just this once. Greg asks if everybody is ready and takes off, but rips off a piece of the dock as it is still tied to the boat. Greg says he's starting to think twice about sailing and offers for Lapis to take over. Lapis does not want to despite Steven's encouragement. Greg asks if she still wants to wear the hat but Lapis rejects again.

Steven, Greg, and Lapis do different activities, such as drinking orange juice and sunbathing on the deck, and they later see Greg fishing. Lapis offers to help and uses her powers to make a big water bubble filled with fish and Greg's rod still sticking in it. Steven says she is "super strong!" but Greg looks a little nervous and asks if they could just do it the old fashion way. Lapis gets a little embarrassed and drops the bubble, causing a strong wave that rocks the boat. Lapis asks how to do it the old fashioned way, and Greg explains it to her. Lapis asks why a fish would want to be on a hook and Greg explains that you have to bait it with something.

Greg demonstrates how to fish, however, a lot of time seems to pass as Lapis and Steven start to get visibly bored. Lapis asks when the fish part happens, and Greg just tells her that sometimes it is not just about the fish but the company you keep, to which his lure starts reeling. Greg gives Lapis the rod so she can try to reel it in. As she is reeling the fish in, it starts to pull her towards the edge, so Steven grabs her while Greg grabs Steven. Lapis goes to the edge and tries to see what got away while Greg mentions the rod will have to be paid for now. Greg compliments her on trying to get the "beast" and Steven reassures her about the lost fish.

Greg calls Steven back up to port and asks if he hears something. Greg states that something is throwing off the rutter and that the manual is not helping, to which Greg makes a pun about 'water crackers'. They hear something again along with the oncoming storm, and the engine explodes within the boat keeping the boat stranded. After Jasper is chased away, Steven is happy that she did it, but Greg comes out on the deck and is horrified to see the damage to the boat. Lapis carries him off of the boat, with Steven on her back. Greg says that it turned out that he "would be buying a boat after all".

Steven and Greg are working at the car wash and he is surprised they already had two customers at that day and says that it has not done that great since 15 years ago, when a 'mud-nado' struck. Steven is surprised that Greg had this job longer than he has been alive, and asks how Greg got the job in the first place. Greg starts to tell him but Steven interrupts him, gets the ukulele and tells Greg to sing him the story. Greg makes a remark about how all his flashbacks have always begun with a song, but begins to sing anyway.

A flashback compilation of Greg and Rose having fun is seen, until Greg realizes that he needs money. The song ends with him sitting on a road, singing for money. Seeing that he did not get much money, he goes to Vidalia's house. She lets him in and we see her trying to feed her baby, Sour Cream, with mushed-up carrots. Greg comes in and eats cereal. After some small talk with Vidalia, he goes into the living room and starts watching TV He watches a commercial for Li'l Butler on TV which makes him laugh so hard that he spills all the milk on his clothes and Vidalia's couch. The scene cuts to Vidalia and Greg in the washing room and Vidalia offering Greg to wash his shirt. Greg notices the shirt she is wearing, to which Vidalia responds that it is her uniform for her new job at the T-shirt shop, which starts today. Shortly after that, the telephone rings and Vidalia answers it. After the phone call is over she tells Greg that the babysitter who is supposed to look after Sour Cream canceled and asks him if he could do it to which he agrees. Later, Vidalia goes to work and tells Greg that she will destroy him if something happens to Sour Cream.

Greg takes baby Sour Cream to the beach and puts sunscreen and sunglasses on him. Suddenly, Rose comes floating by and is pleasantly surprised by the baby. She asks where the "mini-human" came from and if Greg made it. Greg introduces Sour Cream to Rose and the two show him how to have fun at the beach. The three lie at the beach and Rose tells Greg that she admires humans for the ability to grow up and inventing their own personality while Gems stay the way they are forever, having a reason to exist and knowing who they are going to be. Greg, inspired by her words, wants to write them down for a new song and asks Rose if she could watch over Sour Cream for a while.

When he comes back, he notices that they were both gone and begins to panic. Eventually, he runs into Beach City Funland and finds Rose. He then notices that Sour Cream is not there and says to Rose that he thought she was going to watch him. She then replies to him that she watched Sour Cream climb to the top of a Ferris Wheel. Greg panics and hurries himself to climb the wheel as fast as he can. He then notices how high he is, starts getting dizzy, and asks Rose if she could set the wheel in motion in-order for the two to get down. She pulls a lever which sets the wheel in motion but Greg says it's too fast for him. Rose tries slowing it down the Ferris wheel but breaks the lever which makes the wheel spin even faster. She then angrily smashes the control booth which makes the wheel spin incredibly fast. Rose then tries to hold on the wheel manually, thereby sending Greg and Sour Cream flying into the air. Rose rips off one of the gondolas, jumps into the sky, and catches them.

