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How to Ask the Universe for a Clear Sign (Easy Method ...

how to ask the universe for a sign
habboin 13/12/2021 Universe 4334
I recently wrote this article: “How to Ask the Universe for a Clear Sign (Easy Method!)“. A few days ago, someone wrote to me sharing her own experience using my method, where she asked for two signs...

I recently wrote this article: “How to Ask the Universe for a Clear Sign (Easy Method!)“. A few days ago, someone wrote to me sharing her own experience using my method, where she asked for two signs but only received one. She had a very interesting question: Is it possible to receive a “partial” sign from the Universe?

Here’s my take on it:

The universe always responds to your inner wants and beliefs. Once you decide that you have what it takes to get what you want, you’ll get a clear, positive sign quickly. A “partial” sign usually reflects lingering doubts or fears.

Let me explain!

(Important note: If you were the one who wrote to me, my email reply to you bounced. Please email me again at hello@lady-lion.com so that I can get back to you personally!)

What if you ask for two signs, but only get one?

To have some clearer context, I’ll summarise the message I received from this lady (I’ll call her ‘S’ for short).

S wanted clarification that she was on the right path in manifesting a brand new SP (SP is short for Specific Person, as in a romantic interest). She followed the exact steps listed in my article.

Sheand asked for two signs to appear within a week: 1) a red apple, and 2) a yellow-breasted bird. These were specific, meaningful and recognisable signs. They also weren’t common in her home/area, so she knew they wouldn’t be mere coincidences.

She got her first sign (the red apples) in just three days!

She said she was shocked to see them on the kitchen counter—apparently, her mother had felt a sudden and strange urge to buy red apples, even though she normally didn’t like them.

Although S was excited that the apples appeared so quickly, she wondered about the yellow-breasted bird, which had yet to show up.

She asked me: “If I asked for two signs but have only received one as of the moment, is it a positive affirmation that I’m on the right track? Perhaps a “we’ll see”? Is it even possible to receive a “partial” answer from the Universe?”

Signs reflect what we really want and believe

The truth is, we usually ask for signs when we aren’t sure of ourselves. It’s our way of looking for external confirmation that we’re on the right path.

Signs help to steer us in the right path by reflecting what we truly want and believe.

For instance, if we really want something and believe that we have what it takes to get it no matter what, we’ll get a sign that we’re on the right path—there’s nothing in our way!

On the other hand, if we doubt we’re on the right path or fear the obstacles in our way, we’ll get signs that something is wrong. These may come up as “bad luck” or “negative coincidences”, but they’re really just forcing us to pay closer attention to our situation. There are probably changes we need to make for our own good, before we can proceed further.

Ultimately, the important thing to realise is that the signs we receive (or don’t receive) are all reflecting our inner truths to us.

A “partial” sign is also a “complete” message

Based on the explanation above, a “partial” sign is actually a complete message in itself, because it shows you what’s in your way.

For example, in S’s case, I do think that getting her first sign (the red apples) so quickly reflects her strong desire to go ahead and manifest her new SP. It shows that she really wants it, and a part of her really believes that she will be happy and successful once she manifests him.

However, the fact that she feels doubtful when her yellow-breasted bird hasn’t shown up as quickly reflects her inner doubts that she might be making a mistake in trying to manifest him.

The “partial sign” here is essentially sending her a clear message to ask herself: Is there a reason you’re doubting your manifestation with your SP?

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you see it), the Universe can’t tell you exactly what’s going on—you have to figure that out for yourself!

My advice to S, and anyone else in a similar situation, is this: Try to figure out what’s causing your inner doubt, so that you can “tweak” your manifestation or path in a way that leaves you feeling less uncertain.

It could be as simple as tweaking your manifestation to wanting a loving relationship with a perfectly compatible partner, rather than focusing it on that specific person. Ultimately, it’s got to be something you want and believe you can get.

Signs will show up when decide that it’s yours

Would you believe that the moment you know exactly what you want and decide that it’s yours, you’ll get a clear, positive sign?

When you “decide” that something is yours, you must be extremely clear about the fact that you will manifest it, despite any fears, doubts or obstacles that might be currently in your path.

This decision-making process may seem scary at times, which is why we ask for signs from the Universe. And signs do show up all the time—sometimes we may not even realise that obstacles in our paths are actually signs nudging us in a different direction, towards something better than what we could have imagined for ourselves.

In S’s case, I believe that when she knows what she wants and believes wholeheartedly that it’s hers, she’ll receive clear signs.

Perhaps by that stage, she wouldn’t even need a sign. Because when you’re 100% convinced, that’s when the magic of manifestation starts to work and bring you exactly what you asked for!

This is a quick and easy tarot spread to figure out how someone really feels about you. Not what they show you on the outside, but how they really feel on the inside! You can use it to better understand where you stand with a current or past romantic interest, friend, colleague, boss, family member…anyone!

Card positions and interpretations

When to use this spread?

This spread is especially useful for the following scenarios:

When you’re unsure of where you stand with a current romantic partnerWhen you’re wondering if you should pursue a new romantic interestWhen you want to know if it’s worth putting in effort to improve your relationshipWhen you’re having communication issues with someoneWhen something feels “off” and you want to know what’s really going on

A note of advice: Don’t use this to spy on someone else’s relationship!

A quick note before going any further: This spread should not be used to “spy” on someone else’s relationships!

Most ethical readers draw the line at snooping into someone else’s private world. I do not recommend using this spread to find out how someone else’s relationship is going, or what they’re thinking about a third party.

Only use this to ask what someone else thinks about you.

Who is this spread for?

This spread is direct, short and easy to interpret, making it suitable for anyone with basic tarot knowledge. You don’t need to be an expert to do this!

If you’re a beginner, this could be a great spread for practising your tarot interpretation skills. Tip: As a fun practice exercise, try it with someone who you know very well and have a great relationship with.

How often can you use this spread?

Use it on as many people as you like, but don’t use it to read the same person more than once every 6-12 months.

Generally speaking, we’re unlikely to drastically change the way we feel about others within the space of just a few months. For that reason, it doesn’t make sense to repeat this reading too often with the same person in mind.

However, I think it’s perfectly fine to use this spread regularly with as many different people as you like. Just don’t go overboard in the sense of judging every single interaction by a tarot reading!

Tips to make the most of this spread

I like writing down my own answers (based on my assumptions and opinions) before doing the reading. I find that it can be really helpful later on, when assessing whether the reading was accurate.

I’ll then shuffle my deck, pull three cards according to the spread, and interpret them.

By comparing this with what I had written down earlier, I’ll find out if I’ve correctly assessed our relationship, or if I had judged our interactions unfairly.

Consider pulling a clarifying card

I don’t usually recommend pulling too many clarifying cards. It can turn into a bad habit, especially if you’re just pulling extra cards in hopes of getting a more positive message.

However, since this is a small spread with only three cards, it can be useful to pull an extra card or two if you need extra clarity.

