Parent reviews for Steven Universe | Common Sense Media
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'listenhere
', 'January
', '19,
', '2015
', 'Are
', 'we
', 'watching
', 'the
', 'same
', 'show?
', 'The
', 'warnings
', 'are
', 'so
', 'off
', 'the
', 'mark.
', 'Here
', 'are
', 'some
', 'clarifications:1.
', 'I
', 'want
', 'to
', 'make
', 'it
', 'clear
', 'that
', 'Steven
', 'has
', 'never
', 'done
', 'anything
', 'sexual,
', 'there
', 'are
', 'no
', 'crude
', 'jokes
', 'at
', 'all
', 'in
', 'this
', 'show.
', 'The
', 'warning
', 'about
', 'rubbing
', 'against
', 'the
', 'light
', 'canon
', 'is
', 'completely
', 'false,
', 'he
', 'climbed
', 'on
', 'and
', 'fell
', 'off
', 'of
', 'it!
', '2.
', 'There
', "aren't
", 'any
', 'black
', 'people
', 'depicted
', 'stereotypically.
', 'There
', 'is
', 'a
', 'family
', 'from
', 'Guinea
', 'who
', 'run
', 'a
', 'pizza
', 'shop,
', 'and
', 'a
', 'dark
', 'skinned
', 'girl
', 'with
', 'long
', 'puffy
', 'hair
', 'who
', 'goes
', 'to
', 'tennis
', 'lessons
', 'and
', "who's
", 'mother
', 'is
', 'a
', 'doctor.
', 'Yes,
', 'a
', 'character
', 'has
', 'a
', 'cube
', 'shaped
', 'afro,
', 'large
', 'hips,
', 'brownish
', 'red
', 'skin
', 'and
', 'is
', 'played
', 'by
', 'a
', 'black
', 'voice
', 'actress
', '-
', 'and
', 'she
', 'is
', 'from
', 'another
', 'planet
', 'and
', 'has
', 'magical
', 'powers.
', 'She
', 'might
', 'be
', 'racially
', 'coded
', 'but
', 'there
', 'are
', 'no
', 'stereotypes
', 'associated
', 'with
', 'her.
', 'Another
', 'crystal
', 'gem
', 'is
', 'referenced
', 'here
', 'as
', 'a
', 'crude
', 'loudmouthed
', 'black
', 'stereotype,
', 'a
', 'character
', 'that
', "isn't
", 'purposefully
', 'racially
', 'coded
', 'by
', 'the
', 'creators
', 'of
', 'the
', 'show
', 'and
', 'played
', 'by
', 'an
', 'asian
', 'voice
', 'actress.
', 'You
', 'know
', 'what
', 'they
', 'say
', 'about
', 'assumptions
', '...3.
', "There's
", 'some
', 'mention
', 'of
', 'how
', "'unhealthy'
", 'the
', 'characters
', 'are
', 'for
', 'eating
', 'junk
', 'food
', 'and
', 'having
', 'a
', 'round
', 'character
', 'design.
', 'Yes,
', 'Steven
', 'is
', 'chubby.
', 'How
', 'many
', 'chubby
', 'kids
', 'will
', 'be
', 'happy
', 'to
', 'see
', 'him
', 'having
', 'adventures
', 'that
', 'have
', 'nothing
', 'to
', 'do
', 'with
', 'his
', 'weight?
', 'Fat
', 'people
', 'appearing
', 'on
', 'tv
', 'in
', 'positive
', 'roles
', 'hurts
', 'no
', 'one,
', 'and
', 'shame
', 'on
', 'the
', 'author
', 'of
', 'this
', 'page
', 'for
', 'implying
', 'anything
', 'to
', 'the
', 'contrary.
', 'I
', 'would
', 'like
', 'to
', 'encourage
', 'parents
', 'to
', 'watch
', 'this
', 'with
', 'their
', 'kids.
', 'A
', 'story
', 'about
', 'a
', 'little
', 'boy
', 'looking
', 'up
', 'to
', 'three
', 'powerful
', 'women
', 'and
', 'learning
', 'about
', 'his
', 'history
', 'and
', 'his
', 'powers
', 'as
', 'they
', 'relate
', 'to
', 'his
', 'emotions
', 'is
', 'something
', 'we
', 'should
', 'all
', 'cherish.
', 'These
', 'are
', 'things
', 'we
', "don't
", 'see
', 'little
', 'boys
', 'do
', 'on
', 'television.
', 'This
', 'is
', 'essentially
', 'a
', 'magical
', 'girl
', 'show
', 'with
', 'a
', 'boy
', 'as
', 'the
', 'main
', 'character.
', 'Not
', 'every
', 'episode
', 'has
', 'a
', 'fight
', 'scene,
', 'because
', 'this
', "isn't
", 'a
', 'show
', 'about
', 'action
', "it's
", 'a
', 'show
', 'about
', 'team
', 'work
', 'and
', 'friendship
', 'and
', 'donuts.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(5)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(7)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(16)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Parent
', 'of
', 'an
', 'infant
', 'and
', '5-year-old
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'miiesha120
', 'July
', '19,
', '2015
', 'The
', 'name
', 'of
', 'the
', 'game
', 'is
', 'relationships
', 'Steven
', 'universe
', 'is
', 'a
', 'show
', 'that
', 'almost
', 'primarily
', 'focuses
', 'on
', 'the
', 'strong
', 'relationships
', 'between
', 'the
', 'characters
', 'and
', 'how
', 'they
', 'react
', 'to
', 'each
', 'other
', 'as
', 'a
', 'whole.
', 'It
', 'promotes
', 'deep
', 'personal
', 'growth
', 'by
', 'exploring
', 'how
', 'people
', 'can
', 'rely
', 'on
', 'eachother,
', 'or
', 'draw
', 'on
', 'the
', 'strength
', 'of
', 'thier
', 'love
', 'for
', 'others
', 'to
', 'defend
', 'what
', 'is
', 'important
', 'to
', 'them.
', 'It
', 'is
', 'also
', 'groundbreaking
', 'in
', 'its
', 'depiction
', 'of
', 'body
', 'types
', 'that
', 'encourage
', 'self
', 'esteem
', 'among
', 'those
', 'that
', 'do
', 'not
', 'have
', 'the
', 'media-accepted
', 'form
', 'of
', 'this
', 'day
', 'and
', 'age.