Rose makes sure Greg is alright just to relieve him about Sour Cream's safety. Greg tells Rose that she should not let Sour Cream do anything he wants. Rose then asks why it is okay for Greg to do everything he wants and he's fine, Greg replies that he is not a baby and does not need someone to help him. He then notices that he does need someone to help him and states that he is a "baby".

In the evening, Greg returns Sour Cream to Vidalia and thanks her for her support. He then strolls through Beach City, humming the melody of Let Me Drive My Van (into Your Heart). He eventually notices that It's a Wash is searching for new employees. The next day, Greg is seen at his first day of his job, singing a slightly modified version of Let Me Drive My Van (into Your Heart). The flashback ends and Gregs tells Steven that growing up is something important and something you have to decide to do.

While wearing a bald cap, Steven says that his dad told him he should expect this someday.

Greg invites Amethyst to a rock concert, much to her excitement. However, when he arrives, he tells Amethyst that he will not be able to go with her due to a previous request from Barb to play cards with her and Vidalia. Barb threatened to hold his mail if he did not, and according to him, she is not a "woman of empty threats". After Pearl offers to go with her and Steven, Greg offers them his Dondai Supremo, which Pearl thanks him for.

Greg arrives at the barn with the Gems, after Steven calls them over to deal with aa stranger at the Barn, who claimed that Peridot and Lapis hijacked their barn. Greg recognizes the man, and explains that he let them into the barn which outrages the man further. Steven asks who the man is, and Greg tells the group that he is his cousin, Andy. Andy, shocked to hear Steven is Greg's son, is baffled by these changes and gives Steven a big hug. He also asks Greg how he was never told about this, which Greg responds he couldn't tell him because he has not seen Andy in years. Andy mentions that it was Greg's fault for that since two decades ago, Greg drove away in his van. Andy tries to guess which one of the Gems were the wife, but Greg reveals that Rose is "no longer with us". Greg mentions how the Gems with him are like her family, which is what led to Greg offering the barn to them.

Andy argues that the barn is for the DeMayos instead, which led to Steven questioning what a "DeMayo" is. Greg reveals he and Steven are the "Universes" now, which infuriates Andy even more. Steven asks if Universe is not a real last name, but is told it is since Greg decided to have it changed. Steven mentions the longevity of their stay on the barn and how much it means to them as they spend time together here. Andy argues that his family did the same as well via tradition for many years. Steven proposes a traditional meal to eat together and have a good time so Andy will have to admit to the family. Steven hopes the proposal will go well, but Greg lets Steven know how Andy tends to be consistent with his traditions and does not change his mind often.

After the Gems harvest the crops and head to the store, Andy, Greg, Steven, and Amethyst are left to keep each other company as they work on the food for the feast. Greg asks how aunt Deb has been, which sparks annoyance in Andy since he cannot compress 20 years into one sentence. After the Gems return with their "gifts", Andy becomes so conscious of the situation, he gives up being angry and decides to sit down and eat. The feast begins, and since all tradition Andy is familiar with is thrown out the window, he decides to eat dessert before dinner by taking a slice of the wedding cake. He shows some manners, however, and passes it to Peridot, which causes the rest of the group to mimic Andy until it is handed back to him. Andy asks if they do not like cake, which Steven replies they do not need to eat, but notes Amethyst loves to. As their conversation goes on, Andy grows uncomfortable and leaves abruptly, renouncing his ownership of the barn, and Steven gives chase. Greg and Andy resolve themselves, glad to be back together again, after Steven manages to catch up with him and talk it out.

In the middle of a snowstorm, Steven tells his dad that he is glad that he is staying with them. Greg agrees, commenting that it is too cold to stay in his van during this blizzard. Steven says that he's never seen snow like this, and Garnet says that's not entirely true. When Steven asks what she's talking about, Pearl laughs about it, and says that it was fourteen years ago. Steven says that he's fourteen years, and Greg mentions that when it was snowing, Vidalia had gone out of town and let the two crash at her place.

As he is about to tell the story, Greg says that he already has a song for this one and begins to sing "I Could Never Be (Ready)" as a flashback montage of Greg with Steven plays. While settling down, he sees a photo of young Sour Cream, Vidalia, and Yellowtail and looks on sadly, noticeably missing Rose. The Gems knock on Vidalia's door, and Greg finds out they brought presents. When Greg says that it was nice for them to stop by, Pearl says that they're only stopping by to drop off the presents. Garnet hands her gift to Steven and When it's opened, there's a razor inside. Greg snatches it quickly, saying that he does not think he'll need it yet. Garnet replies that he will need it in the future. Amethyst hands her box to Steven, and when it is opened, there is a box of adult diapers. She says that he can just grow to fit them. She says that Steven can grow, but Greg does not think he can. Pearl says that maybe Steven can learn some things using her gift and hands Greg the gift, which is a dictionary. Greg mentions that maybe they could use it to look up the definition of a baby and that Steven cannot use any of this stuff.