How to pull a clarifying card: Shuffle the deck, concentrate on what you need more information on, and pull one card when you feel ready. Interpret that card together with the rest of the spread to get a deeper understanding of what you need to know.

Before pulling a clarifying card, be honest with yourself. Sometimes, it’s not that you don’t understand what the cards are telling you…rather, it’s simply a case of not wanting to admit to the message in the cards!

Here’s a sample reading

I tried this reading for a friend the other day. She wanted to know if her ex still had feelings for her. His recent actions gave the impression that he wanted to rekindle their relationship—but she wasn’t sure.

Here are the cards I got, as well as my interpretation:

What he’s showing her: The World reversedThe World reversed is about unfinished business – he hasn’t really closed the chapter on their relationship. So it isn’t just her imagination! Even though they’ve already broken up, he’s reluctant to fully let go. Even though he may not have explicitly said this to her, he’s definitely hinting at it through his actions!

How he feels on the inside: Three of Pentacles reversedHe comes across as feeling a bit helpless, not knowing if he should move on from her, or try to rekindle their relationship. At the same time, he’s also unsure if she wants to get back together, so he’s hesitating taking any concrete action. As a result, he just feels stuck in place, not really knowing what to do.

Reasons for any similarities or differences: Page of Wands reversedThe Page of Wands in a relationship context usually describes someone who’s fun and flirtatious. However, since this card is reversed, I get the feeling that he doesn’t quite how know to communicate his emotions properly. I also get the sense that he’s actively trying to suppress his attraction towards her as he’s still unsure about what he really wants. It reinforces the other two cards.

Looking at all three cards together: The answer to her question is: Yes, he does still have feelings towards her. He’s not ready to let go! However, it’s unlikely that he’s going to actually do anything about it, at least in the near future. He just seems too caught up in indecision. Ultimately, I believe that she has to be the one to decide what happens next, rather than wait for him to make a move.

Taking into consideration his hesitancy to make a decision by himself, it seems to me that there’s no guarantee that he’ll actually end up taking action, even if she clearly tells him that she wants to rekindle their relationship. I personally would advise her to move on…but I’ll leave the decision up to her!

Try it for yourself!

So, there you have it! Some useful insight from a relatively straightforward spread. Try it and let me know how it goes! Drop me a note at hello@lady-lion.com, I’m always excited to hear about your tarot & manifestation adventures.

Have you ever felt stuck and wished you could just ask the universe to tell you what to do? I sure have! In this article, I’m going to share exactly how you can ask the universe for a sign to guide you, so that you know you’re heading in the right direction.

Ask the universe for a unique, time-specific sign, e.g. “Send me a blue butterfly in the next 3 days to confirm that I should leave my job”. Be sure to ask for a specific sign that’s meaningful and recognisable to you (don’t choose something that can be easily passed off as coincidence)!

Read on to learn how you can replicate my exact process to successfully ask for (and receive) a sign anytime you need!

Step 1: Write a clear sentence describing why you need a sign

My method will take about 15 minutes of your time. Before you start, quickly grab a pen and piece of paper.

The first thing you need to do is to write a clear sentence describing why you need a sign.

I’ve found that rather than asking for a general sign that “everything’s going to be ok”, it’s always better to ask for specific guidance on your current situation.

So when you write your sentence, I want you to get as specific as you can.

Let’s say you’re feeling stuck or frustrated in a relationship. Don’t just write “I need a sign that things will work out OK”. Go deeper and ask yourself what you really want. Do you want a sign that you should stay and work things out? OR do you really want reassurance that it’s time to leave?

I’ll give you an example. A while ago, I was trying to decide if I should sign a contract with a new client. It was a great opportunity, but I was hesitant because our working styles clashed…majorly!

So I got out my pen and paper, and wrote down my problem (and what I needed guidance on) in one sentence. This is what I wrote: I need a sign that I’m making the right decision to sign this contract.

That’s it!

It doesn’t have to be a complicated, long-winded paragraph or story. Keep it to the point!

Step 2: Choose a sign that’s meaningful and unique

The important thing here is to choose a sign that is meaningful, unique and personal to you. Don’t choose something generic that could easily be brushed off as a random coincidence!

Here are some examples of meaningful, personal signs:

A specific song or lyrics that mean something to youA favourite symbol or phrase that you loveA specific taste or smell (e.g. specific food or perfume)A specific item in a unique colour that you like (e.g. a blue butterfly or a white bouquet of roses)

I personally like my signs in the form of cute animals, like a baby koala or a red panda. They just make my day. 😍

An extra tip: Don’t be afraid to ask for a second sign as “extra” confirmation. For example, you could ask for a white roses and blue butterflies. When both signs appear, you can feel assured that the universe has given you a clear answer.

Step 3: Set a specific time period

Setting a specific time period helps you to relax while waiting for your sign. It should give you enough time to stay hopeful, but not extend to the point where you start getting anxious waiting for it. (I’ll explain more later on what you can do if your sign doesn’t show up within your time period.)

In my experience, a week or two is the ideal time period, where it’s neither too long nor too short.

Step 4: Write down what you’ve done in Steps 1-3 in a concise paragraph

Here’s where you’ll put together everything you’ve done in Steps 1-3, into a short, concise paragraph.

It should look something like this:

Dear Universe,

I need a sign to confirm (your specific situation from Step 1). Send me a (your unique sign from Step 2) within (your time period from Step 3) as reassurance that I’m on the right track!

Here’s my paragraph from my earlier example: I need a sign to confirm that I’m making the right decision to sign this contract. Send me a baby koala in 2 weeks as reassurance that I should go ahead and sign it!

Read out your “request” a couple of times, visualise your sign in your mind and tell yourself it’s done! Don’t overthink it – this process shouldn’t take more than 1-2 minutes.

Some people believe that when you visualise and focus your mind this way, you’re actually communicating with “the universe”, “god” or whatever higher power you believe in. Others believe that you’re connecting with your subconscious, which influences your thoughts and outcomes.

At the end of the day, you don’t have to worry about how it works. The most important thing here is to believe it works, so that you can get the signs (and answers) you need.

Step 5: Observe what catches your attention in the next few days

Once you’ve “asked” for your sign, all that’s left to do is to wait and see.

Personally, this is the hardest part because I can’t wait to get my sign! My advice here is to distract yourself by focusing on your everyday tasks instead, so that you don’t obsess too much about it.

No matter how anxious you are, don’t go out of your way to “search” for your sign. It doesn’t work that way! You need to allow your sign to show up in a natural way.

It could show up in unexpected ways, so be open and observant.. If you asked for a blue hummingbird, for example, it could literally fly across your path…or you could come across an image of it while scrolling through social media. Who knows!

Allow your sign to show up in a natural way!

What if you don’t receive the sign you’ve asked for?

What if your specific time period has passed, but your sign hasn’t shown up?

Well, the universe is sending you a sign – it’s just not the sign you’ve been hoping for! Essentially, the universe is telling you not to go ahead with what you want to do.

