Meet the Man Who Plays Rocket During Production of Guardians ...
', 'September
', '3,
', '2021
', 'Best
', 'of
', 'Summer:
', 'Daniel
', 'Craig’s
', 'Final
', 'Mission
', 'as
', 'James
', 'Bond
', 'is
', 'Nigh
', 'September
', '9,
', '2021
', '“The
', 'Matrix
', 'Resurrections”
', 'Trailer
', 'is
', 'a
', 'Dazzling
', 'Head
', 'Trip
', 'September
', '3,
', '2021
', 'Best
', 'of
', 'Summer:
', 'The
', 'Luminous
', 'Final
', 'Trailer
', 'For
', 'Chloé
', 'Zhao’s
', '“Eternals”
', 'Movies
', 'Meet
', 'the
', 'Man
', 'Who
', 'Plays
', 'Rocket
', 'During
', 'Production
', 'of
', 'Guardians
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Galaxy
', 'Vol.
', '2
', 'image/svg+xml
', 'April
', '6,
', '2017
', 'By
', 'The
', 'Credits
', 'Rocket
', '(Bradley
', 'Cooper)
', 'is
', 'arguably
', 'the
', 'rudest
', 'member
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Guardians;
', 'hence
', 'his
', 'new
', 'Star-Munch
', 'moniker
', 'for
', 'Peter
', 'Quill
', '(who
', 'prefers
', 'Star-lord).
', 'A
', 'new
', 'extended
', 'version
', 'of
', 'a
', 'previously
', 'released
', 'Guardians
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Galaxy
', 'Vol.
', '2
', 'TV
', 'spot
', 'is
', 'here,
', 'features
', 'a
', 'classic
', 'Rocket
', 'moment,
', 'when
', 'the
', 'furry,
', 'ferocious
', 'little
', 'hero
', 'gives
', 'Quill
', 'a
', 'nickname
', 'he
', "doesn't
", 'want:
', 'While
', 'Rocket
', 'is
', 'a
', 'stunning
', 'CGI
', 'creation,
', 'there
', 'still
', 'needs
', 'to
', 'be
', 'someone
', 'for
', 'the
', 'actors
', 'to
', 'play
', 'off
', 'during
', 'production.
', 'In
', 'fact,
', 'more
', 'than
', 'that,
', 'like
', 'Andy
', 'Serkis
', 'has
', 'shown
', 'in
', 'his
', 'incredible
', 'motion-capture
', 'performances
', 'as
', 'Gollum
', 'in
', 'The
', 'Lord
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Rings
', 'trilogy,
', 'King
', 'Kong
', 'and
', 'Caesar
', 'from
', 'the
', 'new
', 'Planet
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Apes
', 'franchise,
', 'getting
', 'the
', 'physicality
', 'of
', 'a
', 'CGI
', 'creation
', 'down
', 'on
', 'set
', 'is
', 'a
', 'crucial
', 'part
', 'of
', 'the
', 'process.
', 'This
', 'is
', 'why
', 'director
', 'James
', 'Gunn’s
', 'brother,
', 'Sean,
', 'is
', 'so
', 'important
', 'to
', 'the
', 'Guardians
', 'family.
', 'Sean
', 'not
', 'only
', 'plays
', 'Kraglin,
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Ravagers
', '(led
', 'by
', 'Michael
', 'Rooker’s
', 'Yondu),
', 'he’s
', 'also
', 'a
', '‘motion
', 'reference
', 'actor’
', 'on
', 'set,
', 'meaning
', 'he’s
', 'the
', 'one
', 'who
', 'wears
', 'a
', 'motion-capture
', 'performance
', 'suit
', 'and
', 'acts
', 'out
', 'all
', 'of
', 'Rocket’s
', 'movements.
', 'Gunn
', 'explained
', 'this
', 'on
', 'a
', 'Live
', 'chat
', 'recently:
', 'Sean
', 'Gunn
', 'is
', 'not
', 'a
', 'stand-in.
', 'He
', 'is
', 'a
', 'motion
', 'reference
', 'actor.
', 'That
', 'means
', 'we
', 'film
', 'everything
', 'Sean
', 'does
', 'on
', 'set
', 'as
', 'Rocket.
', 'We
', 'film
', 'it.
', 'I
', 'don’t
', 'stop
', 'doing
', 'takes
', 'of
', 'him
', 'until
', 'we
', 'get
', 'the
', 'performance
', 'right
', 'and
', 'then
', 'we
', 'use
', 'that
', 'performance
', 'as
', 'a
', 'basis
', 'for
', 'much
', 'of
', 'Rocket’s
', 'acting.
', 'And
', 'he
', 'does
', 'a
', 'fantastic
', 'job
', 'in
', 'that
', 'role.
', 'He
', 'knows
', 'it.
', 'He
', 'understands
', 'it.
', 'And
', 'also
', 'very
', 'important,
', 'Sean
', 'is
', 'able
', 'to
', 'physically
', 'do
', 'something
', 'most
', 'actors
', 'aren’t
', 'able
', 'to
', 'do,
', 'which
', 'is
', 'waddle
', 'around
', 'on
', 'all
', 'fours.
', 'He’s
', 'always
', 'been
', 'an
', 'incredibly
', 'limber
', 'guy
', 'that
', 'can
', 'to
', 'do
', 'a
', 'lot
', 'of
', 'strange
', 'physical
', 'things.
', 'And
', 'the
', 'fact
', 'that
', 'he’s
', 'able
', 'to
', 'waddle
', 'around
', 'on
', 'his
', 'legs
', 'all
', 'day
', 'long
', 'at
', 'the
', 'exact
', 'height
', 'of
', 'Rocket
', 'is
', 'quite
', 'a
', 'feat
', 'and
', 'quite
', 'difficult.”
', 'You’ll
', 'be
', 'able
', 'to
', 'see
', 'both
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Gunn’s
', 'handiwork
', 'on
', 'May
', '5,
', 'when
', 'Guardians
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Galaxy
', 'Vol.
', '2
', 'blasts
', 'into
', 'theaters.
', 'Featured
', 'image:
', 'Rocket
', '(Bradley
', 'Cooper)
', 'and
', 'Baby
', 'Groot
', '(Vin
', 'Diesel)
', 'in
', 'Guardians
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Galaxy
', 'Vol.
', '2.
', 'Courtesy
', 'Marvel/Walt
', 'Disney
', 'Pictures
', 'MostPopular
', 'September
', '3,
', '2021
', 'Best
', 'of
', 'Summer:
', 'Daniel
', 'Craig’s
', 'Final
', 'Mission
', 'as
', 'James
', 'Bond
', 'is
', 'Nigh
', 'September
', '9,
', '2021
', '“The
', 'Matrix
', 'Resurrections”
', 'Trailer
', 'is
', 'a
', 'Dazzling
', 'Head
', 'Trip
', 'September
', '3,
', '2021
', 'Best
', 'of
', 'Summer:
', 'The
', 'Luminous
', 'Final
', 'Trailer
', 'For
', 'Chloé
', 'Zhao’s
', '“Eternals”
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