Greg then pulls out his keys to the van, letting the Gems know that the only thing Baby Steven is interested in is jangling keys. Once the Gems realize that, Amethyst playfully shakes the keys above Steven's head, Pearl notes how captivated he is by them, and Garnet says that next time, they should give him a big box of keys to play with, and everyone laughs in agreement. As they laugh, Steven's gem starts to glow, surprising both Greg and the Gems. Amethyst believes that Rose is trying to shapeshift back into her old self, Pearl tries to communicate with Rose through her gem, and Garnet believes that Rose is trapped in a fusion and is trying to unfuse.

With no idea what to do, Greg heads into Vidalia's kitchen and grabs a parenting book to help them figure something out. When he returns to the living room, Greg notices that the Gems have taken off with Baby Steven. The Gems start up the van and drive off, with Greg chasing after them on foot. Greg, not far behind the Gems in the freezing cold, continues to follow the trail of tire tracks the van left in the snow, where he realizes that he'll never catch up with them on foot. He then notices two kids playing and sledding in the snow with a dog sitting next to them. Greg tries to put two and two together and believes he can ride through the snow on their sled pulled by the dog.

Later, Greg, being chased by the dog he tied to the sled, finally catches up with the Gems. Garnet lets him in the van, and Greg thanks them, but then remembers that the Gems took off in his van and stole Steven, and questions why. Garnet apologizes to him and tells him that they only did it because they thought they knew what Steven was, but they did not. Greg forgives them and tells them that he does not know what Steven is either, and he never glowed when he was a kid, to which Pearl informs that they never were kids. Steven starts to giggle again and Greg tells the Gems that he is not sure how they are going to figure it out, but they have a better chance if they do it together.

Back in the present, Steven claims that they were wrong about everything. Pearl reminds him that it was a really long time ago, Amethyst asks him to cut them some slack, Garnet informs him that they could not have known what to do, even her, and Greg tells him that he especially did not know. Steven informs them that they were wrong about growing and changing and that it does not come naturally to them, and to look where they are now. Steven knows that they will never stop missing Rose but believes she would have loved how they all turned out because he does, to which they all agree. Pearl then remembers the time a teenage girl tried to kidnap Steven, and Greg informs her that it was Steven's babysitter and that she was taking him to the park, and lets them know they really scared her when they threw a jungle gym at her, at which they all laugh.

Greg and Steven are in the van, watching a movie. Greg wakes up Steven from a brief dream, in which he remarks he was gonna let him sleep, until Steven started crying, which was "less cute." Steven mentions he did not know why he was crying, because his dream was not sad and Greg decides to take him home. Greg summarizes the movie's ending to Steven as they walk up the steps, and before he leaves, Steven asks Greg if Rose had ever talked to him about Pink Diamond. Greg mentions that there were some things that Rose did not like talking about, and he never pressed her about details. Steven asks why, and Greg tells him that they talked about a lot of important stuff, such as feelings. He says they both made a bunch of mistakes when they were young, and she felt that she had to tell him everything, but he told her the past was the past. Greg also told her who she was in the past did not matter, but what mattered was who she was in the present: an incredible, loving, being. Steven feels better and tells him goodnight.

After Steven's argument with Garnet and the Gems, he wakes Greg up from the van and tells him about the palanquin in his dream and book. Greg takes the book, and says he knows someone who could take them to where he wanted. Later, they ride in Andy's plane, who they thank for taking them to Korea, where the palanquin was. Steven mentions that this was a serious mission and there was no time for fun, but Greg asks if there was a little time for fun, which Steven considers. In Korea, the two explore the surroundings of the city, eating some cuisine, and shopping for a bit around the country.

Eventually, they get on a bus that takes them to the Korean Peninsula, and Greg mentions its beauty. Steven insists they continue going and they appear in front of a fenced area. Steven convinces Greg to help him jump over, despite his protests, and they head over to a field. They come across a blue palanquin, but Steven mentions the one he saw was pink and broken down. Suddenly, behind some bushes they can hear a voice express her sorrow and apologize to Pink Diamond, kneeling by her former palanquin with her Pearl. She wonders what she would think now, as this was "her planet."

Steven realizes it is Blue Diamond, and they duck when Blue Pearl heads over, thinking she heard someone. Greg assures he can handle this, and makes himself known to Blue Pearl, and introduces himself to Blue Diamond, calling her "Your Highness." Blue Diamond tells him to come over, who says that Earth is a strange planet, as she assumes Greg and all other humans live in the wild. She also mentions that the location they are at is where Pink Diamond was broken. Greg asks if they were close, and sympathizes, apologizing. He says he knows how hard it is to move on when you lose someone to her surprise. He says he lost someone important to him too; he misses her and thinks about her every day, but she is never coming back, and that feeling was so hard to be okay with.