For example, say you’ve asked for a sign to reassure you that things will work out in your relationship. You’re trying to be patient, but your sign hasn’t appeared for a week now. In the meantime, things are getting progressively worse. The increasing stress and negativity in your relationship is a clear sign that you should leave ASAP – even clearer than the sign you asked for!

When your problem gets so big that you can’t ignore it any longer, take that as a sign that you need to fix it, or leave the situation.

I would also like to caution you against getting into the habit of asking for signs before daring to make your own decisions. Don’t become so overly reliant on “asking for signs” that they become a limit on your own free will and decision-making process!

Test it to prove it works!

If you’ve read this far, you should have a pretty good idea of how to ask for a sign from the universe!

Of course, the best way to know that it works is for you to test it out for yourself.

You don’t need to have a specific question to “test” this. You could simply ask for a sign to test that it works.

For example, you could simply ask: Dear universe/god/subconscious, if you’re listening in, send me a delicious chocolate cake this week!

Feel free to replace the chocolate cake with anything else you want – have fun with it, and have fun asking for a sign in your own unique way!

There’s a superstition floating around that it’s “bad luck” to buy your own tarot cards. Apparently, your first deck has to be a gift from someone else, not something you get for yourself. Let me clear this up for you…

You can definitely buy your own tarot cards. It’s not bad luck to do so—that’s just a superstition, so don’t be afraid! In fact, it’s better to buy your own cards because you get to choose a deck that you feel connected to.

Read on to learn why!

It’s NOT bad luck to buy your own deck

Yes, I’ve heard the superstition that some people have: “It’s bad luck to buy one for yourself” or “your first deck has to be gifted”.

Those are all superstitions. If you strongly believe that something brings bad luck, you’ll subconsciously blame it for any negative thing that happens to you. Don’t fall into that trap with your tarot deck!

The most important thing you need to understand when it comes to tarot (or anything related to spirituality) is that your beliefs matter. It doesn’t matter how many superstitions you come across, or what others tell you. Ultimately, it’s what you believe deep down that makes the difference – so be choosey (and wise) about what you believe in! For a start, you can choose NOT to believe that buying your own tarot deck is bad luck!

It makes sense to buy your own tarot cards

Think about it. Tarot is one of those things that’s really personal. You’re essentially asking the universe to communicate with you through a deck of cards. How crazy (and cool) is that? If you’re going to read tarot, you’d want a deck that you feel connected to…because that’s what will make you trust the messages and information you get, isn’t it?

Since tarot is such a personal experience, doesn’t it make sense to get a tarot deck that you feel personally drawn to?

The best way to do that is to choose a deck you like, and buy it for yourself! That way, you can be sure you’re getting a tarot deck that you feel personally connected to.

Do your research before you get a deck

How exactly do you choose a deck that you feel connected to?

Well, there are two things to consider: 1) The images and artwork, and 2) Your personal learning style

1. Look for tarot artwork that you like

Every tarot deck is essentially the same. They all have the same number of cards, the same structure of Major and Minor Arcana and so on. What differentiates them is the artwork. Pay attention to how you feel when you look at them.

Some tarot decks have a brighter, more cheerful vibe, which can make you feel cheerful and uplifted. Other decks can be quite moody and mysterious, which can make you feel more serious. Likewise, some decks are illustrated in a minimal style, while others are full of vivid colour. Which do you prefer?

The best way to decide is to take your time to look through different tarot decks. Don’t make the mistake of getting a deck just because others say so. It’s like choosing a piece of artwork for your bedroom – you’re the one who’s going to live with it every day, so you need to choose one that you like!

Tip: You can find loads of tarot deck flip-through videos on YouTube, where people literally flip through a tarot deck to showcase the artwork on each card. It’s a great way to research different decks and see what calls out to you.

2. Consider your personal learning style

Another important thing to consider, especially if you’re a new reader, is your learning style.

Are you a more visual and creative person, or are you more analytical and logical? Do you prefer to explore and learn as you go along, or do you prefer a more structured learning process?

Different decks complement different learning styles. For example, the original Rider-Waite tarot deck contains traditional artwork that’s very vivid and detailed. You can pick up the card meanings easily through the artwork alone, so this is a great choice if you’re the type who loves exploring with your intuition.

On the other hand, a more minimal deck, like the Kawaii Tarot deck, has clean, simple illustrations. The images are cute, but aren’t very symbolic at all. It would be a lot harder to interpret the card meanings through the images alone, which means you’d have to study the card meanings beforehand. If you’re someone who does well with a more analytical or structured learning process, e.g. memorising things and creating neat notes, then this clean, simple deck could work very well for you.

The deck I think EVERY tarot reader should get

Having said all of the above, there’s one specific tarot deck that I think everyone should get – even better if it’s your first deck!

I’m referring to the Rider-Smith tarot deck. This is the original tarot deck design, containing traditional tarot artwork and symbols. Every other deck is simply different artists’ interpretation of this deck. You can think of this as the “OG” tarot deck!

The main reason I love this deck so much is because you’ll learn the original meaning of tarot, the way it was first designed. Plus, like I said earlier, each card has vivid artwork that closely relates to the card meaning, making it easy to intuitively pick up on their meaning.

The 3 of Swords from the Rider-Smith tarot deck

For example, the ‘3 of Swords’ card shows three swords piercing through a heart. This card represents heartbreak, betrayal and pain. Pretty easy to remember with this artwork, isn’t it?

Experiment with different tarot decks

Don’t limit yourself to just one tarot deck, even if you’re just starting out. I find that having different tarot and oracle decks helps add more dimension and layers to my readings.

Every tarot deck has its own “vibe”, as I discussed earlier – some are more uplifting, others are more mysterious and so on. Having different decks gives you an option to pick a deck that matches your mood or the type of reading you’re doing. If you’re doing a more upbeat, positive reading, you could choose a more brightly coloured deck. If you’re reading on a more serious matter (or if you’re in a more serious mood) you could choose a more minimal deck that matches your vibe. This could help you feel more connected to your deck, which makes for a more accurate reading.

A “second” tarot deck can also provide a second opinion. You could use a second deck to pull clarifying cards, or even repeat your reading and compare the results. (I’ve personally done this a couple of times, and it’s eerily accurate…sometimes, I’d even get the exact same card!)

You could even choose to get yourself some Oracle decks while you’re at it. Oracle decks are slightly different from tarot decks because they don’t follow the same structure. Instead, oracle decks are usually themed and offer you specific messages, e.g. healing advice, past life messages, angel messages, archetypes, and so on.

Getting multiple decks helps to add another dimension to your tarot reading, which can make it more accurate (and fun!). So if your budget allows, get a few different decks! There’s no reason to limit yourself to just one.

A final reminder: Don’t blindly follow superstitions!

As I said right at the beginning of this article, the way you approach tarot (and all things “spiritual”) boils down to your beliefs.

Your beliefs have power. It’s highly important to have beliefs that steer you in a positive and empowering direction. They shouldn’t make you feel scared, weak or powerless!

