Pocket rocket - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
', 'grief-stricken
', 'sister
', 'of
', 'a
', '22-yearold
', 'woman
', 'who
', 'was
', 'allegedly
', 'murdered
', 'in
', 'Swansea
', 'has
', 'paid
', 'an
', 'emotional
', 'tribute
', 'to
', 'her
', '"little
', 'rocket
', '."
', 'Grieving
', 'sister
', 'pays
', 'tribute
', 'to
', "rocket'
", '"Her
', 'colleagues
', 'at
', 'Aviva
', 'called
', 'her
', 'a
', 'rocket
', 'in
', 'skyscraper
', 'heels
', 'and
', 'we
', "couldn't
", 'agree
', 'more."
', 'Little
', 'Kelly
', 'made
', 'such
', 'big
', 'impact
', 'For
', 'a
', 'girl
', 'who
', 'seems
', 'to
', 'zoom
', 'past
', 'every
', 'hurdle
', 'and
', 'obstacle
', 'with
', 'dazzling
', 'speed
', 'and
', 'success,
', 'she
', 'might
', 'have
', 'chewed
', 'more
', 'than
', 'she
', 'can
', 'swallow
', 'as
', 'well-hatched
', 'arson
', 'camouflage
', 'the
', 'plans
', 'of
', 'well-connected
', 'cunning
', 'terrorists.span
', 'xml:lang="EN-GBThe
', 'rocket
', 'might
', 'have
', 'to
', 'run
', 'harder
', 'to
', 'save
', 'more
', 'than
', 'just
', 'one
', 'life.
', 'BOOK
', 'NOOK:
', "'Run
", 'Cheche,
', "Run'
", 'by
', 'Tony
', 'Mochama
', 'Still,
', 'if
', 'you
', 'want
', 'a
', 'simple
', 'way
', 'to
', 'safely
', 'carry
', 'your
', 'gun
', 'and
', "don't
", 'want
', 'to
', 'worry
', 'about
', 'it
', 'printing--and
', 'that
', 'covers
', 'a
', 'huge
', 'majority
', 'of
', 'CCW
', 'permit
', 'holders--the
', 'Rocket
', 'will
', 'work
', 'for
', 'you.
', 'FIVE
', 'THAT
', 'KEEP
', 'YOUR
', 'AT
', 'HAND
', 'The
', 'post
', 'Kerber
', 'downs
', 'rocket
', 'Doi
', 'to
', 'reach
', 'quarter-finals
', 'appeared
', 'first
', 'on
', 'Cyprus
', '.
', 'Kerber
', 'downs
', 'rocket
', 'Doi
', 'to
', 'reach
', 'quarter-finals
', 'The
', 'rocket
', "'s
", '135bhp
', '1.4
', 'litre
', 'turbocharged
', 'engine
', 'can
', 'take
', 'it
', 'from
', '0-62mph
', 'in
', '7.9
', 'seconds
', 'and
', 'on
', 'to
', 'a
', '127mph
', 'top
', 'speed.
', 'News
', '[...]
', 'But
', 'the
', 'S1
', 'produces
', '231bhp
', 'in
', 'a
', 'car
', 'of
', 'similar
', 'size
', 'to
', 'a
', 'Mini,
', 'and
', 'that
', 'makes
', 'it
', 'a
', 'real
', 'rocket
', '.
', 'Audi
', 'rocket
', '-
', 'and
', 'with
', 'attitude
', '(Putting
', 'that
', 'into
', 'perspective
', 'the
', 'S8
', 'engine
', 'is
', 'exactly
', 'twice
', 'the
', 'size
', 'at
', '4.0-litres
', 'and
', 'eight
', 'cylinders.)
', 'But
', 'the
', 'S1
', 'produces
', '231bhp
', 'in
', 'a
', 'car
', 'of
', 'similar
', 'size
', 'to
', 'a
', 'MINI,
', 'and
', 'that
', 'makes
', 'it
', 'a
', 'real
', 'rocket
', '.
', 'Join
', 'the
', 'Audi
', 'S
', 'club
', 'You
', 'have
', 'to
', 'find
', 'your
', 'priority,
', 'and
', 'if
', "it's
", 'a
', 'fight-stopping
', 'rocket
', ',
', "you'll
", 'have
', 'to
', 'get
', 'used
', 'to
', 'shooting
', 'an
', 'unpleasantly
', 'snappy
', 'package
', 'with
', 'a
', 'short
', 'sight
', 'radius.
', 'Pinky
', 'shortage
', '"Pair
', 'this
', 'with
', 'the
', 'multiaward-winning
', '1.0
', 'litre
', 'Eco-Boost
', 'engine
', 'which
', 'reaches
', 'range
', 'and
', 'performance
', 'levels
', 'never
', 'seen
', 'before,
', 'and
', 'this
', 'stylish
', 'rocket
', 'wins
', 'in
', 'every
', 'category."
', 'Fiesta
', 'a
', 'big
', 'hit
', 'with
', 'the
', 'ladies
', 'Rob
', 'Burrow
', 'is
', 'a
', 'man
', 'who
', 'knows
', 'how
', 'to
', 'produce
', 'the
', 'goods.
', 'One
', 'to
', 'watch;
', 'Opposition
', 'guide
', 'A
', 'new
', 'performance
', 'tuned
', 'Shelby
', 'Focus
', 'ST
', 'was
', 'unveiled
', 'at
', 'the
', '2013
', 'Detroit
', 'Auto
', 'Show,
', 'which
', 'Shelby
', 'American
', 'executives
', 'called
', 'a
', '"
', 'rocket
', '."
', 'Detroit
', 'Auto
', 'Show
', '2013:
', 'Shelby
', 'American
', 'Unveils
', '2013
', 'Shelby
', 'GT500
', 'Super
', 'Snake,
', '2013
', 'Shelby
', 'Focus
', 'ST
', '[PHOTOS]
', 'Dubbed
', 'the
', 'A1
', 'quattro,
', 'the
', 'little
', 'rocket
', 'is
', 'powered
', 'by
', 'a
', '252bhp
', 'four-cylinder
', 'turbocharged
', 'engine
', 'that
', 'makes
', 'it
', 'faster
', 'than
', 'a
', 'manual
', 'S3.
', 'IT
', 'seems
', 'the
', 'top
', '[...];
', 'plugs&
', 'With
', 'flawless
', 'operation
', 'and
', 'fast
', 'firing,
', 'the
', 'MSR
', 'Rocket
', 'shows
', 'why
', 'these
', 'guys
', 'have
', 'been
', 'in
', 'the
', 'game
', 'a
', 'long,
', 'long
', 'time.
', 'Light
', 'my
', 'fire
', 'Aussie
', 'rocket
', 'David
', 'Warner
', 'has
', 'also
', 'joined
', 'the
', 'Thunder,
', 'which
', 'will
', 'pair
', 'the
', 'two
', 'most
', 'devastating
', 'Twenty20
', 'batsmen
', 'in
', 'the
', 'world,
', 'the
', 'Daily
', 'Telegraph
', 'reports.
', 'Oz
', 'Big
', 'Bash:
', 'Gayle
', 'signs
', 'up
', 'for
', 'Sydney
', 'Thunder
', 'side
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