Blue Diamond is surprised a human being is capable of understanding how she feels, and it is a shame because there is a geo-weapon ready to emerge soon and destroy the Earth, but she realizes Greg does not deserve it. She says she is not supposed to be here, but she is glad she is one last time because she can save one last piece of her legacy. She grabs Greg and summons her ship. Steven watches in shock as Greg struggles in her grip and pleads to let him go. Blue Diamond goes into her palanquin and it floats up, entering the palm of her ship. The ship blasts off, leaving Steven behind as it heads into space.

Steven and Garnet return to the Beach House, revealing the Amethyst and Pearl that Greg has been kidnapped. While confused, Pearl deduces that Blue Diamond must have taken him to Pink Diamond's Zoo, where humans used to be held captive. They decide to head out to bring him back.

In the Roaming Eye, Pearl calculates that they'll be able to make it to the 70 years, in time for Greg's 110th birthday. Steven counters that Greg isn't healthy enough to live that long. Throughout their journey, Steven constantly pushes the Gems and the Roaming Eye to speed up. Accidentally disabling the ship's calibration, Steven cries as the Gems' forms lag behind the ship, wanting his dad there for him. After the calibration is fixed, Garnet stops Steven from blaming himself by saying Blue Diamond was the one to kidnap Greg. Seeing the zoo, Steven says that he hopes he'll be able to see his dad soon.

The Crystal Gems continue their rescue mission for Greg. Inside the facility, Steven eventually reaches the containment area and finds Greg among its inhabitants.

Steven is reunited with his dad inside Pink Diamond's Zoo. He informs Greg of the Crystal Gems' mission to rescue him and expresses concern over his dad's well-being since his abduction by Blue Diamond. Greg reassures his son, stating that the human inhabitants of the zoo have treated him well since his arrival. They are promptly joined by said people, whom Greg explains are the descendants of humans brought to the zoo by Gems thousands of years ago. After being introduced to the Zoomans, Steven suggests to Greg they locate the containment area's entrance door and escape. Greg agrees, but advises they do so after the Zoomans' routine, a daily schedule directed by a voice emitted from the earrings worn by all Zoomans. Steven reluctantly joins Greg and the Zoomans in their activities such as eating, playing around, and bathing. Over the course of the routine, Steven grows perturbed by the Zoomans' happiness despite being held captive by Gems. He expresses this to Greg, who reasons that the Zoomans are not aware of their captivity, their utopian society keeping them in a constant state of ignorance and bliss.

During the designated sleeping period, Steven and Greg begin searching for the exit. They eventually find the door, and Steven attempts to break it down. The noise draws the attention of two Zoomans, Wy-Six and Jay-Ten. Steven explains to them their intentions, prompting Jay-Ten to reveal that a Gem once came into the zoo to help someone who was hurt. Steven determines someone needs to get hurt for the door to open; he tells Greg to punch him. Not wanting to hurt his son, Greg suggests Steven strike him instead. Steven punches Greg, but the door does not open. Before they can try something else, the voice announces the commencement of the "choosening". Wy-Six and Jay-Ten lead Greg and Steven to a clearing where a group of Zoomans are standing in a circle. Steven is asked to wait aside while Greg is brought into the circle alongside Wy-Six and Jay-Ten.

As the voice selects two of the Zoomans to step into the center of the circle, Greg realizes with a start that the choosening is a matchmaking ritual and begins to panic. Against Steven's reassurance that he probably will not be "choosened", Greg is selected to step into the center with Jay-Ten. Greg refuses and explains to the confused Zoomans that people make their own decisions about their relationships back on Earth. This prompts all the Zoomans to choose Greg as their romantic partner. Greg politely declines them, causing all the Zoomans to begin crying. Unfamiliar with the feeling of sorrow, the Zoomans begin chasing Greg and Steven, asking for their pain to be taken away. The two manage to hide in a bush when the entrance door opens and amethyst guards enter. As the guards attempt to calm down the Zoomans, Greg and Steven run for the door but are caught by a guard.

An Amethyst guard brings Steven and Greg into the guards' quarters where they are alarmed to discover that Amethyst has also been captured. Their apprehension turns to surprise as an amused Amethyst reveals that it was a prank, explaining to them that the quartz guards are all from Earth. Holly Blue Agate suddenly enters the quarters, informing the guards that Blue Diamond has returned and ordering them to their stations. As the guards file out, Greg and Steven slip out with them. They flee the area and find themselves in a massive room filled with bubbled gemstones. The two quickly hide as they are joined by Blue and Yellow Diamond and their Pearls. As the Homeworld Gems converse, Steven and Greg sneak around the room, making their way to the exit.