If you believe in superstitions, especially in things that bring “bad luck”, then you’re going to be chained and constrained by those beliefs. If you must, at least choose the “lucky” ones to follow…not the ones that’ll put you in a dark headspace!

As far as buying tarot cards goes—I hope I’ve done enough to dispel the negative superstitions, so that you can confidently get the deck that suits you best!

If you’ve landed on this page, you’ve definitely heard of the term “intuition” before. But what is it, really? Before you read any further, here’s a quick definition from the Oxford dictionary: “the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.” Essentially, it’s a form of subconscious guidance; something we are all naturally born with. It’s not reserved for the “spiritually gifted” among us – any one of us can you can learn to tap into our intuition at any time!

Your intuition is basically your inner voice or “gut instinct”. You can connect to it by imagining yourself communicating with a “guide”. This can be a wiser version of yourself, another person, an animal or even a mythical being like a unicorn! Give this guide a name and ask a question. Request for an answer within 3 days. During this time, record down whatever random thought, sign or symbol “pops” into your head. With more practice, you’ll find it easier to interpret and understand what your intuition is trying to tell you.

Visualise daily

Your intuition feels like your imagination, so the stronger your imagination gets, the more “intuitive” you’ll feel. Thankfully, you don’t need fancy equipment or special tricks to develop your imagination! All you need is to do is to practice visualising.

Some more good news here: You don’t have to put in extra effort to visualise something complex or expect grand visions. Rather, you’re simply going to have fun flexing and growing your “visualisation muscles” with the exercises below!

How to practise visualisation:

Spend a few minutes visualising something fun and nice – e.g. Your favourite dessert, cuddling your pet, the pleasant scent of a perfume you like, etc. The most important thing is to feel it as real as possible, with as many of your 5 senses as you can.Make it a regular habit (at least once a day).

If you want to go one step further, you could even try visualising your entire day, from the time you woke up to that very moment you’re lying in bed visualising at the end of the day. The more you practise, the quicker you’ll get better at it, so get visualising!

Give your “intuition” a name

The next step is to use your imagination to visualise your intuition as an imaginary friend who’s guiding you along this journey.

Probably the most straightforward way is to visualise this imaginary friend as your own “higher self” – a wiser, more knowledgeable version of you. But if you, like me, find this concept a bit hard to wrap your head around, then you can try one of the following steps instead.

How to visualise your guide:

Let your imagination come up with its own version of a wise, helpful guide.Be open to your guide taking on different forms: Your guide could a human, an animal or mythical being (e.g. unicorn, angel, spirit guide, etc.).Have fun “creating” your guide: How do they look? Are they wearing any clothes? How do they communicate with you – do they speak, send you telepathic messages, or send you signs and symbols? What’s their personality like – do they have a sense of humour? And so on.Last but not least, give your guide a name! This helps to personalise them even more.

What you’ve done so far is to create an opportunity for your conscious mind to address your subconscious in a stress-free manner. By imagining a wise, friendly guide, you’ve found a way to communicate with your subconscious in a way that feels as natural as talking to a friend.

Ask a question

Now that you’ve created your guide in your imagination, it’s time to really interact with them! Remember, this is supposed to be a fun exercise, so don’t get too obsessed with trying to do it the “right” way. There is no right and wrong…just go by what feels comfortable.

How to ask your intuition a question:

Think of a general question like “What advice do you have for me right now?”Close your eyes and imagine your guide. Greet them and ask them your question in your mind.Ask them to send you the answer within the next 3 days and wave goodbye to them.

I’d recommend writing down your question in a notebook (you can do it electronically, too) so that you can come back to it later on with the answers.

Another tip: The first few times you try this, avoid asking questions that fill you with fear, uncertainty and doubt as these emotions can get in the way when you try to interpret the answers later on.

Interpret the answers

The exciting part – getting answers from your intuition! Now, I’ll preface this by saying that our intuition communicates much differently from our conscious mind – often, we get messages in “signs”, “symbols”, or just plain old “feelings”. It’s up to us to interpret these.

How to interpret answers from your intuition:

Record down (by writing in a notebook, or electronically) whatever randomly “pops” into your head over the next 3 days. This can be a random song, verse, idea, or thought that’s usually unrelated to what you’re consciously thinking of at that time. Don’t overthink it! When in doubt, just record it down.Along with this, write down how you’re feeling and what’s happening when this thought pops into your head. (This is especially important if you’re in a highly emotional state.)At the end of 3 days, review everything you’ve recorded and observe if there are any common threads or patterns. Look up different signs or symbols if you’re unsure of what they could mean.Think back to the major themes, events or situations in your life in the present time. Do any of these reflect things that you’ve been dealing with?Last but not least, do you think that you’ve received an “answer” your question?

Now, this process might not necessarily be as clear-cut as you’d like. In fact, it’s probably going to be quite random and disorganised at first, but try to be patient. It’s just like looking at an artwork and trying to make sense of how it makes you feel, or what it’s trying to convey. Over time, you’ll figure out your own interpretation style and create your own associations with different colours, shapes and so on – it’s the same thing with your intuition.

Also, just like interpreting an artwork, don’t be worried or concerned if someone else has a different interpretation than you, or if you disagree with their take on things. At the end of the day, it’s what you feel and believe that matters, because it’s your personal interpretation!

One last bit of advice here: Don’t get discouraged if you feel like you haven’t gotten a clear enough answer. There’s always a little useful nugget here and there that can help you, so try to identify that and use it as encouragement to keep practising!

Keep practising!

Just like any other habit, the more you practice, the better you’ll get at connecting with your intuition and interpreting the way it communicates with you.

This whole process can take a bit of time and effort, but it will eventually all be worth it! Your intuition can help you in so many ways if you let it – in your career, relationships, decision-making and even your overall self-image and confidence.

And remember: you don’t need anything other than your own imagination, and somewhere to record down your experiences. Things like meditation, crystals, tarot, etc. may help, but they aren’t necessary. You can do this all on your own, so don’t feel limited or disadvantaged in any way!

The fourth card of the Major Arcana, The Empress represents the “Earth Mother”, which carries feminine energy full of abundance, fertility and growth. This is a great time to nurture your hopes, goals and aspirations!

The Empress is a positive sign that you’re about to “give birth” to what we’ve been asking for – this could mean a literal pregnancy, or a metaphor for new opportunities. You’re also encouraged to tap into your feminine side, such as by showing more compassion, empathy, openness and love.

Upright Interpretations

Overview: Growth, femininity, nurturing energy.

You may be feeling more in touch with your femininity, motherly instincts or simply more in tune with the women in your life. This nurturing, compassionate energy will help you give “birth” to something new (e.g. relationship, new job, etc.).

Love & Relationships: Fertility, commitment, love.

Singles: Channel your inner god/dess with confidence, and you’ll find yourself effortlessly attracting new love.

Partnered up: Your relationship is deepening – also a good time to conceive (or use protection, if you aren’t ready)!

Career & Finances: Creativity, abundance, passion.