', 'My
', 'son
', 'loves
', 'the
', 'characters
', 'so
', 'much,
', 'and
', 'how
', 'they
', "aren't
", 'afraid
', 'to
', 'be
', 'themselves
', 'no
', 'matter
', 'how
', 'odd
', 'it
', 'might
', 'look
', 'to
', 'some
', 'people.
', 'A
', 'few
', 'of
', 'the
', 'episodes
', 'have
', 'actually
', 'driven
', 'me
', 'to
', 'tears
', 'with
', 'the
', 'level
', 'of
', 'emotion
', 'present
', 'there.
', 'For
', 'Halloween
', 'this
', 'year,
', "I'll
", 'be
', 'amethyst.
', 'And
', "he's
", 'already
', 'called
', 'garnet.
', 'Her
', 'self
', 'assurance
', 'has
', 'made
', 'it
', 'so
', 'he
', "won't
", 'doubt
', 'himself.
', 'And
', "Steven's
", 'openness
', 'to
', 'new
', 'things
', 'means
', 'he
', 'no
', 'longer
', 'fears
', 'liking
', "'girl'
", 'things.
', 'This
', 'show
', 'broke
', 'every
', 'gender
', 'stereotype
', 'out
', 'there.
', 'Thank
', 'you
', 'Rebecca.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(4)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(5)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(6)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'Tefania
', 'T.
', 'January
', '3,
', '2018
', 'I
', 'think
', 'its
', 'more
', 'for
', 'adults
', "It's
", 'basically
', 'an
', 'acid
', 'trip
', 'and
', 'my
', 'kids
', 'were
', 'divided
', 'on
', 'it,
', 'at
', 'first.
', "I'm
", 'more
', 'of
', 'a
', 'Spongebob/BugsBunny/SonicBoom/ScoobyDoo
', 'type
', 'where
', 'kids
', 'should
', 'be
', 'kids
', 'and
', 'messages
', 'should
', 'be
', 'left
', 'for
', 'the
', 'home.
', 'Kids
', 'have
', 'all
', 'the
', 'time
', 'in
', 'the
', 'world
', 'to
', 'be
', 'adults,
', 'a
', 'short
', 'time
', 'to
', 'be
', 'kids.
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(4)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(4)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(5)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'Icyteasupport
', 'March
', '14,
', '2014
', 'Believe
', 'in
', 'Steven
', 'Universe?
', 'Amazing
', 'show,
', 'the
', 'pacing
', 'is
', 'perfect,
', 'it
', "doesn't
", 'need
', 'a
', '2
', 'part
', 'episode
', 'to
', 'explain
', 'something
', 'with
', 'loads
', 'of
', 'action
', 'and
', 'emotion.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'Violence
', '&
', 'scariness
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(2)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(6)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(5)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'GamerMedic
', 'July
', '11,
', '2015
', 'Believe
', 'In
', 'Steven!
', 'This
', 'show
', 'is
', 'sweet,
', 'well-written
', 'and
', 'all-around
', 'awesome
', 'that
', 'anyone,
', 'child,
', '"tween"
', 'teen,
', 'or
', 'adult
', 'can
', 'love.
', 'Me
', 'and
', 'my
', 'friends
', 'are
', 'just
', 'as
', 'eager
', 'to
', 'tune
', 'in
', 'as
', 'my
', 'younger
', 'cousins
', 'and
', 'even
', 'my
', 'mom
', "doesn't
", 'mind
', 'sitting
', 'in
', 'to
', 'watch.
', 'Younger
', 'kids
', 'can
', 'love
', 'the
', 'colorful
', 'characters
', 'and
', 'older
', 'teens
', 'can
', 'appreciate
', 'the
', 'writing,
', 'suprisngly
', 'detailed
', 'world
', 'building
', 'and
', 'more
', 'surrounding
', 'the
', 'Gems
', 'and,
', 'yes,
', 'brief
', 'occasional
', 'innuendo.
', '(*sarcastic
', 'gasp*)I
', 'honesty
', "can't
", 'really
', 'think
', 'of
', 'anything
', 'overtly
', 'inappropriate
', 'about
', 'this
', 'show,
', 'but
', 'its
', 'willingness
', 'to
', 'push
', 'boundaries
', 'is
', 'very
', 'appreciated
', 'by
', 'me
', 'and
', 'my
', 'friends
', 'who
', 'watch
', 'it.
', 'At
', 'its
', 'core
', 'all
', 'the
', 'characters
', 'are
', 'multifaceted
', 'people
', 'trying
', 'to
', 'get
', 'through
', 'the
', 'day
', 'and
', 'show
', 'each
', 'other
', 'how
', 'much
', 'they
', 'love
', 'one
', 'another.
', "It's
", 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'best
', 'written
', 'families
', "I've
", 'ever
', 'seen
', 'on
', 'television.
', 'The
', 'positive
', 'female
', 'and
', 'male
', 'characters
', 'of
', 'all
', 'shapes,
', 'sizes,
', 'and
', 'colors
', 'is
', 'encouraging
', 'and
', 'I
', 'think
', "there's
", 'much
', 'to
', 'be
', 'learned
', 'about
', 'tolerance
', 'and
', 'acceptance
', 'from
', 'Steven
', 'and
', 'his
', 'unusual
', 'family.
', 'I
', 'hope
', 'you
', 'can
', 'learn
', 'to
', 'Believe
', 'in
', 'Steven
', 'too!
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(4)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(2)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(6)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Parent
', 'of
', 'a
', '9-year-old
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'aborer2002
', 'January
', '1,
', '2014
', 'Great
', 'Show
', 'with
', 'Realistically
', 'Imperfect
', 'Characters
', 'A
', 'show
', 'with
', 'some
', 'minor
', 'faults,
', 'but
', 'is
', 'beautifully
', 'animated
', 'and
', 'has
', 'wonderful
', 'music.
', 'Stephen
', 'is,
', 'to
', 'me,
', 'a
', 'tragic
', 'figure,
', 'who
', 'has
', 'lost
', 'his
', 'mother,
', 'but
', 'still
', 'loves
', 'his
', 'deadbeat
', 'father.