Just before they reach the door, Holly Blue, Sapphire, and Ruby enter. After a conversation with the Diamonds, the group leaves and Steven and Greg follow them. Outside in the hallway, Steven, Greg, and the Crystal Gems are reunited. They proceed to follow Holly Blue to the hangar while ensuring the quartz Gem does not see Steven and Greg. As they begin boarding their Roaming Eye however, Holly Blue spots the two humans. She attempts to capture them but is quickly defeated by the Crystal Gems. With everyone safely aboard the Roaming Eye, the Crystal Gems fly out of the zoo and begin their journey home.

Greg and the Crystal Gems arrive back on Earth where they are greeted by Connie. She explains to them that during her supervision of Beach City with Peridot and Lapis, there were some mishaps at the car wash. The group heads over and finds the building in impeccable condition, save for the missing sign. They are then presented with a new sign by Peridot and Lapis, which Greg finds better than the previous one.

Greg and the Gems arrive at the Beach House with pizza for Steven.

Greg is playing music on a hill near Beach City when Steven finds him. After briefly explaining his new "jamming hill", he asks if Steven is okay, noticing that his son appears disappointed. To his surprise, Steven shows him a VHS tape he had put together with Rose. They watch the video on Greg's TV and Steven discovers that it is similar to the one he had found inside Lion, except Rose addresses someone named "Nora" instead of Steven. Steven eventually stops the video and asks his dad about "Nora", which Greg reveals as the name he and Rose had chosen if Steven had been a girl. This makes Steven upset, disappointed the video tape did not help him determine what Rose had wanted him to be in life.

Greg comforts his son, explaining that Rose was excited about the many possibilities her child would explore in life, and thus had wanted Steven to be himself. After they finish watching the video, Steven embraces his dad, content that his parents had simply wanted him to be their child.

Steven wants to help Aquamarine, as he believes she's looking for her dad. He mentions that he knows how hard it is to have your dad taken away, referencing the events of "Steven's Dream".

Aquamarine reveals the reason she's been looking for "My Dad" is because she's working off a list Peridot made after "Marble Madness", which referenced Steven's list of humans. In this list, he used Greg as an example of a human, referring to him as his dad.

The Crystal Gems, Greg, and Connie warp into the Beach House and are surprised to find Steven returned from Homeworld. The group shares a joyful reunion.

Greg is seen watching Steven nervously out the window along with the other Crystal Gems (Whom are also worried about letting him out of their sight again) as he walks Connie home.

Greg accidentally tangles himself in some hoses, and it takes Greg several attempts to get Steven's attention and he eventually does get free, attempting to calm his son down to on avail. Later, Greg, alongside the Gems, takes Steven out on a vacation to help him relax. During the vacation, Greg barbecues up some dinner, and when he notices Steven obsessing over his phone, he urges Amethyst and Garnet separately to talk to him.

The next day, Greg talks to the Gems, saying that he doesn't know anything about Homeworld or its society so they have to put it into context. After Steven breaks down into tears and runs away, Greg promptly pursues Steven with renewed confidence; unlike the Gems, he knows how to deal with problems of the mundane Earth variety.

Greg finds Steven hiding away, and proceeds to talk with him, playing the fool in order to lower Steven's emotional barriers. Greg assures Steven that he's not angry; he does, however, admit that Steven's rash decision to turn himself in to Homeworld authorities was a rather harrowing experience for him, and he suspects that Connie is in the same boat. Greg admits that he dragged Steven to the Cool Ranch for the weekend because that was his way of emotionally dealing with the aftermath; he suspects that Connie's way of dealing with it is to keep her distance from Steven for the time being. Now Steven feels foolish because he had been sending a series of texts that made him seem overly clingy, and that Connie has been reading them all. Then Greg points out that the Cool Ranch has no cell service.

Greg and the Gems come together to drive Steven somewhere where there is cell service. However, Steven becomes depressed once again, realizing that Connie had not reached out to him. Greg comforts Steven alongside the Gems.

Steven shows Greg a recording of Sadie Killer and the Suspects performing a song, which causes him to ask to see them in person. Greg loves their show and begins giving them tips on how to launch their career as a band. Steven suggests that Greg be their manager, and he decides to take the job.

Greg reaches out to an old friend of his, Sunshine Justice, who books Sadie Killer and the Suspects a show in Empire City. He discusses options for the show with the band, assuring them that he'll cover the cost of whatever they want to do. At the car wash, Greg tries to tell Sadie to allow her mother to support her interests. He states that his parents weren't supportive of his own passion for music, and it's nice for him to see Barb do just the opposite.

Greg drives Steven, Sadie, Buck, Jenny, and Sour Cream to the venue in Empire City, where he and Steven stay backstage as the band performed for the audience. After the show, Greg greets Sunshine Justice, who tells him the band has talent. After Sadie asks him if they can play a show in Beach City, Greg tells her he can get it done.

