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How to Draw a Rocket Easy For Kids Step by Step

how to draw a rocket
habboin 21/10/2021 Rocket 3149
Hello friends, welcome to all of you in today’s blog post. So friends, in today’s blog post I have provided rocket drawing for all of you. It is very easy to make this drawing. By the way, this drawin...

Hello friends, welcome to all of you in today’s blog post. So friends, in today’s blog post I have provided rocket drawing for all of you. It is very easy to make this drawing. By the way, this drawing(How to Draw a Rocket) is specially prepared for children, but anyone can make it to make. To make this drawing, the video tutorial is also given below so that you can easily make this drawing easily. Whatever material has been used to make this drawing, everything is explained below. You can make rockets very easily if you will read this article well and understand it. If you want to make this drawing, then you must read this article and understand the points given, in which the method of making this drawing is explained.

How to Draw Rocket Easy

Friends, to make this drawing you must have an HB pencil and Scale first. The rest is explained below how to make this drawing. Read it properly.

To make this drawing, first, you have to draw two lines. You can see in the video that both lines are not parallel. When you draw two lines, after that you will draw both lines from the top, meaning that the top will be Nose Cone.Now you have to draw the middle side of the rocket, in which you have to draw the fins from under it.Now you have to draw the body tube of the rocket. After that, you also have to draw smoke below.

So friends, these are four steps with which you can make this drawing.

Do not Mistake to Make Rocket Which is Given below

When you make this Rocket, move the pencil lightly so that whenever there is a situation. you can erase it and there is no trace of the pencil later.Do not make a rocket drawing without scale. Draw the Rocket with the help of scale so that the Rocket can be made in a good way.While drawing the rocket, the drawing sheet can get spoiled due to repeated mistakes, so try not to repeat any mistake while making it.When you are drawing a rocket, do not touch the hand-drawn on the line drawn with the pencil. Otherwise, the pencil which is moved may cause shade on the hand. Which may make the drawing useless. Friends, most people make this mistake in such drawings, so whenever you make a drawing. do not make a mistake in drawing the shape, that means to draw the shape properly.

So, friends, I have told you these five mistakes in this drawing which you should not do at all. I hope you all understand.

Watch Full Video

This is the video tutorial of this drawing, in which this rocket has been drawn very easily, I hope you will definitely see all the video. Expectation you enjoyed this article. You can remark on this how would you like this article. In the event that you have not yet told the warnings of our web journals, at that point get the most recent take-up you first and you can appreciate it first. Much obliged to you folks for the following post in the following post-bye.