', 'He
', 'is
', 'guided
', 'by
', 'an
', 'all-female
', 'household,
', 'all
', 'of
', 'who
', 'have
', 'good
', 'points
', 'and
', 'bad
', 'points.
', 'And
', 'they
', 'live
', 'in
', 'a
', 'rundown
', 'resort
', 'town,
', 'which
', 'to
', 'me
', 'is
', 'more
', 'realistic
', 'than
', 'any
', 'number
', 'of
', 'shows
', 'about
', 'suburban
', 'cul-de-sacs.
', 'Magical
', 'beings
', 'with
', 'flaws?
', 'Show
', 'me
', 'who
', 'is
', 'without
', 'flaws,
', 'and
', 'I
', 'will
', 'urge
', 'them
', 'to
', 'cast
', 'the
', 'first
', 'stone.
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(1)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(5)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(6)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'Ripley
', 'April
', '3,
', '2015
', 'This
', 'show
', 'needs
', 'higher
', 'ratings!
', 'I
', 'baby
', 'sit
', 'a
', 'lot,
', 'and
', 'I
', 'typically
', 'play
', 'this
', 'show
', 'to
', 'all
', 'of
', 'my
', 'kids,
', 'and
', '2-10
', '(10
', 'is
', 'the
', 'oldest)
', 'all
', 'enjoy
', 'it!
', 'The
', 'show
', 'has
', 'beautiful
', 'visuals
', 'and
', 'charming
', 'comedy.
', 'The
', 'show
', 'has
', 'great
', 'morals,
', 'and
', 'supports
', 'major
', 'body
', 'positivity.
', 'The
', 'diversity
', 'in
', 'this
', 'show
', 'is
', 'amazing!
', 'People
', 'of
', 'all
', 'races,
', 'sizes
', 'and
', 'ages
', 'are
', 'all
', 'looked
', 'upon
', 'equally
', 'in
', 'the
', 'show.
', "It's
", 'the
', 'first
', 'Cartoon
', 'network
', 'show
', 'to
', 'be
', 'written
', 'by
', 'a
', 'female
', 'too!
', 'The
', 'show
', 'deals
', 'with
', 'real
', 'life
', 'issues
', '(stevens
', 'mother
', 'dying
', 'before
', 'he
', 'met
', 'her)
', 'and
', 'also
', 'has
', 'an
', 'amazing
', 'plot
', 'and
', 'I
', "can't
", 'wait
', 'to
', 'see
', 'what
', 'they
', 'do
', 'with
', 'it
', 'next.
', 'People
', 'keep
', 'relating
', 'this
', 'to
', 'Adventure
', 'times
', 'series
', 'but
', 'I
', "don't
", 'see
', 'the
', 'relation,
', 'maybe
', 'in
', 'the
', 'early
', 'episodes,
', 'but
', 'Steven
', 'universe
', 'definitely
', 'takes
', 'more
', 'towards
', 'the
', "90's
", 'anime
', 'craze,
', 'just
', 'with
', 'a
', 'cartoon
', 'skin
', 'over
', 'it.
', 'In
', 'summary
', 'of
', 'why
', 'I
', 'love
', 'this
', 'show:1)
', 'It
', 'interests
', 'all
', 'kids,
', 'and
', 'even
', 'adults!2)
', 'diverse
', 'cast3)
', 'Positive
', 'humor
', '(no
', 'one
', 'makes
', 'fun
', 'of
', 'eachother
', 'for
', 'laughs)4)
', 'amazing
', 'art
', 'design,
', 'Animation,
', 'music,
', 'and
', 'writing!5)
', 'You
', 'can
', 'tell
', 'so
', 'much
', 'love
', 'was
', 'put
', 'into
', 'the
', 'show!
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(2)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(2)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(7)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Parent
', 'of
', 'a
', '7
', 'and
', '9-year-old
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'Raptorkaz
', 'November
', '20,
', '2013
', 'You
', 'can
', 'be
', 'a
', 'hero
', 'and
', 'still
', 'be
', 'heavy,
', 'just
', 'look
', 'at
', 'amethyst.
', 'I
', 'think
', 'that
', 'saying
', 'Steven
', 'Universe
', 'can
', 'cause
', 'body
', 'image
', 'issues
', 'for
', 'kids
', 'because
', 'there
', 'are
', 'portly
', 'characters
', 'is
', 'a
', 'very
', 'strange
', 'way
', 'of
', 'thinking.
', 'I
', 'like
', 'watching
', 'cartoons
', 'with
', 'my
', 'daughter,
', 'and
', 'I
', 'try
', 'and
', 'monitor
', 'the
', 'media
', 'she
', 'consumes.
', 'Because
', 'I
', 'watch
', 'shows
', 'with
', 'her
', 'I
', 'have
', 'noticed
', 'that
', 'nearly
', 'all
', 'the
', 'shows
', 'on
', 'Cartoon
', 'Network
', 'show
', 'skinny
', 'male
', 'characters
', 'as
', 'the
', 'heroes.
', 'I
', 'think
', "it's
", 'refreshing
', 'for
', 'her
', 'to
', 'be
', 'watching
', 'a
', 'show
', 'where
', 'the
', 'heroes,
', 'if
', 'not
', 'the
', 'titular
', 'character,
', 'are
', 'women.
', 'I
', 'think
', "it's
", 'also
', 'important
', 'that
', 'not
', 'all
', 'the
', 'characters
', 'are
', 'skinny.
', 'I
', 'want
', 'my
', 'kids
', 'to
', 'make
', 'healthy
', 'choices
', 'but
', 'I
', 'also
', "don't
", 'want
', 'my
', 'eight
', 'year
', 'old
', 'giving
', 'up
', 'treats
', 'because
', 'she
', 'thinks
', "they'll
", 'make
', 'her
', 'fat.
', 'I
', 'want
', 'her
', 'to
', 'see
', 'that
', 'you
', 'can
', 'be
', '"portly"
', 'and
', 'still
', 'be
', 'a
', 'hero.
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(2)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(3)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(5)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'taintedtea
', 'May
', '25,
', '2016
', 'amazing
', 'representation!