Steven recounts events in Beach City in a letter he writes to Lars. He mentions that, in a town meeting at Fish Stew Pizza, Greg offered to buy a telescope that a lookout could use to see incoming Homeworld Gems ahead of time. Ronaldo is later seen looking through this telescope.

Steven states that, since Greg is rich, he's decided to learn tennis. He's seen playing with Garnet, who's using her shapeshifting to make her volley easier. At the end of the episode, Greg is seen waiting in line at the Big Donut.

Steven claims that Ronaldo has found something weird everyday since Greg bought the telescope.

Jenny mentions that Greg gave her a big tip, as she delivered pizza to him and Ruby at Brooding Hill, outside of Fish Stew Pizza's delivery range. She saw him comforting Ruby.

Greg tells Steven and Amethyst that Ruby told him about Rose being Pink Diamond and that he's fine with it, joking that he, similarly, never told Rose that "Mr. Universe" used to be Gregory DeMayo. After Ruby decides to be her own Gem, Greg tells Steven that being separate from Sapphire might be what Ruby needs and that if Ruby and Sapphire being together is not what Ruby wants, then it is not what Garnet wants. Going on the road, Greg drives them to an outdoor area. Greg goes to sleep with Amethyst and Steven that night.

Greg helps Steven make a Together Breakfast wedding cake for the wedding. He is the guitar player for the wedding, playing "Here Comes the Bride" as Ruby walks down the aisle. At the reception, Greg is seen chatting with Andy, Mr. Fryman, Kofi, and Yellowtail.

When Yellow and Blue Diamond arrive, Steven becomes fearful that the Cluster will be broken out of its bubble. As he struggles to sleep to psychically communicate with it, Greg is able to calm Steven enough for him to sleep by playing a few notes of his guitar. Seeing Blue Diamond on the beach, Greg joked about trying "the Old Universe Charm". After being told not to, he stays inside the house. When the fight nearly destroys the Beach House, Greg emerges unharmed with Cat Steven. He is there when Steven wakes up after he gets through the Diamonds.

Greg says his goodbye to Steven as he and the Gems (aside from Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot) head to Homeworld. He asks Garnet if things will be fine. He then cheers Steven on as he takes off in Pink's ship.

Greg is sitting, tuning his guitar when Lion shows up with Steven (who's controlling a Watermelon Steven) and Greg takes him to Bismuth (who's busy repairing the house). Steven tries acting out what has happened on Homeworld, then attempts to draw a picture, but his friends only understand him when he writes a message asking for help. As Steven goes back to sleep to leave his watermelon body behind, Greg gives him a thumbs-up, indicating that he, Bismuth, and Lion have received the message.

Greg is attending a Sadie Killer and the Suspects concert when the Diamond Mech arrives back on Earth, with Greg calling out Steven's name as he embraces his son. He is later seen on the beach with the rest of the Gems, leaning against Lion.

Steven finds Greg on the beach, teaching Pearl how to play the bass out of the back of his van. Greg and Pearl argue over the pronunciation of "bass", but neither of them have any malice towards the other. Steven assures Greg that he'll see him at the concert later that night.

Greg is seen while Amethyst sings "Happily Ever After", where he is represented as a part of her family.

After Spinel poofs the Crystal Gems, Steven calls Greg to the Beach House. Greg comforts his son, saying the Gems will be back soon and they'll figure out his powers. As Pearl begins to reform, her Gemstone asks him to identify himself. He states, "Um, Greg Universe", which causes the rejuvenated Pearl to believe him to be her master, addressing him as her Um Greg Universe. Greg and Steven panic as the rest of the Gems reform, confused as to why they seem to be unable to remember their lives before Spinel's attack.

Steven leaves Pearl and Amethyst with Greg while he goes to Little Homeworld to get help from Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot. During this time, Greg loses track of Amethyst while he was wrestling his laundry away from Pearl. He drives to Little Homeworld with Pearl, hoping Steven may have seen Amethyst. He also has to stop Pearl from washing his van, as he owns a car wash.

Steven catches up with Greg, Pearl, and Garnet at the U-Stor, where they're gathering supplies for the Sadie Killer and the Suspects show that night. Pearl cites her employment as Greg's servant for being unable to help Amethyst and Steven. Meanwhile, Greg is on the phone with Mayor Nanefua, who has told him that citizens are being evacuated to the abandoned warehouse. Since this is where the concert is being held, Greg decides to drop the cover charge and offer 30% off merch in an effort to draw people to the warehouse.

Steven, Amethyst, and Greg decide to use the rock show as a way to inspire rebellion in Pearl, which may cause her to remember her former self. Greg tries to get her to engage with the show, but Pearl keeps focusing on him rather than the lyrics to "Disobedient". Greg gives Amethyst permission to shapeshift into Rose Quartz during the song, causing him great pain but once again failing to grab Pearl's attention. Frustrated, Greg asks Pearl what it will take for her to stop serving him, to which she states she will serve him as long as he exists.