Your passion is blazing bright – allow it to shine! Allow your inner creativity and inspiration to flow freely and step out of any self-imposed limitations. If considering a career change, trust your instincts and follow your heart rather than being too analytical or rigid.

Well-being: Intuitive, nurturing, self-care.

Listen to your body and nurture it. Reduce stress and eat, exercise and sleep well. Try to quiet your mind and relax, so that you can understand what your intuition or gut feelings are trying to tell you.

Reversed Interpretations

Overview: Smothering, overly critical, insecure.

Your current attitude may feel stifling or overbearing to both yourself and those around you. Make an effort to release stress and reach a calmer state of mind. Come from a place of love and compassion, rather than fear or envy.

Love & Relationships: Clingy, blocked, lack of confidence.

Singles: Love, accept and appreciate yourself for who you are. Don’t give into insecurities, clinginess or fear.

Partnered up: Be honest with yourself & each other. Avoid repeating negative patterns. Don’t try to “force” love.

Career & Finances: Lack of growth, jealousy, self-doubt.

Let go of overzealous ambition, insecurity and jealousy of others. Rather than focusing on these superficial or materialistic things, pause and reflect on what truly brings you joy and fulfilment – and let that guide you instead.

Well-being: Infertile, feeling stuck, self-pity.

Your physical health is a priority right now, especially with regards to your fertility and hormones – pay close attention, see a doctor if necessary, and make sure you’re getting the nutrition and rest you need. Emotionally and spiritually, allow yourself to experience unconditional self-love and acceptance. Do not give in to negative self-talk.

The High Priestess is the third card in the Major Arcana. As her name suggests, she’s a priestess who offers “spiritual enlightenment” – which is really just the secret of knowing how to listen to and trust your intuition.

The High Priestess encourages us to listen to our intuition, so that we can truly manifest what is for our highest good. By learning how to trust our inner voice, we allow our subconscious to inspire and guide us in the right direction.

Upright Interpretations

Overview: Intuitive, creative, “inner voice”.

The High Priestess encourages you to trust your inner voice. Instead of relying too much on external sources of validation, learn to listen to your intuition and allow it to guide you into making the best choices for yourself.

Love & Relationships: Sensuous, mysterious, “dream partner”.

Singles: You’re very attractive right now – you might find yourself surrounded by admirers (both good and bad)! Take time to listen to your instincts so that you pick the right person.

Partnered up: There’s deep passion and understanding waiting to be discovered – dare to trust and go deeper with your partner.

Career & Finances: Inspiration, luck, gossip.

You are subconsciously manifesting your goals, so pay attention to “lucky” coincidences or inspiration – they may lead you to a promising opportunity. On another note, be careful about what you say (and who you say it to). Keep your integrity intact, even if you are confronted with juicy gossip!

Well-being: Inner guidance, spirituality, growth.

You might notice more coincidences or synchronicities. This is a great time to explore your spirituality, delve into the deeper meaning of life and so on. When it comes to your health, it’s important to trust your inner voice now more than ever. Don’t accept something if it doesn’t feel right – get a second opinion if you must!

Reversed Interpretations

Overview: Frustration, feeling blocked, restless.

Look for ways to relax and quieten your mind, so that you can open up to your subconscious and hear your “inner voice” once again. Make an effort to release stress and reach a calmer, more controlled state of mind. Pick up a meditation habit if you can.

Love & Relationships: Attraction, hidden truths, sexual/emotional tension.

Singles: You’re highly attractive right now. Don’t ignore love, but don’t play games, either. Be honest with what you want.

Partnered up: Tensions are running high! Slow down if things get too passionate or emotional. Listen to your partner.

Career & Finances: Mistakes, suspicion, untrustworthiness.

All is not as it seems. Don’t be too quick to sign off on a contract – check everything twice, or thrice! At the office, there might be news or gossip that you’re not aware of. Keep your eyes and ears open and be careful who you confide in.

Well-being: Uninspired, lethargic, lack of support.

Take action on flashes of inspiration or sudden insights, rather than ignoring them – these could help transform your current situation for the better. On the physical front, eat well and stay active. If you’re feeling under the weather, make sure you’re getting the right tests and diagnosis.

Logically speaking, it doesn’t make sense to sit back, relax and expect everything you want to magically materialise, does it? And yet, many Law of Attraction and manifestation ‘gurus’ will tell you that you don’t have to take any action at all! Well, I’m here to say they’re not all wrong – but they aren’t exactly right, either…

You don’t need to take intentional action. Once you’ve entered the mental state of having what you want, you will be guided to take “inspired action” instead, as part of a bridge of naturally occurring events or “coincidences” that will lead you to your goal. In other words, the universe will naturally influence you into taking the necessary action that results in your manifestation coming true.

The one action you need: Align yourself with your manifested reality

I want to get this clear right from the start: this is the one action that you must take – but it has nothing to do with the type of action you’re thinking about (like sending a text to your romantic interest, or sending out an application to your dream job, or anything like that). Rather, it’s the basic act of setting your manifestation into action.

You need to feel that your manifestation is real!

What does this really mean? Well, some people call it ‘vibrating’ at the frequency of what you’re trying to attract. Others call it ‘being in alignment’ with the energy of what you want. Neville Goddard refers to it as feeling as if your wish has already been fulfilled.

It might sound a bit woo-woo, but it’s the most important thing you can do to manifest successfully. It basically means that you need to find a way to feel as if you already have what you want. Instead of thinking “I need this” (which also implies “I don’t have this”), you should be thinking from the perspective of “I love having this”, which implies “it’s already mine”.

The easiest way to align yourself with your desired reality is to imagine ONE short, specific scene that implies you already have it – then repeating it in your mind’s eye till it feels real.

My favourite way to do this is to imagine sending a text message or physically telling someone that I’ve gotten what I wanted. For example:

If I want a specific job: I’d simply imagine texting/telling a friend that I’ve just gotten hired at my dream job.

If I want to find love: I’d simply imagine texting/telling a friend that I’ve just met a wonderful, attractive partner.

The “magic” happens when you successfully “trick” your subconscious into believing that it’s real. And the easiest way to do that is through repetition. Simply imagine your scene each night before you go to bed. Replay the scene in your mind’s eye till you fall asleep. Repeat till you feel the excitement that comes with believing it’s actually happening in reality, not just in your imagination.

When you’re living out this scene in your head, pay attention to your feelings – you want to feel excited, happy and content – not anxious, restless and worrying whether you’re doing it right.

How do you know you’ve done it properly? When you feel excited and happy, as if you’ve already gotten what you want.

At this point, no other intentional action is required.

What does “Intentional action” mean?

I know, you’re probably thinking: But shouldn’t I also apply to job listings, if I want a new job?

Shouldn’t I ask that person out or text them, if I want to date them?

Shouldn’t I start saving up, if I want to go on my dream vacation?

For the purposes of this article, I want to make a clear difference between intentional action and inspired action.

Intentional actions are useful, but not necessary when manifesting

The questions above all describe practical, rational actions. These are intentional actions – things you consciously do because it logically makes sense to get you closer to your goal.