', 'this
', 'is
', 'a
', 'fantastic
', 'show
', 'that
', 'promotes
', 'acceptance
', 'of
', 'all
', 'different
', 'types
', 'of
', 'people
', 'and
', 'positive
', 'life
', 'messages
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(2)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(3)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(2)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'milanestablished
', 'January
', '20,
', '2014
', "It's
", 'Great
', 'When
', 'you
', 'search
', 'for
', 'wrong
', 'things
', 'you
', 'can
', 'find
', 'them!
', 'Even
', 'in
', 'a
', 'Tom
', 'and
', 'Jerry
', 'you
', 'can
', 'see
', 'stereotypes
', 'and
', 'mildly
', 'sexual
', 'behavior.People
', 'complain
', 'when
', 'there
', 'are
', 'too
', 'thin
', 'characters
', 'and
', 'people
', 'complain
', 'when
', "they're
", 'too
', 'big!
', 'We
', 'all
', 'come
', 'in
', 'different
', 'shapes
', 'and
', 'sizes
', 'and
', 'I
', 'think
', "it's
", 'refreshing
', 'to
', 'see
', 'a
', 'character
', 'that
', "doesn't
", 'fit
', 'the
', '"physical
', 'mold".
', 'Whether
', 'she
', 'be
', 'Darker
', 'skinned
', 'with
', 'a
', 'cubed
', 'futuristic
', 'afro
', 'or
', 'thin
', 'with
', 'spikey
', 'blonde
', 'hair.
', 'Each
', 'of
', 'the
', 'characters
', 'on
', 'Steven
', 'Universe
', 'are
', 'modeled
', 'after
', 'the
', 'meaning
', 'behind
', 'the
', 'gem
', 'they
', 'dawn.
', 'Garnet-
', 'ProtectionPearl-
', 'Sophistication
', 'Amethyst-
', 'PlayfulStevens
', 'character
', 'lost
', 'his
', 'mother
', 'at
', 'birth
', 'and
', 'the
', 'whole
', 'story
', 'line
', 'is
', 'not
', 'only
', 'him
', 'saving
', 'the
', 'world
', 'but
', 'finding
', 'himself
', 'while
', 'being
', 'taken
', 'care
', 'of
', 'by
', 'his
', 'late
', 'mothers
', '"sisters".
', 'The
', 'father
', "isn't
", 'an
', 'active
', 'or
', 'constant
', 'part
', 'of
', 'his
', 'life
', 'but
', 'he
', 'continues
', 'to
', 'be
', 'fun
', 'loving
', 'and
', 'learns
', 'himself
', 'each
', 'episode
', 'with
', 'the
', 'women
', 'in
', 'his
', 'life.
', 'He
', 'takes
', 'trips
', 'to
', 'see
', 'his
', 'father
', 'they
', 'mourn
', 'as
', 'well
', 'as
', 'celebrate
', 'the
', 'life
', 'of
', 'Stevens
', 'Mother.
', 'I
', 'think
', "it's
", 'a
', 'positive
', 'message
', 'for
', 'racial,
', 'physical,
', 'and
', 'emotional
', 'tolerance.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(3)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(4)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'Ryan
', 'P.
', 'March
', '5,
', '2018
', 'the
', 'most
', 'sombering
', 'bleak
', 'kids
', 'show
', 'disguised
', 'as
', 'anyother
', 'cartoon
', 'for
', 'kids
', 'Everyone
', 'said
', 'that
', 'this
', 'show
', 'is
', 'full
', 'of
', 'heart,
', 'Yeah
', 'and
', 'bojack
', 'horseman
', 'was
', 'made
', 'by
', 'steven
', 'spielberg.
', 'were
', 'supposed
', 'to
', 'feel
', 'very
', 'sorry
', 'for
', 'all
', 'the
', 'characters
', 'but
', 'there
', 'is
', 'one
', 'major
', 'flaw
', 'to
', 'it
', 'all
', 'and
', 'is
', 'that
', 'the
', 'fact
', 'that
', 'everything
', 'that
', 'goes
', 'on
', 'in
', 'this
', 'show
', 'is
', 'from
', 'stevens
', 'point
', 'of
', 'view
', 'meaning
', 'we
', "don't
", 'even
', 'see
', 'or
', 'know
', "what's
", 'going
', 'on
', 'outside
', 'from
', 'steven
', 'or
', 'unless
', 'the
', 'writers
', 'put
', 'steven
', 'in
', 'there
', 'to
', 'know
', "what's
", 'going
', 'on.
', 'As
', 'for
', 'how
', 'depressingly
', 'sad
', 'a
', 'kids
', 'show
', 'like
', 'this
', 'is
', 'we
', 'as
', 'an
', 'audience
', 'learn
', 'that
', 'the
', 'crystal
', 'gems
', 'blame
', 'steven
', 'himself
', 'for
', 'the
', 'lost
', 'of
', 'their
', 'beloved
', 'leader
', 'Rose
', 'quartz
', 'and
', 'that
', 'is
', 'never
', 'and
', 'I
', 'mean
', 'gets
', 'resolved
', 'sense
', 'the
', 'start
', 'of
', 'season
', '2
', 'and
', 'onward.
', 'Another
', 'thing
', 'about
', 'the
', 'show
', 'is
', 'how
', 'it
', 'teaches
', 'everyone
', 'that
', 'nobody
', 'is
', 'perfect
', 'and
', "it's
", 'OK
', 'well
', 'here
', 'it
', 'is
', 'not
', 'OK
', 'because
', 'it
', 'should
', 'be
', 'used
', 'as
', 'an
', 'excuse
', 'for
', 'all
', 'the
', 'awful
', 'things
', 'you
', 'say
', 'or
', 'do
', 'and
', 'no
', 'one
', 'should
', 'ever
', 'cut
', 'you
', 'some
', 'slack.
', 'now
', 'I
', "don't
", 'really
', 'mind
', 'the
', 'shows
', 'willingness
', 'to
', 'represent
', 'people
', 'of
', 'the
', 'LGBT
', 'community
', 'of
', 'any
', 'other
', 'social
', 'progressive
', 'things
', 'like
', 'that,
', 'but
', 'for
', 'what
', 'I
', 'said
', 'above
', 'is
', "what's
", 'important.
