"Pocket rockets," in poker Crossword Clue Answers, Crossword ...
', 'in
', 'poker
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Last
', 'updated:
', 'July
', '26
', '2021
', 'This
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'rockets,"
', 'in
', 'poker
', 'was
', 'discovered
', 'last
', 'seen
', 'in
', 'the
', 'July
', '26
', '2021
', 'at
', 'the
', 'LA
', 'Times
', 'Crossword.
', 'The
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'possible
', 'answer
', 'is
', 'available
', 'in
', '4
', 'letters.
', 'This
', 'answers
', 'first
', 'letter
', 'of
', 'which
', 'starts
', 'with
', 'A
', 'and
', 'can
', 'be
', 'found
', 'at
', 'the
', 'end
', 'of
', 'S.
', 'We
', 'think
', 'ACES
', 'is
', 'the
', 'possible
', 'answer
', 'on
', 'this
', 'clue.
', 'Crossword
', 'clues
', 'for
', 'rockets,"
', 'in
', 'poker
', 'Clue
', 'Answer
', 'rockets,"
', 'in
', 'poker
', 'ACES
', 'Word
', 'before
', '"pocket"
', 'or
', '"socket"
', 'HIP
', 'One
', 'of
', 'two
', 'in
', 'a
', 'poker
', 'hand
', 'known
', 'as
', 'rockets"
', 'ACE
', 'Item
', 'in
', 'a
', '"pocketful"
', 'in
', 'the
', 'nursery
', 'rhyme
', '"Ring
', 'Around
', 'the
', 'Rosie"
', 'POSY
', 'Did
', 'you
', 'get
', 'the
', 'correct
', 'answer
', 'for
', 'your
', 'rockets,"
', 'in
', 'poker
', 'crossword
', 'clue?
', 'Then
', 'check
', 'out
', 'this
', 'LA
', 'Times
', 'Crossword
', 'July
', '26
', '2021
', 'other
', 'crossword
', 'clue.
', 'Recent
', 'Post
', 'Flamenco
', "dancer's
", 'cheer
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Defamed,
', 'in
', 'a
', 'way
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Diabetes
', 'preparation
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'One
', 'in
', 'PBS
', "Kids'
", 'target
', 'audience
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'A
', 'yard
', 'has
', 'three
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Tools
', 'used
', 'by
', 'horologists
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '___
', 'Remote
', '(device
', 'used
', 'with
', 'an
', 'Apple
', 'TV)
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Very
', 'perceptive
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'There
', 'are
', 'three
', 'of
', 'them
', 'in
', 'a
', 'Morse
', '"O"
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'What
', '"/"
', 'may
', 'mean
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Early
', 'R&B
', 'group
', 'for
', 'Missy
', 'Elliott
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Fancy
', 'neckwear
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Baja
', 'California
', 'resort
', 'city,
', 'for
', 'short
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Genesis
', 'voyager
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Commercial
', 'names
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Letter
', 'two
', 'after
', 'tau
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Treat
', 'for
', 'Mr.
', 'Owl
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Nail
', "artist's
", 'layer
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '___
', 'Grey
', 'tea
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Bounce
', 'off
', 'the
', 'wall
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Member
', 'of
', 'a
', 'Marvel
', 'Cinematic
', 'Universe
', 'superhero
', 'team
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '"___:
', 'Vegas"
', '(upcoming
', 'limited
', 'series)
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', "Cosecant's
", 'reciprocal
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Polo
', 'shirt
', 'company
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'EPA-banned
', 'chemicals
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Not
', 'from
', 'a
', 'big
', 'studio
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'On
', 'the
', '___
', '(running
', 'away)
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Australian
', 'writer
', 'whose
', 'novels
', '"Big
', 'Little
', 'Lies"
', 'and
', '"Nine
', 'Perfect
', 'Strangers"
', 'were
', 'adapted
', 'by
', '18-Across
', 'as
', 'miniseries
', 'starring
', '40-Across
', '(2
', 'wds.)
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '"Gotcha,
', 'dude"
', '(2
', 'wds.)
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', "Skeleton's
", 'place,
', 'metaphorically
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', "Dove's
", 'murmur
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '"Beat
', 'it!"
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Straight
', 'sides
', 'of
', 'sectors
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Glacial
', 'periods
', 'in
', 'the
', "Earth's
", 'history
', '(3,4)
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', "Massachusetts'
", 'College
', 'of
', 'Our
', 'Lady
', 'of
', 'the
', '___
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Nutso
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '___
', 'Sneak,
', 'game
', 'from
', '"The
', 'Tonight
', 'Show
', 'starring
', 'Jimmy
', 'Fallon"
', 'featuring
', 'conversational
', 'cards
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Dish
', 'whose
', 'yellow
', 'color
', 'comes
', 'from
', 'saffron
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Musk
', 'of
', 'SpaceX
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '__
', 'de
', 'mer
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'They
', 'collide
', 'in
', 'a
', 'high
', 'five
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '___
', 'immunity
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '"All
', '___
', 'the
', 'Watchtower,"
', 'Bob
', 'Dylan
', 'hit
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Note
', 'at
', 'the
', 'office
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Finish
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Loads
', 'the
', 'soil
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Unconventional
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Yale
', 'student
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', "It's
", 'easy
', 'to
', 'find
', 'in
', 'a
', 'haystack
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Middle
', 'ear
', 'bone
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Bourbon
', 'Street
', 'city,
', 'for
', 'short
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Become
', 'ticked
', 'off
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Dough
', 'dispensers
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Convent
', 'sister
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Bea
', 'Arthur
', 'title
', 'character
', 'on
', 'a
', '1970s
', '"All
', 'in
', 'the
', 'Family"
', 'spinoff
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Flower
', 'necklaces
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Screams
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Continuously
', 'aggravate
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Daiquiri
', 'flavor
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Overseas
', 'speed
', 'meas.
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Fat
', 'in
', 'bird
', 'feeders
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Count
', 'up
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Body
', 'shop
', 'fig.
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Poorly
', 'lit
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Lend
', 'a
', 'hand
', 'to
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '"Rule,
', 'Britannia!"
', 'composer
', 'Thomas
', '___
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Internet
', 'address,
', '...
', 'Wide
', 'Web
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Part
', 'of
', 'IOU
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Certain
', 'curtain
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Event
', 'with
', 'spells?
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Big
', 'first
', 'for
', 'babies
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'The
', '"M"
', 'of
', '"MIB"
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'What
', 'the
', '"E"
', 'on
', 'a
', 'fuel
', 'gauge
', 'stands
', 'for
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Longtime
', 'first
', 'name
', 'in
', 'TV
', 'talk
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Like
', 'the
', 'Mideast
', 'exclave
', 'of
', 'Madha
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Possible
', 'reason
', 'for
', 'refusing
', 'to
', 'wear
', 'a
', 'tank
', 'top?
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Adjective
', "that's
", 'been
', 'called
', '"possibly
', 'the
', 'worst
', 'word
', 'in
', 'the
', 'English
', 'dictionary"
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Carnival
', 'attraction
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', '"__
', 'your
', 'pardon"
', 'crossword
', 'clue
', 'Fraternal
', 'group
', 'crossword
', 'clue
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