But these actions not be necessary when manifesting.

Manifesting is about allowing yourself to be directed towards your goal without conscious effort.

Rather than intentional action (i.e. sheer willpower and effort), you will be led into taking “inspired action” that will bring you to your desired outcome instead. Which brings me to my next point…

What exactly is “inspired action”?

As its name suggests, it’s an action that’s inspired by the manifestation process.

Inspired action happens naturally. You can think of it as an action “dictated by fate”. It’s not action that you take intentionally or consciously. It often happens so coincidentally that you don’t even question or realise it. In fact, it might have absolutely nothing to do with your goal.

Inspired action sometimes feels so natural that we don’t even realise it’s a part of our manifestation
Here’s an example of “intentional” vs. “inspired action”:

Let’s say you’re looking for a new job. You’ve written exactly what you want in a list: A shorter commute, more flexibility and room for creativity, a friendly and warm office environment, a higher salary…and an office that’s pet-friendly.

How intentional action works:

Intentional action refers to the most straightforward way to go about your job search: Scouring through job listings and replying to ad after ad, reaching out to your contacts, writing to organisations etc. – all while hoping to land a job that ticks off all the boxes on your list. Now, don’t get me wrong: this can absolutely get you a new job that ticks off most boxes on your list. But this is not the same as manifesting your dream job.

How inspired action works:

Let’s say you don’t rush to reply to all the job listings. Maybe you reply to a select few, but you focus most of your efforts on convincing your inner self that your dream job is already yours. You practice imagining a scene where you’re telling your friend how wonderful your new job is. You go about your daily life as you normally would, feeling excited and positive because you know your dream job is materialising, one way or another.

Out of the blue, you experience a minor allergic reaction which requires you to visit a doctor. While in the waiting room, a lady next to you strikes up a conversation – and she happens to be the hiring manager at the organisation you’ve dreamt of working at. You get along fabulously well, and you find out that she’s looking to fill a vacancy you’re qualified for. One thing leads to another, and soon you find yourself in your new (dream) job! The inspired action you took here was to go to the hospital to treat your allergic reaction.

I’ll give you another example.

Let’s say you’ve been single for a while and want to manifest a new relationship. You write down a list describing the type of relationship you want. You also imagine yourself telling your friend that you met your dream partner – and you replay this scene in your imagination till it feels real.

Instead of impatiently jumping on dating apps, you simply go about life as usual. Nothing happens for a while – but you aren’t feeling anxious because you already know that you’ve manifested it.

One day, you happen to crave a slice of cake from your favourite cafe, so you decide to stop by during your lunch break. As you’re enjoying your dessert, someone asks if they can share your table, since all the other tables are full. This person strikes up a conversation, there’s a spark, and before you know it, you’ve met your next partner. The inspired action you took was to satisfy your craving for a slice of cake.

So, are you saying that I shouldn’t take any conscious action?

Now, I know these examples all sound very serendipitous. It’s easy to brush these off – these types of things only happen in movies, not in real life!

Well, the examples above are exaggerated to explain my point clearly. The reality might not be as exciting or coincidental – but that doesn’t mean it’s not as magical. Sometimes things happen so naturally that we don’t even realise it. For example, it could really be as simple as a new colleague joining your team – you have great chemistry, and the next thing you know, they’ve become your “dream romantic partner”.

The problem, however, tends to happen when your manifestation doesn’t seem to happen quickly enough…which can make you overly anxious for results. That’s when you’d be tempted to be more “proactive” by taking more intentional action (since inspired action doesn’t seem to be happening).

You the right action, not more action…quality over quantity!

There’s also the question of: What if you have an extremely specific goal in mind, and intentional action is the most obvious way of getting you what you want? For example – let’s say you want the position of Sales Manager at XYZ Company, and they’ve just put up a job listing for that very role. Applying for the role seems like a no-brainer, right?

Well, I want to point out two things here.

First, question your action – what’s driving you to do it?

If it’s coming from a place of doubt, worry and anxiety, then it’s a sign that you don’t really believe that you’re going to be successful in manifesting. If that’s the case, you have two options. You can either choose to focus more on your manifestation, or you can abandon it altogether and let your conscious mind and effort do the work for you. It all boils down to which method you believe is going to work for you.

Second, look closely at what’s happening. Have you been manifesting this all along?

This might sound paradoxical, but hear me out.

Let’s say you’ve been eyeing the position of Sales Manager of XYZ Company for a while now. You’ve been thinking about it, daydreaming of yourself in that role, itching to tell your boss that you’re leaving because you’ve gotten the job, etc. You can see yourself in the role – it’s so close, you can almost taste it!

Can you see that you’ve been subconsciously manifesting a job opening all along?

When you finally chance upon the job opening – that’s your cue to apply. It’s the inspired action you’ve been waiting for! So, yes – take action and apply for the role knowing that it’s already yours.

Don’t stop all necessary action

Having said all of that, I want to briefly talk about about necessary, ongoing action.

I’m referring to the action you take on a daily basis to continually manage and improve yourself across all aspects of your life, such as having self-respect, acting with integrity, and so on. I call this necessary action because they are necessary in ensuring that you are able to keep what you manifest.

Make sure you’re ready for your wish to come true!

Here are some examples of necessary action:

In order to enjoy being in a successful career, you need to be confident in your skills and proud of your work ethic.

If you want to sustain good health or weight loss, you need to continuously engage in habits that make you feel healthy and fit.

To maintain a fulfilling romantic relationship, you must also see yourself as someone deserving/capable of such love – and let go of any toxic and unhealthy dating habits.

These are actions that must go on for the rest of your life. Don’t be self-sabotage with negative behaviour!

Test it for yourself – try a “cravings” experiment

Here’s a fun little activity you can do to prove the law to yourself. There’s no better way to convince yourself that it works, than to actually experience it for yourself!

Note:I’ve already written a detailed article on Neville Goddard’s famous “ladder” manifesting experiment, which I highly recommend you read!

The only way to convince yourself it works…is to test it for yourself!

I call this the “cravings” experiment, and it’s as delicious (and easy!) as it sounds.

The next time you’re craving something – it could be a slice of cake, a favourite dish, anything – instead of going out and getting it immediately, just imagine yourself enjoying it instead.

Make it feel so real that you can taste it in your imagination. Then wait for it to materialise in your physical world. Don’t be tempted to buy it for yourself! Let the universe “deliver” it to you in whichever way it deems fit.

When it does appear, without any intentional action on your part other than imagining it, you have proof that it works. That should give you the confidence to try the same process with much bigger manifestations in your life!

Disclaimer: All of the above is my interpretation of manifestation, Neville Goddard’s teachings and the Law of Attraction.