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(2)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(2)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(2)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'NoahF
', '1
', 'February
', '16,
', '2015
', 'A
', 'renaissance
', 'in
', 'CN
', 'programming
', 'I
', 'was
', 'not
', 'expecting
', 'to
', 'be
', 'a
', 'fan
', 'on
', 'Steven
', 'Universe,
', 'but
', "I'm
", '18
', 'and
', "I'm
", 'even
', 'more
', 'of
', 'a
', 'fan
', 'than
', 'my
', '9
', 'year
', 'old
', 'brother.Steven
', 'Universe
', 'is
', 'a
', 'fantastic,
', 'paradigm
', 'shifting
', 'show
', 'for
', 'Cartoon
', 'Network.
', 'It
', 'works
', 'on
', 'so
', 'many
', 'levels.
', 'Smaller
', 'kids
', 'can
', 'enjoy
', 'the
', 'flashy
', 'art
', 'and
', 'cool
', 'animation,
', 'tweens
', 'and
', 'younger
', 'teens
', 'can
', 'enjoy
', 'a
', 'lot
', 'of
', 'the
', 'jokes,
', 'and
', 'older
', 'viewers
', '(parents,
', 'older
', 'siblings,
', 'others)
', 'will
', 'be
', 'able
', 'to
', 'enjoy
', 'the
', 'deeper
', 'sci-fi
', 'plot
', 'that
', 'works
', 'out
', 'to
', 'more
', 'of
', 'a
', 'drama
', 'than
', 'a
', 'run-of-the-mill
', 'Cartoon
', 'Network
', 'show.In
', 'later
', 'episodes,
', 'you
', 'find
', 'out
', 'the
', 'Crystal
', 'Gems
', 'actually
', 'cut
', 'themselves
', 'off
', 'from
', 'their
', 'home
', 'planet
', 'because
', 'their
', 'kind
', 'tried
', 'to
', 'do
', '"something
', 'bad"
', 'to
', 'the
', 'Earth.
', 'All
', 'the
', 'monsters
', 'they
', 'fight
', 'used
', 'to
', 'be
', 'like
', 'them,
', 'and
', 'whatnot.
', 'The
', 'show
', 'is
', 'the
', 'first
', 'to
', 'have
', 'an
', 'overarching
', 'story
', 'and
', "it's
", 'really
', 'good.
', 'The
', 'voice
', 'acting
', 'is
', 'phenomenal
', 'and
', 'one
', 'of
', 'my
', 'favourite
', 'parts
', 'about
', 'the
', 'show
', 'is
', 'the
', 'music
', 'used
', 'in
', 'it.The
', 'composers
', 'for
', 'the
', 'show,
', 'a
', 'video
', 'game
', 'music
', 'making
', 'duo
', 'called
', 'Aivi
', 'and
', 'Surasshu,
', 'create
', 'such
', 'poignant
', 'pieces
', 'that
', 'can
', 'really
', 'swing
', 'the
', 'mood
', 'of
', 'the
', 'show,
', 'whether
', "it's
", 'elegant
', 'piano
', 'pieces
', 'during
', 'a
', 'sword
', 'fight,
', 'or
', 'brilliant,
', 'moving
', 'violin
', 'pieces
', 'when
', 'a
', 'back
', 'story
', 'of
', "Steven's
", 'mother,
', 'the
', 'late
', 'Rose
', 'Quartz,
', 'is
', 'revealed.Long
', 'story
', 'short,
', 'seriously.
', 'Watch
', 'this
', 'show.
', 'It
', 'is
', 'brilliant,
', 'funny,
', 'and
', 'just
', 'all
', 'around
', 'a
', 'great
', 'watch.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(2)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(4)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Parent
', 'of
', 'a
', '9-year-old
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'mcgintymk
', 'January
', '24,
', '2015
', 'Better
', 'than
', 'Expected
', 'I
', 'admit
', 'I
', 'was
', 'skeptical
', 'about
', 'the
', 'quality
', 'of
', 'the
', 'show
', 'when
', 'I
', 'saw
', 'it
', 'advertised.
', 'But,
', 'being
', 'an
', 'illustrator,
', "I've
", 'had
', 'a
', 'lifelong
', 'interest
', 'in
', 'cartoons.
', 'I
', 'was
', 'surprised
', 'that
', 'the
', 'heroes
', 'of
', 'the
', 'show
', 'are
', 'women
', 'even
', 'though
', 'Steven
', 'is
', 'the
', 'focus.
', 'As
', 'well,
', 'I
', 'thought
', 'it
', 'refreshing
', 'that
', 'the
', 'women
', 'represent
', 'ethnicities
', 'besides
', 'Caucasian
', 'and
', 'their
', 'body
', 'types
', 'are
', 'not
', 'idealized
', '"Barbie"
', 'types.
', 'Yes,
', 'their
', 'is
', 'bloodless
', 'fighting
', 'but
', 'this
', 'is
', 'a
', 'show
', 'about
', 'superheroes.
', 'What
', 'really
', 'strikes
', 'me
', 'about
', 'every
', 'episode
', 'is
', 'the
', 'affection
', 'between
', 'Steven
', 'and
', 'the
', 'gems.
', 'Steven
', 'is
', 'kind,
', 'caring
', 'and
', 'thoughtful
', 'and
', 'the
', 'gems
', 'are
', 'supportive
', 'and
', 'nurturing
', 'to
', 'Steven.
', 'Essentially
', 'at
', 'the
', 'end
', 'of
', 'the
', 'episodes
', "I'm
", 'left
', 'thinking
', 'how
', 'sweet
', 'the
', 'show
', 'is.
', "I'm
", 'glad
', 'there
', 'is
', 'a
', 'cartoon
', 'like
', 'this
', 'on
', 'television.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(2)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(4)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Parent
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'Darla
', 'Tea
', 'November
', '4,
', '2013
', 'Special
', 'New
', 'Show
', 'I
', 'found
', 'this
', 'show
', 'to
', 'be
', 'sweet
', 'and
', 'creative
', 'with
', 'a
', 'cute
', "80's
", 'retro
', 'sensibility.