This inspires Steven, who suggests that Pearl's missing piece may be that Rose Quartz disappeared. Greg and Steven get on stage together, dancing and fusing into Steg. With Steg's help, Pearl is able to remember her independence and reverts to her formal self. With new information from Pearl, Steven decides to go find Spinel to fix the injector. Greg tries to stop him, as Steven is weakened from the fusion, but Lion takes him away.

At the Beach House, Greg exits the bathroom to find the Crystal Gems (minus Garnet) all pointing their weapons at Spinel, who has been restored to her former self. Startled, they all turn around to threaten him instead. Greg, fearful, says that he'll wash his hands.

Greg helps the Crystal Gems evacuate Beach City. He's able to load Barb, Sadie, and another citizen into his van before his arm is hit by the bio-poison. Though he's injured, Greg drives off towards Little Homeworld, stopping for a moment to stare at Steven scaling the injector.

Greg is driven by Pearl back into town to find Steven, eventually encountering him among the rubble. With his restored powers, Steven is able to heal Greg's arm. He and the Gems watch as Steven begins to heal the ground, and Garnet wraps one of her arms around him after the Diamonds leave with Spinel. They return to Little Homeworld to reunite with the rest of the Crystal Gems.

Greg is seen helping repair Beach City, cutting boards as Pearl directs construction. He participates in the ending number "Finale", handing Steven a bouquet.

Greg and Amethyst enter the Beach House to find Steven struggling with the placement of Rose Quartz's portrait. Noticing the sudden change in lighting, the three exit to find that Pink Diamond's zoo has suddenly appeared in the sky. While Greg is initially there as Steven begins communication through his control panel, he leaves as the Zoomans react coldly to his presence. They state that anyone is welcome in the zoo as long as they aren't Greg.

Concerned by the zoo's extended presence, Greg returns to the Beach House to ask Steven how long the Zoomans will be around. He begins to recount a story of several of his exes showing up at once, but it cut off when he notices three Rose Quartz guests. Greg states that he can feel the rest of his hair falling out. Steven asks if Greg wants to join them for dinner, to which he shouts "Nope!" and quickly exits the Beach House.

Greg is brushing his hair in the bathroom as Steven and the Gems enter. As Steven expresses discomfort over having Bluebird Azurite around, Greg assures him that it's okay if he doesn't want to be near her.

Later, Steven becomes fearful as he hears his father screaming. However, it turns out Greg is just watching horror movies in his van with Bluebird, who enjoys them. Steven decides to start trusting Bluebird more, leaving the two to watch movies together.

The next morning, Steven exits the bathroom to find that Greg's van has been warped into the Beach House. He hears his father screaming outside, and at first assumes that Greg and Bluebird are watching movies again. Hearing Greg beg for help, though, causes Steven to exit the Beach House, finding Bluebird on the roof dangling Greg by his leg. She throws him onto the roof, defusing back into her components: Aquamarine and "Eyeball". Aquamarine holds Greg by the hair and "Eyeball" threatens him with her knife.

Taking matters into his own hands, Greg grabs the knife from "Eyeball" and uses it to cut his hair off. Steven catches his father, who crawls away to grab his cut locks. After Steven and the Gems fight Aquamarine and "Eyeball" off, Steven joins Greg at the shore. He places his hair in the water, watching as it drifts away.

After Steven states he doesn't know how to interact with humans, Bismuth counters with the fact that he gets along well with Connie and Greg. Steven says that Greg doesn't count because he's his dad.

Feeling depressed, Steven calls his father, who is on tour with Sadie and Shep as their manager. Steven tells Greg he's happy he's coming home soon, as he wants to talk to him about recent events. Distracted by something Sadie and Shep do, Greg doesn't hear him, revealing that the tour has been extended. He thanks Steven for suggesting he be a manager, as he's found he loves the job. As they're about to go into a tunnel, Greg says he has to hang up. He asks Steven if he wants to call back later, but Steven assures him that he's fine.

After getting Steven's appointment set up with her mother, Connie calls Greg to tell him that Steven is at the hospital due to strange swelling. When Greg makes it to the hospital, he finds that Steven has grown to the size of the room. Connie and Dr. Maheswaran leave Greg and Steven to talk.

Greg listens to his son talk about what's been bothering him. He's sympathetic as he hears that Steven proposed to Connie and was rejected and scared to hear about the trauma that he's gone through in the past. Greg hugs Steven's finger, assuring him that he'll be there for him. Steven reverts to his regular size, saying he wants to go home.

Back at the Beach House, Greg hands Steven a cup of tea as he listens to him explain the proposal. He tells Steven that it's okay to make mistakes while figuring yourself out, and that he'll support him no matter what he ends up doing. When Steven becomes worried that Greg abandoned the tour, Greg assures him that he doesn't need to worry.