I feel like everyone has a favourite tarot spread, or at least one that they tend to use over and over again. For me, it’s usually a basic (but effective!) 3-card spread – however, lately, I’ve been experimenting with creating my own spreads. So here, I’d like to introduce this Up Close & Personal Spread! It’s the result of helpful feedback from those of you who have booked a reading (thank you), as well as lots of personal trial & error. Borrowing from the description for this listing in my shop, here is what it’s meant to do:

This is a timeless tarot spread that hones in on YOU: your strengths, weaknesses, subconscious fears blocking your path, as well as potential growth areas present at time of your reading. Take it as a personal report or check-in to understand where you’re at – and how you can get to where you want to be.

Card positions and interpretation

Who is this spread for?

Anyone! This is a general spread, so it’s not specific to any one aspect of your life (i.e. career / love / spirituality). The cards simply reveal what’s influencing you most at the current time. Having said that…

You can also choose to focus on a specific area of your life.

How to do this: As you shuffle, set out the intention to focus on a specific area (it could be your relationships, career, or even spiritual journey – anything you want). Interpret the cards within the context of that area. Easy peasy!

When to use this spread?

This is a timeless spread – which means you can use it anytime you need clarity or direction. It’s especially great for when you’re feeling stuck, but don’t quite know where to start looking for answers!

Again, you don’t need to have a specific question in mind. I’ve found that this spread tends to pinpoint specific areas to concentrate on anyway, without you asking – it does the work for you in that sense.

For instance, you might get a strong message to move on – if you see lots of cups in this reading, there’s a clue that it has to do with a significant personal relationship. Alternatively, you could get a message to persevere on – with lots of pentacles, it’s a strong sign that it’s related to your career/finances or that lots more slow, steady work is needed to build a more stable foundation in your life. These are simple examples, but you get the point!

How often can you use this spread?

For a detailed answer, read this article on How often you can ask the same tarot question!

Once every 3-4 months feels like the sweet spot. There’s just enough time in between readings for you to:

1) take action based on your reading, and

2) assess the results of said actions.

Of course, you can do this more regularly as a form of daily practice or guidance – but be sure to take into consideration that things aren’t likely to change very much on a day-to-day basis, unless some drastic changes are going on in your daily life!

Tips to make the most of this spread

I like writing down my own intuitive answers to each of the card placements before doing the spread. That way, I get a sense of what I’m consciously focusing on first – it helps to shed light on any biases or concerns I have regarding what’s currently going on in my life.

Then, I shuffle, draw and interpret my cards. I’ll compare what I wrote down earlier with what I get from the spread – this helps me understand the “bigger picture”. I get a sense of why I’m thinking a certain way, and insight/advice on how to make the most of my current circumstances.

It’s also interesting to note how your reading might be contradicting your conscious thoughts or assumptions…I personally feel like it’s an effective method of identifying our ongoing thought patterns, especially when you’re being unnecessarily negative. It’s a good wake-up call!

Try this when life is going smoothly, too

We tend to turn to tarot for answers when we’re feeling lost or stuck – not so much when everything’s going great.

Well, I personally like doing more timeless spreads like these when life’s all chirpy and rosy too, not just when things are feeling gloomy and dark. This spread in particular works so well as an all-rounder, it can really reinforce a feeling of self-worth, positivity and self-confidence.

Here’s a sample reading

Here’s a quick spread I did for myself today.

Prior to my reading, I wrote down two things that are currently bugging me: a health concern, and a work-related project that’s been on my mind the past few days.

And here are the cards I got:

My interpretation:

How you see yourself: 8 of WandsThis is a sign that I’m on course towards completing something. It’s pretty accurate, because I’m eager to finish up my work project and get a firm resolution to my health concern. I want to hurry up and wrap things up, so the 8 of Wands is reassuring.

How others see you: TemperanceTemperance signifies balance and moderation, but this isn’t how I feel on the inside. I’m reminded of the swan that seems to be gliding smoothly across the water, but is actually paddling furiously under the surface. I feel like there’s a need for me to slow down just a little and seek real balance on the inside, too.

Who you really are: JusticeThis feels like a more ‘stern’ version of Temperance. Justice makes me think of harmony, but also stubbornness. Again, I feel like the right balance is important at this time.

Weakness to overcome: 9 of WandsAll of that anxiety from wanting things to hurry up and happen has me feeling a little bit too defensive and stressed out. There’s a need to calm down and relax. This also seems to echo the 8 of Wands earlier.

Strength to nurture: 4 of cups reversedThis card is telling me to stop overthinking and changing my mind every two seconds just because I don’t see immediate results. I need to be more decisive and confident in my ability to deal with the outcomes of my decisions.

Subconscious fears: 7 of Pentacles reversedThere’s a worry that I won’t get the outcome I’m hoping for, even if I’ve done everything to plan. This feels like an ongoing theme – there’s a need to counter stress and overthinking with calm patience.

Potential growth area: 9 of Pentacles reversedThis is a nice card to see, even if it’s reversed. It’s encouragement that with a little bit more self-sufficiency, I can find that balance that’s missing. It’s also a reminder to visualise the best version of myself, even if I don’t feel like it.

General advice: Page of CupsThis is encouraging me to take a more playful, light-hearted approach to life. I feel like I could benefit from putting on some rose-coloured glasses and practising some good old optimism. Perhaps that’s what’s going to allow me to experience the wonderful balance and harmony of that The Temperance card earlier.

So, there you have it! Some good insight from a spread that doesn’t require much in terms of figuring out what questions to ask. Try it and let me know how it goes! Drop me a note at hello@lady-lion.com, I’m always excited to hear about your tarot & manifestation adventures.

The Magician is the first character that The Fool encounters on his journey. As his name suggests, The Magician seems rather mysterious, full of intriguing symbolism! His mantra, As above, so below, is seemingly the secret to manifesting anything we desire. But what does that mean?

The Magician teaches us that we have the ability to manifest whatever we want into our reality. Rather than just relying on magic or luck, however, we need to also use our own intellect, initiative and passion to pro-actively create the reality we desire. In doing so, we naturally tap into our “higher power”, which then ‘magically’ guides us to success.

Upright Interpretations

Overview: Strong-willed, powerful, manifestor.

The Magician encourages you to focus on what you truly desire, and to take brave action towards manifesting it into your reality. Don’t just sit still! Take chances, be creative, and tap into your potential. The divine, universe, or a higher power (depending on your belief) will reward your efforts by guiding you to success.

Love & Relationships: Initiative, potential, growth.

Singles: It’s time to show up and show off with a positive attitude. Get clear on the type of partner you want, and put forth the best version of yourself. Your energy will draw in the right person.

Partnered up: Continue building trust and love with your partner. Your connection is deepening – now is a good time to take your commitment to the next level.

Career & Finances: Perseverance, success, confidence.

Know what you want, and unabashedly go for it. Opportunities are coming your way, so make sure you’re ready to make the most of them. Persevere towards big goals – you can expect to be rewarded handsomely! Do not shrink yourself or second-guess your own capabilities.

Well-being: Spiritual, lucky, healthy.

Believe in your innate power to heal and grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Adopt healthier habits – such as eating healthier, meditating more, or even becoming more in tune with your own spirituality. Feel good about yourself from the inside-out.