', 'Because
', 'the
', 'creator
', 'came
', 'from
', 'Adventure
', 'Time
', '(
', 'Rebecca
', 'Sugar)
', 'the
', 'storyline
', "doesn't
", 'condescend
', 'to
', 'adults
', 'or
', 'kids,
', 'female
', 'or
', 'male
', 'members.
', 'The
', 'main
', 'character
', 'is
', 'a
', 'kind
', 'of
', 'outcast
', 'trying
', 'to
', 'find
', 'himself
', 'and
', 'connect
', 'with
', 'his
', 'imperfect
', 'father
', 'and
', 'apparently
', 'deceased
', 'mother
', '(
', 'from
', 'whom
', 'he
', 'received
', 'his
', 'powers?).
', "It's
", 'already
', 'engaging.
', 'Our
', 'family
', 'is
', 'looking
', 'forward
', 'to
', 'more.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(2)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(4)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'AortaPlatinum
', 'September
', '17,
', '2018
', 'A
', 'great
', 'concept
', 'with
', 'sloppy,
', 'drawn
', 'out
', 'execution
', 'Season
', '1
', 'sucks.
', 'Period.
', 'If
', 'you
', 'can
', 'force
', 'your
', 'way
', 'through
', 'about
', '30
', 'episodes
', 'though,
', 'it
', 'starts
', 'getting
', 'good.
', 'The
', 'plot
', 'gets
', 'twisty
', 'and
', 'backstories
', 'begin
', 'to
', 'reveal
', 'themselves,
', 'and
', 'you
', 'eventually
', 'discover
', 'more
', 'about
', 'what
', 'Gems
', 'really
', 'are,
', 'and
', 'where
', 'they
', 'came
', 'from.
', 'So
', 'many
', 'mysteries
', 'are
', 'lying
', 'just
', 'under
', 'the
', 'surface,
', 'but
', 'instead,
', 'focus
', 'on
', 'these
', 'boring
', 'normal
', 'townspeople!
', 'Everybody
', 'loves
', 'doughnut
', 'girl
', 'and
', 'nerd
', 'guy!
', "Don't
", 'forget
', 'about
', 'sociopath
', 'jerkhead
', 'doughnut
', 'boy
', 'who
', 'has
', 'absolutely
', 'zero
', 'redeeming
', 'qualities
', 'and
', 'yet
', 'becomes
', 'a
', 'part
', 'of
', 'the
', 'main
', 'plot
', 'late
', 'in
', 'the
', 'show!
', 'It
', 'sucks
', 'too,
', 'this
', 'is
', 'such
', 'a
', 'cool
', 'idea;
', 'a
', 'weird
', 'half
', 'human
', 'half
', 'Gem
', 'trying
', 'to
', 'find
', 'himself
', 'and
', 'learn
', 'about
', 'both
', 'cultures
', 'while
', 'also
', 'having
', 'to
', 'deal
', 'with
', 'the
', 'threats
', 'caused
', 'by
', 'and
', 'eventually
', 'directly
', 'sent
', 'by
', 'Homeworld.
', 'One
', 'of
', 'my
', 'favorite
', 'parts
', 'of
', 'this
', 'show
', 'is
', 'that
', 'it
', 'shows
', 'just
', 'how
', 'similar
', 'everyone
', 'is
', 'despite
', 'their
', 'differences.
', 'Humans
', 'and
', 'Gems
', 'both
', 'cry
', '(a
', 'lot),
', 'they
', 'both
', 'get
', 'hurt,
', 'they
', 'both
', 'feel
', 'similar
', 'things.
', "I'm
", 'glad
', 'I
', 'started
', 'watching
', 'this
', 'when
', 'I
', 'was
', 'still
', 'in
', 'high
', 'school,
', 'it
', 'was
', 'so
', 'refreshing
', 'to
', 'see
', 'a
', 'series
', 'that
', 'portrayed
', 'people
', 'of
', 'all
', 'types
', 'while
', 'highlighting
', 'their
', 'similarities.
', 'Unfortunately
', 'things
', 'have
', 'fallen
', 'off
', 'as
', 'of
', 'late,
', 'the
', 'series
', 'feels
', 'like
', "it's
", 'being
', 'intentionally
', 'dragged
', 'out
', 'even
', 'more
', 'than
', 'usual,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'pacing
', 'is
', 'confusing.
', 'Like,
', 'one
', 'episode
', 'ends
', 'with
', 'a
', 'character
', 'about
', 'to
', 'go
', 'on
', 'a
', 'space
', 'adventure
', 'in
', 'a
', 'stolen
', 'hijacked
', 'Gem
', 'spaceship
', 'IN
', 'SPACE,
', 'only
', 'to
', 'be
', 'followed
', 'by
', 'an
', 'episode
', 'about
', 'a
', 'citizen
', 'of
', 'Beach
', 'City
', 'doing
', 'boring
', 'human
', 'stuff.
', "I'm
", 'really
', 'just
', 'watching
', 'because
', 'I
', 'want
', 'to
', 'see
', 'how
', 'this
', 'ends,
', 'I
', "can't
", 'just
', 'stop
', 'now,
', 'Steven
', 'is
', 'stranded
', 'in
', 'space
', '(again
', 'again)
', 'as
', 'of
', 'September
', '2018!
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Violence
', '&
', 'scariness
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(1)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(1)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(3)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'justatyler
', 'April
', '2,
', '2015
', 'Interesting
', 'and
', 'emotional
', 'Honestly
', 'i
', "don't
", 'like
', 'many
', 'Cartoon
', 'Network
', 'shows
', 'today,
', 'but
', 'Steven
', 'Universe
', 'is
', 'among
', 'those
', 'that
', 'are
', 'really
', 'great,the
', 'main
', 'character
', 'Steven
', 'is
', 'just
', 'so
', 'goofy,
', 'yet
', 'cool,
', 'and
', 'the
', 'Gems
', 'are
', 'such
', 'strong
', 'female
', 'rolemodels
', '(
', 'although
', 'they
', 'are
', 'sexless
', 'by
', 'term
', 'on
', 'Wikipedia)
', '.