To comfort Steven, Greg prepares him a bowl of ice cream with a piece of pie. He assures his son that it's okay he doesn't himself figured out yet. Greg shares that he didn't get to listen to good music until he was sixteen and that his most formative moments were eating sandwiches outside Delmarva house. Inspired by his own past, Greg decides to take Steven out on the road to discover himself.

The two set out in the van, stopping at various rest stops on their journey. As they drive through Greg's old neighborhood, Steven is excited to hear about where his dad first played music. After Steven asks how he became Mr. Universe, he decides to show him.

Greg pulls up to a certain house, refusing to answer Steven's questions as he hops the fence. He's concerned as Greg climbs in through the second story window, attempting to dissuade him the whole time. Greg begins rummaging though the boxes in the room. Searching for paper to write an apology note for the homeowners, Steven discovers the unopened letters Greg sent to the residents, Mr. and Mrs. DeMayo.

Shocked, Steven runs back upstairs to confront his father. Greg confirms that this was his childhood home, prompting Steven to start looking through the boxes with him. He finds Greg's handprint, his baby shoes, and a wrestling trophy, at which Greg reveals he was forced into it. Steven takes a picture of Greg with braces from on of his yearbooks. He finds Greg's graduation photo, Greg stating he was forced to cut his hair before it.

Remembering he hid his interest in music from his parents, Greg looks inside the vents, finding an old box. He allows Steven to drive as he looks through the box, as it's his journey of discovery. From the box, Greg pulls out an album by Kerry Moonbeam. He inserts the disc and plays the song "Mr. Universe".

As Greg sings along to the song, Steven becomes worried. He confronts his father, and Greg confirms that this song was the inspiration for their last name. He explains how "Mr. Universe" freed him and helped him learn how to dream. Greg claims that he left his family and never looked back, and a couple years later he met Rose Quartz.

He starts to play the song again, but Steven stops him. He tells his dad that he wanted a life like what Greg had, but Greg rebukes him, saying he was never able to do anything he liked growing up. Steven begins to yell, saying he wanted a more normal life with school and visits to the doctor. Greg counters that Steven's a Gem and is therefore different than other kids. Steven shouts that his problem is that he's a Universe, yanking the steering wheel from the van and accidentally crashing it.

Greg wakes Steven up on the side of the road. He tells Steven that he's proud of him, since he wasn't able to say anything like that to his father. As Greg talks about getting the van fixed and ice cream, Steven deletes the photo he took of Greg's yearbook picture.

Greg is seen with Bismuth on the beach as they assess the damage done to the van.

Greg, Connie, and the Gems all confront Steven over what's bothering him. Greg explains that they'll support Steven in whatever makes him happy, but he can tell them if something is wrong. Steven continues to dismiss them, eventually beginning to rant about all the recent things he's done wrong. Steven mentions his argument with Greg, causing everyone to look at him. Greg shrugs in response. He's shocked to hear that Steven shattered Jasper, which leads to him witnessing Steven's transformation.

Bismuth, Peridot, and Lapis arrive at the Beach House to find everyone attempting to talk to Steven, who's transformed into a huge monster. Greg tries to tell Steven to take deep breaths, but he doesn't seem to hear him.

After Steven is contained in the ocean, Greg is caught off guard by the arrival of Spinel and the Diamonds. He is knocked over when Steven's roar pushes everyone back. As everyone regains their footing, Amethyst tries to convince Greg to leave in case he gets hurt. Greg refuses, stating that he's run away whenever Gem stuff happened in the past, and that Steven's right to be angry because he couldn't protect him. Blue Diamond claims that Greg wasn't able to protect him from them.

Connie and Lion arrive back on the beach, chastising everyone for making Steven's hurt about themselves. She says that they all need to be there for him. This inspires Garnet, who's able to come up with a plan to help Steven. Blue Diamond makes a cloud for Greg, Pearl, and Amethyst to ride on towards Steven, everyone joining together to hug him. Greg tells Steven that he'll be there for him and make sure he gets whatever he needs.

Steven, after reverting to his regular form, wakes up on the Cluster's hand to find all of his family smiling at him.

Greg helps Steven clear out his room at the Beach House in preparation for his trip. Steven explains to Greg that he's bothered that the Gems don't seem upset that he's leaving, and Greg posits that they may just be trying to be strong for him. He tells Steven that he's allowed to feel petty about it.

Steven reveals his gift for Greg: his room. He hangs up a Kerry Moonbeam poster and tells Greg that he wants him to move in. Though Greg is unsure, Steven tells him to lay down on the bed, and the comfort is enough to convince him. Greg states that Steven leaving and him settling down makes karmic sense.

Greg, Connie, and the Gems gather on the beach to see Steven off. Greg hugs his son, telling him he'll miss him but that he's proud. After Steven confronts the Gems, Greg cries as he gets in the Dondai to leave again.