Reversed Interpretations

Overview: Disillusioned, lack of willpower, deceit.

The Magician reversed is a sign that you’re stepping away from your potential. Instead of working hard towards manifesting your goals – and having faith in your ability to succeed – you’re second-guessing or doubting yourself. You might even be tempted to give in to underhanded methods for a quick fix. There is a warning here to snap out of this mindset!

Love & Relationships: Cynical, negative, toxic.

Singles: Make sure you aren’t harbouring a toxic, cynical mindset – you’ll only end up attracting the wrong attention.

Partnered up: Relationships require time, effort and honesty – if something’s missing, look for reasons as to why. Decide if it’s worth fixing, or better to walk away.

Career & Finances: Slow progress, no motivation, manipulative.

It might feel like opportunities have dried up and progress is slow. Persevere on! Don’t be tempted to give in to manipulative tactics to get ahead. Look for more positive inspiration instead – be open to ideas, and take action. Success will follow swiftly.

Well-being: Tired, resentful, bitter.

You might feel as if you’ve lost your way, or perhaps you’ve intentionally decided to turn to the “dark” side. Whatever the case, this card is a warning that negativity breeds more negativity. Don’t get caught up in a vicious cycle. Start making the conscious effort to develop a healthier perspective towards life.

Have you ever felt stuck and wished you could just ask the universe to tell you what to do? I sure have! In this article, I’m going to share exactly how you can ask the universe for a sign to guide you, so that you know you’re heading in the right direction.

Ask the universe for a unique, time-specific sign, e.g. “Send me a blue butterfly in the next 3 days to confirm that I should leave my job”. Be sure to ask for a specific sign that’s meaningful and recognisable to you (don’t choose something that can be easily passed off as coincidence)!

Read on to learn how you can replicate my exact process to successfully ask for (and receive) a sign anytime you need!

Step 1: Write a clear sentence describing why you need a sign

My method will take about 15 minutes of your time. Before you start, quickly grab a pen and piece of paper.

The first thing you need to do is to write a clear sentence describing why you need a sign.

I’ve found that rather than asking for a general sign that “everything’s going to be ok”, it’s always better to ask for specific guidance on your current situation.

So when you write your sentence, I want you to get as specific as you can.

Let’s say you’re feeling stuck or frustrated in a relationship. Don’t just write “I need a sign that things will work out OK”. Go deeper and ask yourself what you really want. Do you want a sign that you should stay and work things out? OR do you really want reassurance that it’s time to leave?

I’ll give you an example. A while ago, I was trying to decide if I should sign a contract with a new client. It was a great opportunity, but I was hesitant because our working styles clashed…majorly!

So I got out my pen and paper, and wrote down my problem (and what I needed guidance on) in one sentence. This is what I wrote: I need a sign that I’m making the right decision to sign this contract.

That’s it!

It doesn’t have to be a complicated, long-winded paragraph or story. Keep it to the point!

Step 2: Choose a sign that’s meaningful and unique

The important thing here is to choose a sign that is meaningful, unique and personal to you. Don’t choose something generic that could easily be brushed off as a random coincidence!

Here are some examples of meaningful, personal signs:

A specific song or lyrics that mean something to youA favourite symbol or phrase that you loveA specific taste or smell (e.g. specific food or perfume)A specific item in a unique colour that you like (e.g. a blue butterfly or a white bouquet of roses)

I personally like my signs in the form of cute animals, like a baby koala or a red panda. They just make my day. 😍

An extra tip: Don’t be afraid to ask for a second sign as “extra” confirmation. For example, you could ask for a white roses and blue butterflies. When both signs appear, you can feel assured that the universe has given you a clear answer.

Step 3: Set a specific time period

Setting a specific time period helps you to relax while waiting for your sign. It should give you enough time to stay hopeful, but not extend to the point where you start getting anxious waiting for it. (I’ll explain more later on what you can do if your sign doesn’t show up within your time period.)

In my experience, a week or two is the ideal time period, where it’s neither too long nor too short.

Step 4: Write down what you’ve done in Steps 1-3 in a concise paragraph

Here’s where you’ll put together everything you’ve done in Steps 1-3, into a short, concise paragraph.

It should look something like this:

Dear Universe,

I need a sign to confirm (your specific situation from Step 1). Send me a (your unique sign from Step 2) within (your time period from Step 3) as reassurance that I’m on the right track!

Here’s my paragraph from my earlier example: I need a sign to confirm that I’m making the right decision to sign this contract. Send me a baby koala in 2 weeks as reassurance that I should go ahead and sign it!

Read out your “request” a couple of times, visualise your sign in your mind and tell yourself it’s done! Don’t overthink it – this process shouldn’t take more than 1-2 minutes.

Some people believe that when you visualise and focus your mind this way, you’re actually communicating with “the universe”, “god” or whatever higher power you believe in. Others believe that you’re connecting with your subconscious, which influences your thoughts and outcomes.

At the end of the day, you don’t have to worry about how it works. The most important thing here is to believe it works, so that you can get the signs (and answers) you need.

Step 5: Observe what catches your attention in the next few days

Once you’ve “asked” for your sign, all that’s left to do is to wait and see.

Personally, this is the hardest part because I can’t wait to get my sign! My advice here is to distract yourself by focusing on your everyday tasks instead, so that you don’t obsess too much about it.

No matter how anxious you are, don’t go out of your way to “search” for your sign. It doesn’t work that way! You need to allow your sign to show up in a natural way.

It could show up in unexpected ways, so be open and observant.. If you asked for a blue hummingbird, for example, it could literally fly across your path…or you could come across an image of it while scrolling through social media. Who knows!

Allow your sign to show up in a natural way!

What if you don’t receive the sign you’ve asked for?

What if your specific time period has passed, but your sign hasn’t shown up?

Well, the universe is sending you a sign – it’s just not the sign you’ve been hoping for! Essentially, the universe is telling you not to go ahead with what you want to do.

For example, say you’ve asked for a sign to reassure you that things will work out in your relationship. You’re trying to be patient, but your sign hasn’t appeared for a week now. In the meantime, things are getting progressively worse. The increasing stress and negativity in your relationship is a clear sign that you should leave ASAP – even clearer than the sign you asked for!

When your problem gets so big that you can’t ignore it any longer, take that as a sign that you need to fix it, or leave the situation.

I would also like to caution you against getting into the habit of asking for signs before daring to make your own decisions. Don’t become so overly reliant on “asking for signs” that they become a limit on your own free will and decision-making process!

Test it to prove it works!

If you’ve read this far, you should have a pretty good idea of how to ask for a sign from the universe!

Of course, the best way to know that it works is for you to test it out for yourself.

You don’t need to have a specific question to “test” this. You could simply ask for a sign to test that it works.

For example, you could simply ask: Dear universe/god/subconscious, if you’re listening in, send me a delicious chocolate cake this week!

Feel free to replace the chocolate cake with anything else you want – have fun with it, and have fun asking for a sign in your own unique way!