', 'The
', 'story
', 'is
', 'great,
', "I'm
", 'about
', 'to
', 'watch
', 'the
', 'only
', 'episode
', 'i
', 'regret
', 'to
', 'watch
', 'and
', 'thats
', 'because
', 'Uncle
', 'Grandpa
', 'is
', 'in
', 'it
', '(terrible
', 'CN
', 'show)
', 'give
', 'this
', 'show
', 'a
', 'try
', 'and
', 'all
', 'but
', 'dont
', 'expect
', 'much
', 'from
', 'the
', 'UG
', 'crossover
', 'episode,
', 'everything
', 'else
', 'is
', '10/10
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(1)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(1)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(2)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Parent
', 'of
', 'a
', '6-year-old
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'mintyrainbow
', 'April
', '1,
', '2015
', 'wonderful
', 'This
', 'is
', 'a
', 'great
', 'show
', 'with
', 'a
', 'lot
', 'of
', 'good
', 'lessons,
', 'although
', 'I
', "don't
", 'agree
', 'with
', 'the
', 'sex
', 'point
', 'made
', 'in
', 'the
', 'review.
', 'I
', 'searched
', 'that
', 'episode
', 'because
', 'I
', 'found
', 'it
', 'concerning
', 'but
', 'the
', 'reason
', 'he
', 'was
', 'being
', 'rubbed
', 'against
', 'the
', 'canon
', 'was
', 'to
', 'activate
', 'it
', 'with
', 'his
', 'gem
', 'which
', 'is
', 'on
', 'his
', 'belly
', 'button.
', 'The
', 'other
', 'didnt
', 'tell
', 'Steven
', 'to
', 'stop
', 'but
', 'told
', 'amethyst
', 'to
', 'stop
', 'because
', 'she
', 'was
', 'hurting
', 'Steven.
', 'I
', 'really
', 'like
', 'this
', 'show
', 'and
', 'recommend
', 'it
', 'to
', 'anyone
', 'reading
', 'this
', 'review.
', 'This
', 'show
', 'supports
', 'things
', 'like
', 'being
', 'happy
', 'with
', 'your
', 'weight
', 'and
', 'your
', 'skin
', 'color,
', 'also
', 'teaches
', 'great
', 'morals
', 'and
', 'even
', 'a
', 'few
', 'gem
', 'facts
', 'lol.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(1)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(2)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(1)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'naomitheepic
', 'December
', '28,
', '2014
', 'Absolutely
', 'Inaccurate
', 'review
', 'by
', 'CSM!
', 'This
', 'show
', 'is
', 'great!
', 'I
', 'feel
', 'that
', 'Emily
', 'Ashby
', 'is
', 'grasping
', 'for
', 'bad
', 'things
', 'to
', 'say
', 'about
', 'this
', 'show,
', 'and
', 'it
', 'has
', 'left
', 'her
', 'review
', 'with
', 'very
', 'ridiculous
', 'and
', 'unjustified
', 'arguments.
', 'Steven
', 'Universe
', 'tells
', 'kid
', 'about
', 'life
', 'and
', 'how
', 'it
', 'is
', 'never
', 'easy.
', 'Steven
', 'is
', 'raised
', 'by
', '3
', 'of
', 'his
', 'passed
', "mother's
", 'best
', 'friends.
', '3
', 'role
', 'models,
', 'each
', 'with
', 'thier
', 'own
', 'body
', 'types,
', 'personalities
', 'and
', 'characteristics,
', 'but
', 'each
', 'with
', 'their
', 'own
', 'flaws,
', 'showing
', 'even
', 'heros
', 'are
', 'not
', 'perfect
', ',
', 'a
', 'very
', 'rare
', 'find
', 'in
', "children's
", 'TV
', 'shows.
', 'Steven
', 'looks
', 'up
', 'to
', 'them
', 'and
', 'longs
', 'to
', 'be
', 'like
', 'them.
', 'Stevens
', 'family
', 'is
', 'far
', 'from
', 'perfect,
', 'but
', 'he
', 'accepts
', 'it
', 'and
', "wouldn't
", 'have
', 'it
', 'any
', 'other
', 'way.
', 'He
', 'looks
', 'on
', 'the
', 'bright
', 'side
', 'of
', 'everything
', 'and
', 'sees
', 'good
', 'in
', 'all,
', 'even
', 'Lars,
', 'the
', 'teen
', 'who
', 'picks
', 'on
', 'him
', 'daily.
', "Don't
", 'get
', 'me
', 'wrong,
', 'Steven
', 'is
', 'not
', 'perfect.
', 'Like
', 'any
', 'other
', 'child
', 'he
', 'makes
', 'mistakes
', 'and
', 'learns
', 'from
', 'them,
', 'gets
', 'into
', 'trouble
', 'and
', 'other
', 'things.
', 'This
', 'show
', 'gives
', 'an
', 'accurate
', 'portrayal
', 'of
', 'how
', 'life
', 'works
', 'in
', 'mysterious
', 'ways
', 'and
', 'how
', 'things
', "don't
", 'alway
', 'turn
', 'out
', 'the
', 'way
', 'you
', 'want.
', 'How
', 'did
', 'this
', 'get
', 'the
', 'same
', 'rating
', 'as
', 'Uncle
', 'Grandpa.
', 'HOW!?
', 'This
', 'is
', 'a
', 'downright
', 'insult
', 'to
', 'Rebbeca
', 'Sugar
', 'and
', 'all
', 'the
', 'effort
', 'she
', 'put
', 'into
', 'this
', 'work
', 'of
', 'art.
', 'I
', 'have
', 'seen
', 'every
', 'episode
', 'and
', 'can
', 'barely
', 'recall
', 'a
', 'single
', '"Sexual
', 'Innuendo"
', 'they
', 'are
', 'so
', 'vauge
', 'that
', 'they
', 'would
', 'fly
', 'over
', 'any
', 'child-
', 'even
', "tweens'
", 'head.
', 'The
', 'racisim
', 'claim
', 'is
', 'probably
', 'the
', 'most
', 'pathetic
', 'thing
', 'in
', 'this
', 'review.
', 'Ugh.
', 'Steven
', 'Universe
', 'is
', 'all
', 'about
', 'self
', 'discovery,
', 'family,
', 'bravery
', 'and
', 'most
', 'importantly
', '.
', 'Love.
', 'I
', 'always
', 'recommend
', 'this
', 'show
', 'to
', 'adults
', 'and
', 'children
', 'alike.
