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Physical Sciences

habboin 04/08/2021 Universe 3292
PRACTISE INTELLIGENTLYPRACTISE FOR TESTS EXAMs online ON yOUR PHoNEsts and exams you need practibut knowing where to start and getting pastEffect of mass on gravitational forcepapers can be difficultn...

PRACTISE INTELLIGENTLYPRACTISE FOR TESTS EXAMs online ON yOUR PHoNEsts and exams you need practibut knowing where to start and getting pastEffect of mass on gravitational forcepapers can be difficult

ntelligent Practice is an online maths andence practice service that allows you tor you and get your answers checked instantlyPractise questions like these by registeringevervthingscience[1AnglesadrilateralsWavelength and diffractionYOUR DASHBOARDvidualised dashboard on IntelligentPractice helps you keep track of youcheck your progress and mastery tmm othe book and use it to hanage your studies and target youcanw your teachers, parents, universitiesor bursary institutions what you have done heemgowe ewg B

Contents1 Skills for science611 The development of a scientific theory2 Scientific methodaboratory safety proceduresMomentumted6 Phy3 Vertical projectile motion in one dimension32 Vertical projectile motion42 Organic molecular structuresd structu4

6 Addition elimination and substitution reactions47 Plastics and polymers234553 Work-energy theorem0009mmaryppler enec63 The Doppler effect with light7 Rate and Extent of Reaction270ates of Ieaction and factors affecting rateChapter summary

8 Chemical equilib2 The equilibrium constal83 Le Chatelier9 Acids and bases91 Acids and bases92 Acid-base reacti9 4 Titrations95 Applications of acids and bases10 Electric circuits1 Introd05 Extension: Wheatstone bridge [Not examinable0 6 Chapter12 Electrical machines- generators and motors11

3 Alternating current12 Optical phenomena and properties of matter4261 Introduction22 The photoelectric effect12 3 Emission and absorption spectra43513 Electrochemical reactions4443 1 Revision of oxidati3 2 Writing redox and half-reactio5 The effects of current and potential on rate and equilibrium36 Standard electrode37 Applications of electrochemistry3 8 Chapter summat48849443F4 The fertiliser industry45 Alternativees of fertilisersronmenttions to exerc513Image attribute

Hsieh; George Hugo; Dr Belinda Huntleyof ed Jacobs: Hester Jacobs: Stefan Jacobs

Kamper;: Dr Lutz KampmSimon katende: Natalia kavaKlay, Andrea Koch: Gvan Koersveld; Bishop Komolafe: Dr Timo KrieL; Lara Kruger; sihleLeeuwen: Dr Toets lourens: Chris Louw: Amandla Mabon: Malothe Mabutho: stuart Macdonald Dr Anton mek: Tshepo Madishaacqueatthews: chieMazolo: Stephen McBride: JoELlenAbdul Mirza: Colin Mkhize: Mapholo Modise: Carla Moerdyk; Tshwarelo MRelebohile Molaoa: Marasi Monyau: AsogMurphy: Emmanuel MusonaMutabazi: David Myburgh: Johann Myburgh: Kaony Nzundu; Jacquin October; Thomas o DonnelL; Dr Markus oldenarad za: Clare Patrick: Quiulse: Dave PawsSirika Pillay: Jacques Plaut; Johan dlessisdu plessisry Povey: AndRas:na J Rassias: Ona Rautenbach; Dr Jocelyn Read; JoRemsing: Dr Liezel Retief: Adam Reynolds: Laura Richter, MRichter: Sean Riddle: Dr David Roberts: Christopher Roberts: Helen RobelWilliam Robinson: Evan Robinson cRoelofse: Raoul Rontsch: DrRose: Katie Ross: Karen Roux: Dr Maritha le Roux: Jeanne-Marie Roux: karen Rouxrk RoNitin Rughoonauth: Katie RSchalkwyk; Christo van Schalkwyk: Dr Carl Schefflerhaniel schwartz: DScott: Helen Seals: Relebohile sefakeRoger Sieloff: Brandon Sim; Bonga Skozana: Bradley Smith: Greg Solomon: Zamekile sondzaba; Nicholas spaull; MargaSpies: Dr Andrew Stacey: Dr Jim Stasheff: Mike sol Steenkaky Stocks: Dr Fred strassbergXolani Tim bile: Dr Francoisdu Toit: Nicola du Toit; DMfundo Vezi; Mpilonhle vilakazi: Katie viljoen: Adele de villiers; Daan visage: Wetsle visser, Alexander Volkwyn; KosmMaltitz: Dr KWalmsley: Duncan Watson-Waugh: Leandra Webb: Dr Dawn Webber: Michelle weVivian White: Mark Whitehead: Dr Gerald Wigger: Harry wiggwald zletsman: Johan Zietsman: Marina va

EVERYTHING SCIENGWhen we look outside at everything in nature look around us at everything manufacturedbut be struck by thcomplexity of life: so many things, that look so different, operating in such unique wayse physical universe really contains incredible complexitye physical universe are knowable

We can investigate them, analyse them and undewe look back at some of the things that developed over the last century n space traveladvances in medicine, wireless communication(from televisions)andaterials a thousand times stronger than steel we see they are not the consequence omagic or some inexplicable phenomena They were all developed through the study andiences, so as we look forwthe 2]st centurand some of the problems of poverty, disease and pollution that face us, it is partly to thephysical sciences we need to turnem, we know that the physiable and that the dedicated study thereof can lead to the most remarkable advancesof the phtuniverse and working with thdiversity therein to develop prod-cts and services that add real quality to peopleisPhysical sciences is far more wonderful, exciting and beautifuwhereSIYAVULA

SPONSORhis textbook was developed with corporate social investment funding from MMoldingsMMI HOLDINGSWell structured, impactful Corporate Social Investment (CSi)has thecontribute positively to nation building and drive positive change in theMMIs commitment to social investment means that we are constantly looking for waysssist some of south africa's most vulnerable citizens to expand theirsoclal investmena nice to nave or as an exercise in marketing or sponsorsather as a critical part of our contribution to societyhe merger between Metropolitan and momentum was lauded for the complementaryit between two companies This complementary fit is also evideareasdying of this scourgeunnecessarily

Metropolitan continues to make a difference in making sure that HIV AIDsmoves away from being a death sentence to a manageable disease Metropoliotherfocus area is education which remains the key to economic prosperity for our countryMomentum's focus on persons with disabilities ensures that this community is includedand allowed to make their contribution to society Orphaned and vulnerable childrenectsmomentumMETROPOLITAN處

EVERYTHING MATHS SCIENCEe sciences and Mathematical literacy


DIGITAL TEXTBOOKSREAD ONLINEWatch this textbook comve on the web In additionhe content in this printed copyvideos, presentations and simulations to give you a moreomprehensive learning experiencewwweverythingmathscozaandwwweverythingsciencecozaEVERYTHING SCIENCESIYAVULAEVERYTHING MATHSSIYAVULAStates of matterCHECK YOUR ANSWERS ONLINE OR ON YOUR PHONEWant the answers? view the fully worked solutigit combination of letters and numbers)into the search box onwwweverythingmathsco

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