', 'VERY
', 'positive
', 'role
', 'models,
', 'engaging
', 'backstory
', '(some
', 'tear
', 'moments)
', 'and
', 'messages
', 'sure
', 'to
', 'sick
', 'with
', 'many
', 'children!
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(1)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(3)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'Infinity8
', 'April
', '14,
', '2014
', 'Emily,
', 'your
', 'review
', 'of
', 'the
', 'characters
', 'is
', 'so
', 'off
', 'mark
', 'You
', 'make
', 'it
', 'sound
', 'as
', 'if
', 'having
', 'different
', 'body
', 'types
', 'is
', 'somehow
', 'disrespectful,
', 'but
', 'its
', 'not.
', 'Steven
', 'Universe
', 'character
', 'designs
', 'embrace
', 'the
', 'differences.
', 'I
', 'also
', 'find
', 'it
', 'funny
', 'how
', "you're
", 'review
', 'says
', 'nothing
', 'about
', 'pearls
', 'body
', 'type
', 'because
', 'in
', 'your
', 'mind
', 'its
', 'probably
', '"normal".
', 'Embrace
', 'differences,
', "don't
", 'erase
', 'them.
', 'Heres
', 'a
', 'more
', 'accurate
', 'review
', 'of
', 'the
', 'characters.
', 'Steven
', 'is
', 'a
', 'boy
', 'who
', 'is
', 'also
', 'a
', 'crystal
', 'gem.
', 'Hes
', 'very
', 'energetic
', 'and
', 'looks
', 'up
', 'to
', 'his
', '3
', 'friends
', 'Garnet,
', 'Amethyst
', 'and
', 'Pearl.
', 'His
', 'curiosity
', 'and
', 'awe
', 'often
', 'gets
', 'him
', 'into
', 'trouble
', 'but
', 'the
', 'rest
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Gems
', 'are
', 'always
', 'around
', 'to
', 'help
', 'him
', 'solve
', 'the
', 'problem
', 'while
', 'teaching
', 'him
', 'a
', 'lesson
', 'in
', 'the
', 'process.
', 'Garnet
', 'is
', 'the
', 'cool
', 'and
', 'level
', 'headed
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Gems.
', 'She
', 'almost
', 'has
', 'a
', 'leadership
', 'role
', 'in
', 'the
', 'group.
', 'Shes
', 'very
', 'patient
', 'with
', 'Steven
', 'and
', 'the
', 'rest
', 'of
', 'the
', 'Gems.
', 'She
', 'always
', 'gets
', 'along
', 'with
', 'along
', 'with
', 'everyone
', 'because
', 'she
', "doesn't
", 'judge.
', 'The
', 'right
', 'amount
', 'of
', 'seriousness
', 'and
', 'fun.
', 'Amethyst
', 'is
', 'a
', 'silly,
', 'rambunctious
', 'girl
', 'who
', 'likes
', 'to
', 'have
', 'fun
', 'all
', 'the
', 'time.
', 'She
', 'and
', 'Pearl
', 'have
', 'a
', 'bit
', 'of
', 'a
', 'friendship
', 'rivalry
', 'since
', 'their
', 'characters
', 'are
', 'almost
', 'opposite
', 'to
', 'each
', 'other.
', 'She
', "doesn't
", 'like
', 'responsibilities
', 'and
', "doesn't
", 'care
', 'too
', 'much
', 'for
', 'tidiness.
', 'She
', 'reminds
', 'Steven
', 'to
', 'have
', 'a
', 'little
', 'fun
', 'sometimes
', 'and
', 'encourages
', 'him
', 'to
', 'continue
', 'being
', 'himself.
', 'Pearl
', 'is
', 'the
', 'gentle
', 'but
', 'strict
', 'one.
', 'She
', 'likes
', 'order
', 'and
', 'cleanness
', 'and
', 'is
', 'often
', 'seen
', 'bickering
', 'with
', 'Amethyst
', 'about
', "Amethyst's
", 'untidy
', 'habits.
', 'She
', 'reminds
', 'Steven
', 'that
', 'he
', 'has
', 'to
', 'be
', 'responsible
', 'and
', 'in
', 'my
', 'opinion
', 'is
', 'almost
', 'like
', 'Stevens
', 'mother
', 'figure
', 'since
', 'he
', "doesn't
", 'have
', 'his
', 'motherly
', 'around
', 'anymore.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(1)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(3)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
', 'Adult
', 'Written
', 'by
', 'prettyboy
', 'March
', '15,
', '2014
', 'One
', 'of
', 'the
', 'best
', 'new
', 'shows
', 'on
', 'air!
', 'Steven
', 'Universe
', 'is
', 'a
', 'sweet,
', 'considerate,
', 'adorable
', 'kid
', 'being
', 'raised
', 'by
', 'three
', 'incredible
', 'women
', 'and
', 'protectors
', 'of
', 'the
', 'universe
', '(both
', 'Steven
', 'and
', 'the
', 'one
', 'we
', 'live
', 'in).
', 'Not
', 'only
', 'is
', 'the
', 'show
', 'cute,
', 'funny,
', 'and
', 'action-packed,
', 'one
', 'of
', 'the
', 'things
', 'that
', 'really
', 'hit
', 'me
', 'was
', 'the
', 'positive
', 'representation
', 'of
', 'fat
', 'characters
', '(such
', 'as
', 'Steven
', 'himself
', 'and
', 'Amethyst,
', 'a
', 'shapeshifter),
', 'and
', 'Women
', 'of
', 'Color
', '(such
', 'as
', 'the
', 'cool
', 'and
', 'collected
', 'leader
', 'Garnet,
', 'Amethyst,
', 'and
', "Steven's
", 'friend
', 'Connie),an
', 'aspect
', 'that
', 'many
', 'shows
', 'unfortunately
', 'lack.
', 'This
', 'title
', 'contains:
', 'Positive
', 'Messages
', 'Positive
', 'role
', 'models
', 'This
', 'review...
', 'Helped
', 'me
', 'decide
', '(1)
', 'Had
', 'useful
', 'details
', '(1)
', 'Read
', 'my
', 'mind
', '(2)
', 'Report
', 'this
', 'review
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